{ "name": "Increase of Fertility", "icon": "minecraft:egg", "category": "effects", "advancement": "naturesaura:positive_imbalance", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "When the amount of $(aura) in an area increases beyond about two thirds of the $(l:items/eye)Environmental Eye$()'s gauge, and there is some $(l:effects/effect_powder)Powder of Fertility$() nearby, it starts to affect the $(item)animals$() in the area: Cows, sheep, pigs and the like will start $(thing)mating$() without any encouragement occasionally, draining some of the $(aura) in the process as if falling in love because of its power." }, { "type": "text", "text": "Additionally, $(item)Eggs$() that have been laying around on the ground as an item for a while will $(thing)hatch$() into a chicken without needing to be thrown.$(p)Note that both of these effects will cease to occur once there are enough animals present in the area, preventing overpopulation." }, { "type": "naturesaura:tree_ritual", "recipe": "naturesaura:animal_powder", "text": "Creating the $(l:effects/effect_powder)Powder of Fertility$()." } ] }