{ "name": "Environmental Ocular", "icon": "naturesaura:eye_improved", "category": "items", "advancement": "naturesaura:end_flower", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "The $(l:items/eye)Environmental Eye$() is very useful in theory; however, a lot of magical botanists struggle with its limited range of gauging $(aura) in the environment around them. A simple solution to this probem is the $(item)Environmental Ocular$().$(br)While working similarly to the $(item)Environmental Eye$(), the main difference is its much bigger gauge for $(aura) in the area: It is $(thing)twice as large$()." }, { "type": "text", "text": "An additional perk is that, while the $(item)Environmental Eye$() needs to be held in the hotbar, the $(item)Environmental Ocular$() can be anywhere in the user's inventory to work.$(p)It should be noted that all of the features of the $(item)Environmental Eye$() that were not mentioned also carry over to the $(item)Environmental Ocular$()." }, { "type": "naturesaura:tree_ritual", "text": "Creating the $(item)Environmental Ocular$() using the $(l:practices/tree_ritual)Ritual of the Forest$()", "recipe": "naturesaura:eye_improved" } ] }