import { App, ItemView, Plugin, PluginSettingTab, Setting, WorkspaceLeaf } from 'obsidian'; import { remote, webContents } from 'electron'; const viewName: string = "keep"; const defaultSettings: KeepSettings = { minimumWidth: 360, padding: 5, css: `/* hide the menu bar and the "Keep" logo and text */ .PvRhvb-qAWA2, .gb_qc { display: none !important; } /* remove the margin around each note so that less horizontal space is taken up */ .kPTQic-nUpftc .ma6Yeb-r8s4j-gkA7Yd .IZ65Hb-n0tgWb { margin: 0px !important; } .kPTQic-nUpftc .h1U9Be-xhiy4 { margin: 16px 0px 8px 0px !important; }` }; interface KeepSettings { minimumWidth: number; padding: number; css: string; } export default class KeepPlugin extends Plugin { settings: KeepSettings; async onload(): Promise { await this.loadSettings(); this.registerView(viewName, l => new KeepView(l, this.settings)); this.addCommand({ id: "open-keep", name: "Open Keep", checkCallback: (checking: boolean) => { if (checking) return !; this.openKeep(); }, }); this.addSettingTab(new KeepSettingTab(, this)); => this.openKeep()); } private openKeep(): void { if (!{ type: viewName }); } async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, await this.loadData()); } async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(this.settings); } } class KeepView extends ItemView { private settings: KeepSettings; constructor(leaf: WorkspaceLeaf, settings: KeepSettings) { super(leaf); this.settings = settings; } onload(): void { this.contentEl.empty(); this.contentEl.addClass("obsidian-keep-view"); let frame = this.contentEl.createEl("iframe"); frame.setAttribute("style", `padding: ${this.settings.padding}px`); frame.addClass("obsidian-keep-frame"); frame.onload = () => { for (let other of remote.getCurrentWebContents().mainFrame.frames) { if (frame.src.contains(new URL(other.url).host)) { other.executeJavaScript(` let style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = \`${this.settings.css}\`; document.head.appendChild(style); `); } } if (this.settings.minimumWidth) { let parent = this.contentEl.closest(".workspace-split.mod-horizontal"); if (parent) { let minWidth = `${this.settings.minimumWidth + 2 * this.settings.padding}px`; if ( < minWidth) = minWidth; } } }; frame.src = ""; } getViewType(): string { return viewName; } getDisplayText(): string { return "Google Keep"; } getIcon(): string { return "documents"; } } class KeepSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab { plugin: KeepPlugin; constructor(app: App, plugin: KeepPlugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display(): void { this.containerEl.empty(); this.containerEl.createEl('h2', { text: 'Obsidian Keep Settings' }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Minimum View Width") .setDesc("The width that the Google Keep view should be adjusted to automatically if it is lower. Set to 0 to disable.") .addText(t => { t.inputEl.type = "number"; t.setValue(String(this.plugin.settings.minimumWidth)); t.onChange(async v => { this.plugin.settings.minimumWidth = v.length ? Number(v) : defaultSettings.minimumWidth; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("View Padding") .setDesc("The padding that should be left around the inside of the Google Keep view, in pixels.") .addText(t => { t.inputEl.type = "number"; t.setValue(String(this.plugin.settings.padding)); t.onChange(async v => { this.plugin.settings.padding = v.length ? Number(v) : defaultSettings.padding; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new Setting(this.containerEl) .setName("Additional CSS") .setDesc("A snippet of additional CSS that should be applied to the Google Keep embed. By default, this hides a lot of unnecessary information to make the embed take up less horizontal space.") .addTextArea(t => { t.inputEl.rows = 10; t.inputEl.cols = 50; t.setValue(this.plugin.settings.css); t.onChange(async v => { this.plugin.settings.css = v.length ? v : defaultSettings.css; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); } }