import { App, PluginSettingTab } from "obsidian"; import SimpleTimeTrackerPlugin from "./main"; export class SimpleTimeTrackerSettingsTab extends PluginSettingTab { plugin: SimpleTimeTrackerPlugin; constructor(app: App, plugin: SimpleTimeTrackerPlugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display(): void { this.containerEl.empty(); this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Super Simple Time Tracker Settings" }); this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "Settings coming soon!" }); this.containerEl.createEl("hr"); this.containerEl.createEl("p", { text: "If you like this plugin and want to support its development, you can do so through my website by clicking this fancy image!" }); this.containerEl.createEl("a", { href: "" }) .createEl("img", { attr: { src: "" }, cls: "simple-time-tracker-support" }); } }