import {arrayBufferToBase64, Notice, Plugin, requestUrl, TFile} from "obsidian"; import {defaultSettings, JSPSettings, SharedItem} from "./settings"; import {JSPSettingsTab} from "./settings-tab"; import {JSPView} from "./view"; export default class JustSharePleasePlugin extends Plugin { public settings: JSPSettings; async onload(): Promise { await this.loadSettings(); this.addSettingTab(new JSPSettingsTab(, this)); this.registerView(JSPView.type, l => new JSPView(this, l)); this.addCommand({ id: `open-${JSPView.type}`, name: `Open Just Share Please view`, callback: async () => { if (! await{type: JSPView.type, active: true});[0]); } }); this.registerEvent("file-menu", async (m, f) => { if (f instanceof TFile && f.extension == "md") { let shared = this.getSharedItem(f.path); if (!shared) { m.addItem(i => { i.setTitle("Share to JSP"); i.setIcon("share"); i.onClick(async () => this.shareFile(f)); }); } else { m.addItem(i => { i.setTitle("Copy JSP link"); i.setIcon("link"); i.onClick(() => this.copyShareLink(shared)); }); m.addItem(i => { i.setTitle("Update in JSP"); i.setIcon("share"); i.onClick(() => this.updateFile(shared, f)); }); m.addItem(i => { i.setTitle("Delete from JSP"); i.setIcon("trash"); i.onClick(async () => this.deleteFile(shared)); }); } } })); this.registerEvent("rename", (f, p) => { if (f instanceof TFile) { let shared = this.getSharedItem(p); if (shared) { shared.path = f.path; this.refreshAllViews(); } } })); this.registerEvent("delete", f => { if (f instanceof TFile) { let shared = this.getSharedItem(f.path); if (shared) { if (this.settings.unshareDeletedFiles) { this.deleteFile(shared, false); } else { this.refreshAllViews(); } } } })); this.registerEvent("modify", f => { if (this.settings.autoUpdateShares && f instanceof TFile) { let shared = this.getSharedItem(f.path); if (shared) this.updateFile(shared, f, false); } })); this.addCommand({ id: "share", name: "Share current file to JSP", editorCheckCallback: (checking, _, ctx) => { if (!this.getSharedItem(ctx.file.path)) { if (!checking) this.shareFile(ctx.file); return true; } return false; } }); this.addCommand({ id: "copy", name: "Copy current file's JSP link", editorCheckCallback: (checking, _, ctx) => { let shared = this.getSharedItem(ctx.file.path); if (shared) { if (!checking) this.copyShareLink(shared); return true; } return false; } }); this.addCommand({ id: "update", name: "Update current file in JSP", editorCheckCallback: (checking, _, ctx) => { let shared = this.getSharedItem(ctx.file.path); if (shared) { if (!checking) this.updateFile(shared, ctx.file); return true; } return false; } }); this.addCommand({ id: "delete", name: "Delete current file from JSP", editorCheckCallback: (checking, _, ctx) => { let shared = this.getSharedItem(ctx.file.path); if (shared) { if (!checking) this.deleteFile(shared); return true; } return false; } }); } async loadSettings(): Promise { this.settings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, await this.loadData()); } async saveSettings(): Promise { await this.saveData(this.settings); } getSharedItem(path: string): SharedItem { return this.settings.shared.find(f => f.path == path); } async shareFile(file: TFile): Promise { try { let response = await requestUrl({ url: `${this.settings.url}/share.php`, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({content: await this.preProcessMarkdown(file)}) }); let shared = response.json as SharedItem; shared.path = file.path; this.settings.shared.push(shared); await this.saveSettings(); this.refreshAllViews(); await this.copyShareLink(shared, false); new Notice(`Successfully shared ${file.basename} and copied link to clipboard`); return shared; } catch (e) { new Notice(createFragment(f => { f.createSpan({text: `There was an error sharing ${file.basename}: `}); f.createEl("code", {text: e}); }), 10000); console.log(e); } } async updateFile(item: SharedItem, file: TFile, notice = true): Promise { try { await requestUrl({ url: `${this.settings.url}/share.php?id=${}`, method: "PATCH", headers: {"Password": item.password}, body: JSON.stringify({content: await this.preProcessMarkdown(file)}) }); if (notice) new Notice(`Successfully updated ${file.basename} on JSP`); return true; } catch (e) { new Notice(createFragment(f => { f.createSpan({text: `There was an error updating ${file.basename}: `}); f.createEl("code", {text: e}); }), 10000); console.log(e); } } async deleteFile(item: SharedItem, notice = true): Promise { let name = removeExtension(item.path); try { await requestUrl({ url: `${this.settings.url}/share.php?id=${}`, method: "DELETE", headers: {"Password": item.password} }); this.settings.shared.remove(item); await this.saveSettings(); this.refreshAllViews(); if (notice) new Notice(`Successfully deleted ${name} from JSP`); return true; } catch (e) { new Notice(createFragment(f => { f.createSpan({text: `There was an error deleting ${name}: `}); f.createEl("code", {text: e}); }), 10000); console.log(e); } } async copyShareLink(item: SharedItem, notice = true): Promise { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${this.settings.url}#${}`); if (notice) new Notice(`Copied link to ${removeExtension(item.path)} to clipboard`); } async preProcessMarkdown(file: TFile): Promise { let text = await; // strip frontmatter let frontmatter = /^(---\s*\n.*?\n---)\s*\n(.*)$/s; if (this.settings.stripFrontmatter) text = text.replace(frontmatter, "$2"); // strip comments text = text.replace(/%%.*?%%/sg, ""); // include note name (after frontmatter!) if (this.settings.includeNoteName) { let title = `# ${file.basename}\n\n`; if (frontmatter.test(text)) { text = text.replace(frontmatter, `$1\n\n${title}$2`); } else { text = title + text; } } // embed attachments directly let attachments = /!\[(.*)]\((.+)\)|!\[\[(.+)]]/g; let match: RegExpExecArray; while ((match = attachments.exec(text)) != null) { let alt = match[1] ?? ""; let url = decodeURI(match[2] ?? match[3]); if (url.startsWith("http")) continue; try { let resolved =, file.path).path; let attachment =; let data = arrayBufferToBase64(await as TFile)); let img = `${alt}`; text = text.substring(0, match.index) + img + text.substring(match.index + match[0].length); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error embedding attachment ${url}: ${e}`); } } return text; } refreshAllViews(): void { for (let leaf of { if (leaf.view instanceof JSPView) leaf.view.refresh(); } } } export function removeExtension(file: string): string { let split = file.split("."); split.pop(); return split.join("."); }