package de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pipe; import; import com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.Registry; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.Utility; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.items.IModule; import; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.core.Direction; import net.minecraft.tags.FluidTags; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.neoforged.neoforge.capabilities.Capabilities; import net.neoforged.neoforge.items.ItemHandlerHelper; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; public class PipeBlock extends BaseEntityBlock implements SimpleWaterloggedBlock { public static final MapCodec CODEC = BlockBehaviour.simpleCodec(PipeBlock::new); public static final Map> DIRECTIONS = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map, VoxelShape> SHAPE_CACHE = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map, VoxelShape> COLL_SHAPE_CACHE = new HashMap<>(); private static final VoxelShape CENTER_SHAPE =, 5, 5, 11, 11, 11); public static final Map DIR_SHAPES = ImmutableMap.builder() .put(Direction.UP,, 10, 5, 11, 16, 11)) .put(Direction.DOWN,, 0, 5, 11, 6, 11)) .put(Direction.NORTH,, 5, 0, 11, 11, 6)) .put(Direction.SOUTH,, 5, 10, 11, 11, 16)) .put(Direction.EAST,, 5, 5, 16, 11, 11)) .put(Direction.WEST,, 5, 5, 6, 11, 11)) .build(); static { for (var dir : Direction.values()) PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.put(dir, EnumProperty.create(dir.getName(), ConnectionType.class)); } public PipeBlock(Block.Properties properties) { super(properties); var state = this.defaultBlockState().setValue(BlockStateProperties.WATERLOGGED, false); for (var prop : PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.values()) state = state.setValue(prop, ConnectionType.DISCONNECTED); this.registerDefaultState(state); } @Override public InteractionResult use(BlockState state, Level worldIn, BlockPos pos, Player player, InteractionHand handIn, BlockHitResult result) { var tile = Utility.getBlockEntity(PipeBlockEntity.class, worldIn, pos); if (tile == null) return InteractionResult.PASS; if (!tile.canHaveModules()) return InteractionResult.PASS; var stack = player.getItemInHand(handIn); if (stack.getItem() instanceof IModule) { var copy = stack.copy(); copy.setCount(1); var remain = ItemHandlerHelper.insertItem(tile.modules, copy, false); if (remain.isEmpty()) { stack.shrink(1); return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } } else if (handIn == InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND && stack.isEmpty()) { if (!worldIn.isClientSide) player.openMenu(tile, pos); return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } return InteractionResult.PASS; } @Override protected void createBlockStateDefinition(StateDefinition.Builder builder) { builder.add(PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.values().toArray(new EnumProperty[0])); builder.add(BlockStateProperties.WATERLOGGED); } @Override public FluidState getFluidState(BlockState state) { return state.getValue(BlockStateProperties.WATERLOGGED) ? Fluids.WATER.getSource(false) : super.getFluidState(state); } @Override public void neighborChanged(BlockState state, Level worldIn, BlockPos pos, Block blockIn, BlockPos fromPos, boolean isMoving) { var newState = this.createState(worldIn, pos, state); if (newState != state) { worldIn.setBlockAndUpdate(pos, newState); PipeBlock.onStateChanged(worldIn, pos, newState); } } @Nullable @Override public BlockState getStateForPlacement(BlockPlaceContext context) { return this.createState(context.getLevel(), context.getClickedPos(), this.defaultBlockState()); } @Override public BlockState updateShape(BlockState stateIn, Direction facing, BlockState facingState, LevelAccessor worldIn, BlockPos currentPos, BlockPos facingPos) { if (stateIn.getValue(BlockStateProperties.WATERLOGGED)) worldIn.scheduleTick(currentPos, Fluids.WATER, Fluids.WATER.getTickDelay(worldIn)); return super.updateShape(stateIn, facing, facingState, worldIn, currentPos, facingPos); } @Override public void setPlacedBy(Level worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable LivingEntity placer, ItemStack stack) { PipeBlock.onStateChanged(worldIn, pos, state); } @Override public VoxelShape getShape(BlockState state, BlockGetter worldIn, BlockPos pos, CollisionContext context) { return this.cacheAndGetShape(state, worldIn, pos, s -> s.getShape(worldIn, pos, context), PipeBlock.SHAPE_CACHE, null); } @Override public VoxelShape getCollisionShape(BlockState state, BlockGetter worldIn, BlockPos pos, CollisionContext context) { return this.cacheAndGetShape(state, worldIn, pos, s -> s.getCollisionShape(worldIn, pos, context), PipeBlock.COLL_SHAPE_CACHE, s -> { // make the shape a bit higher so we can jump up onto a higher block var newShape = new MutableObject(Shapes.empty()); s.forAllBoxes((x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) -> newShape.setValue(Shapes.join(Shapes.create(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2 + 3 / 16F, z2), newShape.getValue(), BooleanOp.OR))); return newShape.getValue().optimize(); }); } private VoxelShape cacheAndGetShape(BlockState state, BlockGetter worldIn, BlockPos pos, Function coverShapeSelector, Map, VoxelShape> cache, Function shapeModifier) { VoxelShape coverShape = null; BlockState cover = null; var tile = Utility.getBlockEntity(PipeBlockEntity.class, worldIn, pos); if (tile != null && tile.cover != null) { cover = tile.cover; // try catch since the block might expect to find itself at the position try { coverShape = coverShapeSelector.apply(cover); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } var key = Pair.of(state, cover); var shape = cache.get(key); if (shape == null) { shape = PipeBlock.CENTER_SHAPE; for (var entry : PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.entrySet()) { if (state.getValue(entry.getValue()).isConnected()) shape = Shapes.or(shape, PipeBlock.DIR_SHAPES.get(entry.getKey())); } if (shapeModifier != null) shape = shapeModifier.apply(shape); if (coverShape != null) shape = Shapes.or(shape, coverShape); cache.put(key, shape); } return shape; } private BlockState createState(Level world, BlockPos pos, BlockState curr) { var state = this.defaultBlockState(); var fluid = world.getFluidState(pos); if ( && fluid.getAmount() == 8) state = state.setValue(BlockStateProperties.WATERLOGGED, true); for (var dir : Direction.values()) { var prop = PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.get(dir); var type = this.getConnectionType(world, pos, dir, state); // don't reconnect on blocked faces if (type.isConnected() && curr.getValue(prop) == ConnectionType.BLOCKED) type = ConnectionType.BLOCKED; state = state.setValue(prop, type); } return state; } protected ConnectionType getConnectionType(Level world, BlockPos pos, Direction direction, BlockState state) { var offset = pos.relative(direction); if (!world.isLoaded(offset)) return ConnectionType.DISCONNECTED; var opposite = direction.getOpposite(); var tile = world.getBlockEntity(offset); if (tile != null) { var connectable = world.getCapability(Registry.pipeConnectableCapability, offset, tile.getBlockState(), tile, opposite); if (connectable != null) return connectable.getConnectionType(pos, direction); var handler = world.getCapability(Capabilities.ItemHandler.BLOCK, offset, tile.getBlockState(), tile, opposite); if (handler != null) return ConnectionType.CONNECTED; } var blockHandler = Utility.getBlockItemHandler(world, offset, opposite); if (blockHandler != null) return ConnectionType.CONNECTED; var offState = world.getBlockState(offset); if (PipeBlock.hasLegsTo(world, offState, offset, direction)) { if (PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.values().stream().noneMatch(d -> state.getValue(d) == ConnectionType.LEGS)) return ConnectionType.LEGS; } return ConnectionType.DISCONNECTED; } protected static boolean hasLegsTo(Level world, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, Direction direction) { if (state.getBlock() instanceof WallBlock || state.getBlock() instanceof FenceBlock) return direction == Direction.DOWN; var mapColor = state.getMapColor(world, pos); if (mapColor == MapColor.STONE || mapColor == MapColor.METAL) return Block.canSupportCenter(world, pos, direction.getOpposite()); return false; } public static void onStateChanged(Level world, BlockPos pos, BlockState newState) { // wait a few ticks before checking if we have to drop our modules, so that things like iron -> gold chest work var tile = Utility.getBlockEntity(PipeBlockEntity.class, world, pos); if (tile != null) tile.moduleDropCheck = 5; var network = PipeNetwork.get(world); var connections = 0; var force = false; for (var dir : Direction.values()) { var value = newState.getValue(PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.get(dir)); if (!value.isConnected()) continue; connections++; var otherState = world.getBlockState(pos.relative(dir)); // force a node if we're connecting to a different block (inventory etc.) if (otherState.getBlock() != newState.getBlock()) { force = true; break; } } if (force || connections > 2) { network.addNode(pos, newState); } else { network.removeNode(pos); } network.onPipeChanged(pos, newState); } @Override public void onRemove(BlockState state, Level worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState newState, boolean isMoving) { if (state.getBlock() != newState.getBlock()) { var network = PipeNetwork.get(worldIn); network.removeNode(pos); network.onPipeChanged(pos, state); if (worldIn.getBlockEntity(pos) instanceof PipeBlockEntity pipe) { pipe.getItems().clear(); for (var lock : pipe.craftIngredientRequests) network.resolveNetworkLock(lock); } super.onRemove(state, worldIn, pos, newState, isMoving); } } @Override public BlockState playerWillDestroy(Level worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, Player player) { PipeBlock.dropItems(worldIn, pos, player); return super.playerWillDestroy(worldIn, pos, state, player); } @Override public boolean hasAnalogOutputSignal(BlockState state) { return true; } @Override public int getAnalogOutputSignal(BlockState state, Level world, BlockPos pos) { var pipe = Utility.getBlockEntity(PipeBlockEntity.class, world, pos); if (pipe == null) return 0; return Math.min(15, pipe.getItems().size()); } @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable @Override public BlockEntity newBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { return new PipeBlockEntity(pos, state); } @Override protected MapCodec codec() { return PipeBlock.CODEC; } @Override public RenderShape getRenderShape(BlockState state) { return RenderShape.MODEL; } @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable @Override public BlockEntityTicker getTicker(Level level, BlockState state, BlockEntityType type) { return BaseEntityBlock.createTickerHelper(type, Registry.pipeBlockEntity, PipeBlockEntity::tick); } public static void dropItems(Level worldIn, BlockPos pos, Player player) { var tile = Utility.getBlockEntity(PipeBlockEntity.class, worldIn, pos); if (tile != null) { Utility.dropInventory(tile, tile.modules); for (var item : tile.getItems()) item.drop(worldIn, item.getContent()); if (tile.cover != null) tile.removeCover(player, InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND); } } }