import { Plugin, Platform } from "obsidian"; import { CustomFramesSettings, defaultSettings } from "./settings"; import { CustomFramesSettingTab } from "./settings-tab"; import { CustomFrameView } from "./view"; export default class CustomFramesPlugin extends Plugin { settings: CustomFramesSettings; async onload(): Promise { await this.loadSettings(); for (let frame of this.settings.frames) { if (!frame.url || !frame.displayName) continue; let name = `custom-frames-${frame.displayName.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "-")}`; if (Platform.isMobileApp && frame.hideOnMobile) { console.log(`Skipping frame ${name} which is hidden on mobile`); continue; } try { console.log(`Registering frame ${name} for URL ${frame.url}`); this.registerView(name, l => new CustomFrameView(l, this.settings, frame, name)); this.addCommand({ id: `open-${name}`, name: `Open ${frame.displayName}`, callback: () => this.openLeaf(name), }); } catch { console.error(`Couldn't register frame ${name}, is there already one with the same name?`); } } this.addSettingTab(new CustomFramesSettingTab(, this)); } async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, await this.loadData()); } async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(this.settings); } private async openLeaf(name: string): Promise { if (! await{ type: name });[0]); } }