
292 lines
9.5 KiB

import { App, ButtonComponent, DropdownComponent, ItemView, Plugin, PluginSettingTab, Setting, WorkspaceLeaf, Platform } from "obsidian";
const defaultSettings: CustomFramesSettings = {
frames: [],
padding: 5
const presets: Record<string, CustomFrame> = {
"keep": {
url: "https://keep.google.com",
displayName: "Google Keep",
icon: "files",
hideOnMobile: false,
minimumWidth: 370,
customCss: `/* hide the menu bar and the "Keep" text */
.PvRhvb-qAWA2, .gb_2d.gb_Zc {
display: none !important;
interface CustomFramesSettings {
frames: CustomFrame[];
padding: number;
interface CustomFrame {
url: string;
displayName: string;
icon: string;
hideOnMobile: boolean;
minimumWidth: number;
customCss: string;
export default class CustomFramesPlugin extends Plugin {
settings: CustomFramesSettings;
async onload(): Promise<void> {
await this.loadSettings();
for (let frame of this.settings.frames) {
if (!frame.url || !frame.displayName)
let name = `custom-frames-${frame.displayName.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "-")}`;
if (Platform.isMobileApp && frame.hideOnMobile) {
console.log(`Skipping frame ${name} which is hidden on mobile`);
try {
console.log(`Registering frame ${name} for URL ${frame.url}`);
this.registerView(name, l => new CustomFrameView(l, this.settings, frame, name));
id: `open-${name}`,
name: `Open ${frame.displayName}`,
callback: () => this.openLeaf(name),
} catch {
console.error(`Couldn't register frame ${name}, is there already one with the same name?`);
this.addSettingTab(new CustomFramesSettingTab(this.app, this));
async loadSettings() {
this.settings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, await this.loadData());
async saveSettings() {
await this.saveData(this.settings);
private async openLeaf(name: string): Promise<void> {
if (!this.app.workspace.getLeavesOfType(name).length)
await this.app.workspace.getRightLeaf(false).setViewState({ type: name });
class CustomFrameView extends ItemView {
private settings: CustomFramesSettings;
private frame: CustomFrame;
private name: string;
constructor(leaf: WorkspaceLeaf, settings: CustomFramesSettings, frame: CustomFrame, name: string) {
this.settings = settings;
this.frame = frame;
this.name = name;
onload(): void {
let frame: HTMLIFrameElement | any;
if (Platform.isDesktopApp) {
frame = document.createElement("webview");
frame.setAttribute("allowpopups", "");
frame.addEventListener("dom-ready", () => {
if (this.frame.minimumWidth) {
let parent = this.contentEl.closest<HTMLElement>(".workspace-split.mod-horizontal");
if (parent) {
let minWidth = `${this.frame.minimumWidth + 2 * this.settings.padding}px`;
if (parent.style.width < minWidth)
parent.style.width = minWidth;
else {
frame = document.createElement("iframe");
frame.setAttribute("sandbox", "allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation");
frame.setAttribute("allow", "encrypted-media; fullscreen; oversized-images; picture-in-picture; sync-xhr; geolocation;");
frame.setAttribute("style", `padding: ${this.settings.padding}px`);
frame.setAttribute("src", this.frame.url);
getViewType(): string {
return this.name;
getDisplayText(): string {
return this.frame.displayName;
getIcon(): string {
return this.frame.icon ? `lucide-${this.frame.icon}` : "documents";
class CustomFramesSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab {
plugin: CustomFramesPlugin;
constructor(app: App, plugin: CustomFramesPlugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
display(): void {
this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Custom Frames Settings" });
this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "Note that Obsidian has to be restarted or reloaded for most of these settings to take effect.", cls: "mod-warning" });
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Frame Padding")
.setDesc("The padding that should be left around the inside of custom frame panes, in pixels.")
.addText(t => {
t.inputEl.type = "number";
t.onChange(async v => {
this.plugin.settings.padding = v.length ? Number(v) : defaultSettings.padding;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
for (let frame of this.plugin.settings.frames) {
let heading = this.containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: frame.displayName || "Unnamed Frame" });
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Display Name")
.setDesc("The display name that this frame should have.")
.addText(t => {
t.onChange(async v => {
frame.displayName = v;
heading.setText(frame.displayName || "Unnamed Frame");
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setDesc(createFragment(f => {
f.createSpan({ text: "The icon that this frame's pane should have. The names of any " });
f.createEl("a", { text: "Lucide icons", href: "https://lucide.dev/" });
f.createSpan({ text: " can be used." });
.addText(t => {
t.onChange(async v => {
frame.icon = v;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setDesc("The URL that should be opened in this frame.")
.addText(t => {
t.onChange(async v => {
frame.url = v;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Disable on Mobile")
.setDesc("Custom Frames is a lot more restricted on mobile devices and doesn't allow for the same types of content to be displayed. If a frame doesn't work as expected on mobile, it can be disabled.")
.addToggle(t => {
t.onChange(async v => {
frame.hideOnMobile = v;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Minimum Width")
.setDesc(createFragment(f => {
f.createSpan({ text: "The width that this frame's pane should be adjusted to automatically if it is lower. Set to 0 to disable." });
f.createEl("em", { text: "Note that this is only applied on Desktop." });
.addText(t => {
t.inputEl.type = "number";
t.onChange(async v => {
frame.minimumWidth = v.length ? Number(v) : 0;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
new Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Additional CSS")
.setDesc(createFragment(f => {
f.createSpan({ text: "A snippet of additional CSS that should be applied to this frame." });
f.createEl("em", { text: "Note that this is only applied on Desktop." });
.addTextArea(t => {
t.inputEl.rows = 5;
t.inputEl.cols = 50;
t.onChange(async v => {
frame.customCss = v;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
new ButtonComponent(this.containerEl)
.setButtonText("Remove Frame")
.onClick(async () => {
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
let info = this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "Create a new frame, either from a preset shipped with the plugin, or a custom one that you can edit yourself. Each frame's pane can be opened using the \"Custom Frames: Open\" command." });
info.createSpan({ text: "Note that Obsidian has to be restarted or reloaded to activate a newly added frame.", cls: "mod-warning" });
let addDiv = this.containerEl.createDiv();
let dropdown = new DropdownComponent(addDiv);
dropdown.addOption("new", "Custom");
for (let key of Object.keys(presets))
dropdown.addOption(key, presets[key].displayName);
new ButtonComponent(addDiv)
.setButtonText("Add Frame")
.onClick(async () => {
let option = dropdown.getValue();
if (option == "new") {
url: "",
displayName: "New Frame",
icon: "",
minimumWidth: 0,
customCss: "",
hideOnMobile: false
else {
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "If you like this plugin and want to support its development, you can do so through my website by clicking this fancy image!" });
this.containerEl.createEl("a", { href: "https://ellpeck.de/support" })
.createEl("img", { attr: { src: "https://ellpeck.de/res/generalsupport.png" }, cls: "custom-frames-support" });