{ "name": "World Eye", "icon": "naturesaura:chunk_loader", "category": "using", "advancement": "naturesaura:aura_bottle_end", "flag": "naturesaura:chunk_loader", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Of the world we live in, a key element has never been quite understood: Where nobody is looking, nothing seems to happen - time itself seems to pause. This natural phenomenon can sometimes prove to be problematic, especially when it comes to automated transport over long distances. The $(item)World Eye$(), however, will gaze upon the area that should be kept $(thing)active$() for you, while, in turn, requiring a small amount of" }, { "type": "text", "text": "$(aura) to maintain its sight.$(p)To set it up, simply place it down and provide it with a $(thing)redstone signal$() - the stronger the signal, the higher its range in blocks will be. Due to the nature of how observation in this manner seems to function, the range isn't always met exactly, meaning that sometimes, the areas that will be loaded are $(thing)slightly bigger$() than the range that is shown - it's a bit $(thing)chunky$(), to say the least." }, { "type": "crafting", "text": "Creating the $(item)World Eye$()$(p)$(italic)A load of chunks", "recipe": "naturesaura:chunk_loader" } ] }