import { App, ButtonComponent, DropdownComponent, PluginSettingTab, Setting } from "obsidian"; import { defaultSettings, presets } from "./settings"; import CustomFramesPlugin from "./main"; export class CustomFramesSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab { plugin: CustomFramesPlugin; constructor(app: App, plugin: CustomFramesPlugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display(): void { this.containerEl.empty(); this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Custom Frames Settings" }); this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "Note that Obsidian has to be restarted or reloaded for most of these settings to take effect.", cls: "mod-warning" }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Frame Padding") .setDesc(createFragment(f => { f.createSpan({ text: "The padding that should be left around the inside of custom frame panes, in pixels." }); f.createEl("br"); f.createEl("em", { text: "Note that decreasing this padding too much will increase the likelihood of a " }); f.createEl("a", { text: "known issue", href: "" }); f.createEl("em", { text: "." }); })) .addText(t => { t.inputEl.type = "number"; t.setValue(String(this.plugin.settings.padding)); t.onChange(async v => { this.plugin.settings.padding = v.length ? Number(v) : defaultSettings.padding; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); for (let frame of this.plugin.settings.frames) { let heading = this.containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: frame.displayName || "Unnamed Frame" }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Display Name") .setDesc("The display name that this frame should have.") .addText(t => { t.setValue(frame.displayName); t.onChange(async v => { frame.displayName = v; heading.setText(frame.displayName || "Unnamed Frame"); await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Icon") .setDesc(createFragment(f => { f.createSpan({ text: "The icon that this frame's pane should have. The names of any " }); f.createEl("a", { text: "Lucide icons", href: "" }); f.createSpan({ text: " can be used." }); })) .addText(t => { t.setValue(frame.icon); t.onChange(async v => { frame.icon = v; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("URL") .setDesc("The URL that should be opened in this frame.") .addText(t => { t.setValue(frame.url); t.onChange(async v => { frame.url = v; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Disable on Mobile") .setDesc("Custom Frames is a lot more restricted on mobile devices and doesn't allow for the same types of content to be displayed. If a frame doesn't work as expected on mobile, it can be disabled.") .addToggle(t => { t.setValue(frame.hideOnMobile); t.onChange(async v => { frame.hideOnMobile = v; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Page Zoom") .setDesc("The zoom that this frame's page should be displayed with, as a percentage.") .addText(t => { t.inputEl.type = "number"; t.setValue(String(frame.zoomLevel * 100)); t.onChange(async v => { frame.zoomLevel = v.length ? Number(v) / 100 : 1; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Additional CSS") .setDesc(createFragment(f => { f.createSpan({ text: "A snippet of additional CSS that should be applied to this frame." }); f.createEl("br"); f.createEl("em", { text: "Note that this is only applied on Desktop." }); })) .addTextArea(t => { t.inputEl.rows = 5; t.inputEl.cols = 50; t.setValue(frame.customCss); t.onChange(async v => { frame.customCss = v; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new ButtonComponent(this.containerEl) .setButtonText("Remove Frame") .onClick(async () => { this.plugin.settings.frames.remove(frame); await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.display(); }); } this.containerEl.createEl("hr"); let info = this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "Create a new frame, either from a preset shipped with the plugin, or a custom one that you can edit yourself. Each frame's pane can be opened using the \"Custom Frames: Open\" command." }); info.createEl("br"); info.createSpan({ text: "Note that Obsidian has to be restarted or reloaded to activate a newly added frame.", cls: "mod-warning" }); let addDiv = this.containerEl.createDiv(); addDiv.addClass("custom-frames-add"); let dropdown = new DropdownComponent(addDiv); dropdown.addOption("new", "Custom"); for (let key of Object.keys(presets)) dropdown.addOption(key, presets[key].displayName); new ButtonComponent(addDiv) .setButtonText("Add Frame") .onClick(async () => { let option = dropdown.getValue(); if (option == "new") { this.plugin.settings.frames.push({ url: "", displayName: "New Frame", icon: "", zoomLevel: 1, customCss: "", hideOnMobile: true }); } else { this.plugin.settings.frames.push(presets[option]); } await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.display(); }); this.containerEl.createEl("hr"); this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "If you like this plugin and want to support its development, you can do so through my website by clicking this fancy image!" }); this.containerEl.createEl("a", { href: "" }) .createEl("img", { attr: { src: "" }, cls: "custom-frames-support" }); } }