{ "name": "Vegetational Increase", "icon": "minecraft:wheat_seeds", "category": "effects", "advancement": "naturesaura:flower_generator", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "When the amount of $(aura) in an area is high enough for it to become unstable, it starts to migrate into parts of vegetation that is close by, specifically plants like $(item)Wheat$(), $(item)Potatoes$() and so on. This will cause them to have $(thing)growth spurts$(), while, at the same time, causing the $(aura) in the area to slightly decrease as a result." }, { "type": "text", "text": "Effects like these become apparent around the time that the meter of the $(l:items/eye)Environmental Eye$() fills up by about three quarters.$(br)This effect is known to only occur in the $(thing)overworld$()." }, { "type": "naturesaura:tree_ritual", "recipe": "naturesaura:plant_powder", "text": "This effect can be inhibited in a radius of about 15 blocks using $(l:effects/inhibiting_powder)Powder of Steady Growth$()." } ] }