import { Platform } from "obsidian"; import { CustomFrameSettings, CustomFramesSettings, getId } from "./settings"; export class CustomFrame { private readonly settings: CustomFramesSettings; private readonly data: CustomFrameSettings; private frame: HTMLIFrameElement | any; constructor(settings: CustomFramesSettings, data: CustomFrameSettings) { this.settings = settings; = data; } create(parent: HTMLElement, additionalStyle: string = undefined, urlSuffix: string = undefined): void { let style = `padding: ${this.settings.padding}px;`; if (additionalStyle) style += additionalStyle; if (Platform.isDesktopApp && ! { let frameDoc = parent.doc; this.frame = frameDoc.createElement("webview"); parent.appendChild(this.frame); this.frame.setAttribute("allowpopups", ""); this.frame.addEventListener("dom-ready", () => { this.frame.setZoomFactor(; this.frame.insertCSS(; }); this.frame.addEventListener("destroyed", () => { // recreate the webview if it was moved to a new window if (frameDoc != parent.doc) { this.frame.detach(); this.create(parent, additionalStyle, urlSuffix); } }); } else { this.frame = parent.doc.createElement("iframe"); parent.appendChild(this.frame); this.frame.setAttribute("sandbox", "allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation"); this.frame.setAttribute("allow", "encrypted-media; fullscreen; oversized-images; picture-in-picture; sync-xhr; geolocation;"); style += `transform: scale(${}); transform-origin: 0 0;`; } this.frame.addClass("custom-frames-frame"); this.frame.addClass(`custom-frames-${getId(}`); this.frame.setAttribute("style", style); let src =; if (urlSuffix) { if (!urlSuffix.startsWith("/")) src += "/"; src += urlSuffix; } this.frame.setAttribute("src", src); } refresh(): void { if (this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { this.frame.contentWindow.location.reload(); } else { this.frame.reload(); } } return(): void { if (this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) {; } else { this.frame.loadURL(; } } goBack(): void { if (this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { this.frame.contentWindow.history.back(); } else { this.frame.goBack(); } } goForward(): void { if (this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { this.frame.contentWindow.history.forward(); } else { this.frame.goForward(); } } toggleDevTools(): void { if (!(this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement)) { if (!this.frame.isDevToolsOpened()) { this.frame.openDevTools(); } else { this.frame.closeDevTools(); } } } getCurrentUrl(): string { return this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ? this.frame.contentWindow.location.href : this.frame.getURL(); } focus(): void { if (this.frame instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { this.frame.contentWindow.focus(); } else { this.frame.focus(); } } }