--- test: yes --- this is the SECOND cool test note!! > How are you? ```js $.ajax({ method: "get", url: id ? `share.php?id=${id}` : "index.md", success: t => { main.html(DOMPurify.sanitize(md.render(t))); // scroll to anchor let element = $(window.location.hash); if (element.length) $(window).scrollTop(element.offset().top); }, error: (r, s, e) => main.html(`

Error loading shared note with id ${id}: ${e}


`) }); ``` cool!! blah blah i added and removed this The following is $x^2 = 7$, but more complicated! $$ x^2 + \sum_{i = 1}^{10000} x^2 \cdot 0 = 7 $$ ## Some images image! ![this is an image my friends, and this is my alt text](Obsidian_TtC7w4GA86.png) wikilink image! ![[Pasted image 20230816130420.png]] nice