{ "name": "Nature's Mend", "icon": "minecraft:enchanted_book", "category": "naturesaura:using", "advancement": "naturesaura:infused_tools", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Having gained knowledge of the powers of $(l:items/infused_iron_tools)Infused Iron tools$(), one could wish for a certain one of these abilities to be applied to other tools, specifically their Aura-aided $(thing)repairing$(). The $(item)Nature's Mend$() enchantment gives any tool or armor piece the ability to be repaired, as long as the user is carrying an $(l:items/aura_cache)Aura Cache$() or similar storage device." }, { "type": "text", "text": "For tools to be repaired, the additional requirement of $(thing)sneaking$() while holding the item has to be met as well.$(p)It should be noted that, while not being exceedingly rare, this enchantment has a similar chance of appearing as, say, the $(item)Looting$() enchantment." } ] }