{ "name": "Shifting Sundial", "icon": "naturesaura:time_changer", "category": "naturesaura:using", "advancement": "naturesaura:aura_bottle_end", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Certain activities, especially building and hunting for monsters, can only easily be done at certain times. Over the years, magical botanists have tried to find a way to manipulate $(thing)time$() itself for personal gain. The $(item)Shifting Sundial$() has the ability to do exactly that. While quite expensive to set up, it has the ability to fast forward to $(thing)any time of day or night$() with ease." }, { "type": "text", "text": "To set it up, all that is required is for the $(item)Shifting Sundial$() to have an $(item)Item Frame$() on it containg a $(item)Hand of Time$(). The $(thing)rotation$() of the hand in the frame will then determine the time that will be skipped to, with the hand pointing to the top corresponding to midnight. To activate a time skip, a regular $(item)Clock$() has to be dropped very close to the sundial.$(br)This, of course, comes at the cost of a large amount of $(aura) - the more time skipped, the more will be consumed." }, { "type": "crafting", "text": "Creating the $(item)Shifting Sundial$()", "recipe": "naturesaura:time_changer" }, { "type": "naturesaura:offering", "text": "Requesting the $(item)Hand of Time$() with the $(l:practices/offering)Offering to the Gods$()", "recipe": "naturesaura:clock_hand" } ] }