
74 lines
2.8 KiB

import {ButtonComponent, ItemView, TFile, WorkspaceLeaf} from "obsidian";
import JustSharePleasePlugin, {removeExtension} from "./main";
export class JSPView extends ItemView {
public static readonly type: string = "jsp-view";
private readonly plugin: JustSharePleasePlugin;
constructor(plugin: JustSharePleasePlugin, leaf: WorkspaceLeaf) {
this.plugin = plugin;
public refresh(): void {
let content = this.contentEl.createDiv({cls: "just-share-please-view"});
if (this.plugin.settings.shared.length > 0) {
for (let shared of this.plugin.settings.shared) {
let file = this.plugin.app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(shared.path) as TFile;
let div = content.createDiv({cls: "just-share-please-shared-item"});
div.createSpan({cls: "just-share-please-shared-name", text: removeExtension(shared.path).split(/[/\\]/g).pop()});
if (file?.path.match(/[/\\]/))
div.createSpan({cls: "just-share-please-shared-path", text: removeExtension(file.path)});
new ButtonComponent(div)
.setTooltip("Copy JSP link")
.onClick(async () => this.plugin.copyShareLink(shared));
if (file) {
new ButtonComponent(div)
.setTooltip("Open in Obsidian")
.onClick(async e => {
let leaf = this.app.workspace.getLeaf(e.ctrlKey);
await leaf.openFile(file);
this.app.workspace.setActiveLeaf(leaf, {focus: true});
new ButtonComponent(div)
.setTooltip("Update in JSP")
.onClick(async () => this.plugin.updateFile(shared, file));
new ButtonComponent(div)
.setTooltip("Delete from JSP")
.onClick(async () => this.plugin.deleteFile(shared));
} else {
content.createSpan({text: "You have not shared any items yet."});
public onload(): void {
public getDisplayText(): string {
return "Just Share Please";
public getViewType(): string {
return JSPView.type;
public getIcon(): string {
return "share";