package de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pipe; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.PrettyPipes; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.Registry; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.Utility; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.items.IModule; import; import; import; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pipe.containers.MainPipeContainer; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pressurizer.PressurizerTileEntity; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.container.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.container.INamedContainerProvider; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT; import net.minecraft.nbt.ListNBT; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTUtil; import; import; import net.minecraft.profiler.IProfiler; import net.minecraft.tileentity.ITickableTileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityType; import net.minecraft.util.Direction; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent; import net.minecraft.util.text.TranslationTextComponent; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn; import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.Capability; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants.NBT; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.LazyOptional; import net.minecraftforge.items.CapabilityItemHandler; import net.minecraftforge.items.IItemHandler; import net.minecraftforge.items.ItemHandlerHelper; import net.minecraftforge.items.ItemStackHandler; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import; public class PipeTileEntity extends TileEntity implements INamedContainerProvider, ITickableTileEntity, IPipeConnectable { public final ItemStackHandler modules = new ItemStackHandler(3) { @Override public boolean isItemValid(int slot, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) { Item item = stack.getItem(); if (!(item instanceof IModule)) return false; IModule module = (IModule) item; return PipeTileEntity.this.streamModules().allMatch(m -> module.isCompatible(stack, PipeTileEntity.this, m.getRight()) && m.getRight().isCompatible(m.getLeft(), PipeTileEntity.this, module)); } @Override public int getSlotLimit(int slot) { return 1; } }; public final Queue craftIngredientRequests = new LinkedList<>(); public final List> craftResultRequests = new ArrayList<>(); public PressurizerTileEntity pressurizer; public BlockState cover; public int moduleDropCheck; protected List items; private int lastItemAmount; private int priority; private final LazyOptional lazyThis = LazyOptional.of(() -> this); public PipeTileEntity() { this(Registry.pipeTileEntity); } protected PipeTileEntity(TileEntityType type) { super(type); } @Override public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) { compound.put("modules", this.modules.serializeNBT()); compound.putInt("module_drop_check", this.moduleDropCheck); compound.put("requests", Utility.serializeAll(this.craftIngredientRequests)); if (this.cover != null) compound.put("cover", NBTUtil.writeBlockState(this.cover)); ListNBT results = new ListNBT(); for (Pair triple : this.craftResultRequests) { CompoundNBT nbt = new CompoundNBT(); nbt.putLong("dest_pipe", triple.getLeft().toLong()); nbt.put("item", triple.getRight().serializeNBT()); results.add(nbt); } compound.put("craft_results", results); return super.write(compound); } @Override public void read(BlockState state, CompoundNBT compound) { this.modules.deserializeNBT(compound.getCompound("modules")); this.moduleDropCheck = compound.getInt("module_drop_check"); this.cover = compound.contains("cover") ? NBTUtil.readBlockState(compound.getCompound("cover")) : null; this.craftIngredientRequests.clear(); this.craftIngredientRequests.addAll(Utility.deserializeAll(compound.getList("requests", NBT.TAG_COMPOUND), NetworkLock::new)); this.craftResultRequests.clear(); ListNBT results = compound.getList("craft_results", NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { CompoundNBT nbt = results.getCompound(i); this.craftResultRequests.add(Pair.of( BlockPos.fromLong(nbt.getLong("dest_pipe")),"item")))); }, compound); } @Override public CompoundNBT getUpdateTag() { // sync pipe items on load CompoundNBT nbt = this.write(new CompoundNBT()); nbt.put("items", Utility.serializeAll(this.getItems())); return nbt; } @Override public void handleUpdateTag(BlockState state, CompoundNBT nbt) {, nbt); List items = this.getItems(); items.clear(); items.addAll(Utility.deserializeAll(nbt.getList("items", NBT.TAG_COMPOUND), IPipeItem::load)); } @Override public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, SUpdateTileEntityPacket pkt) {, pkt.getNbtCompound()); } @Override public void tick() { // invalidate our pressurizer reference if it was removed if (this.pressurizer != null && this.pressurizer.isRemoved()) this.pressurizer = null; if (!, 1)) return; IProfiler profiler =; if (! { // drop modules here to give a bit of time for blocks to update (iron -> gold chest etc.) if (this.moduleDropCheck > 0) { this.moduleDropCheck--; if (this.moduleDropCheck <= 0 && !this.canHaveModules()) Utility.dropInventory(this, this.modules); } profiler.startSection("ticking_modules"); int prio = 0; Iterator> modules = this.streamModules().iterator(); while (modules.hasNext()) { Pair module =; module.getRight().tick(module.getLeft(), this); prio += module.getRight().getPriority(module.getLeft(), this); } if (prio != this.priority) { this.priority = prio; // clear the cache so that it's reevaluated based on priority PipeNetwork.get(; } profiler.endSection(); } profiler.startSection("ticking_items"); List items = this.getItems(); for (int i = items.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) items.get(i).updateInPipe(this); if (items.size() != this.lastItemAmount) { this.lastItemAmount = items.size();, this.getBlockState().getBlock()); } profiler.endSection(); } public List getItems() { if (this.items == null) this.items = PipeNetwork.get(; return this.items; } public void addNewItem(IPipeItem item) { // an item might be re-routed from a previous location, but it should still count as a new item then if (!this.getItems().contains(item)) this.getItems().add(item); if (this.pressurizer != null) this.pressurizer.pressurizeItem(item.getContent(), false); } public boolean isConnected(Direction dir) { return this.getBlockState().get(PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.get(dir)).isConnected(); } public Pair getAvailableDestination(ItemStack stack, boolean force, boolean preventOversending) { if (!this.canWork()) return null; if (!force && this.streamModules().anyMatch(m -> !m.getRight().canAcceptItem(m.getLeft(), this, stack))) return null; for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) { IItemHandler handler = this.getItemHandler(dir); if (handler == null) continue; ItemStack remain = ItemHandlerHelper.insertItem(handler, stack, true); // did we insert anything? if (remain.getCount() == stack.getCount()) continue; ItemStack toInsert = stack.copy(); toInsert.shrink(remain.getCount()); // limit to the max amount that modules allow us to insert int maxAmount = this.streamModules().mapToInt(m -> m.getRight().getMaxInsertionAmount(m.getLeft(), this, stack, handler)).min().orElse(Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (maxAmount < toInsert.getCount()) toInsert.setCount(maxAmount); BlockPos offset = this.pos.offset(dir); if (preventOversending || maxAmount < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { PipeNetwork network = PipeNetwork.get(; // these are the items that are currently in the pipes, going to this inventory int onTheWay = network.getItemsOnTheWay(offset, null); if (onTheWay > 0) { if (maxAmount < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // these are the items on the way, limited to items of the same type as stack int onTheWaySame = network.getItemsOnTheWay(offset, stack); // check if any modules are limiting us if (toInsert.getCount() + onTheWaySame > maxAmount) toInsert.setCount(maxAmount - onTheWaySame); } // totalSpace will be the amount of items that fit into the attached container int totalSpace = 0; for (int i = 0; i < handler.getSlots(); i++) { ItemStack copy = stack.copy(); int maxStackSize = copy.getMaxStackSize(); // if the container can store more than 64 items in this slot, then it's likely // a barrel or similar, meaning that the slot limit matters more than the max stack size int limit = handler.getSlotLimit(i); if (limit > 64) maxStackSize = limit; copy.setCount(maxStackSize); // this is an inaccurate check since it ignores the fact that some slots might // have space for items of other types, but it'll be good enough for us ItemStack left = handler.insertItem(i, copy, true); totalSpace += maxStackSize - left.getCount(); } // if the items on the way plus the items we're trying to move are too much, reduce if (onTheWay + toInsert.getCount() > totalSpace) toInsert.setCount(totalSpace - onTheWay); } } // we return the item that can actually be inserted, NOT the remainder! if (!toInsert.isEmpty()) return Pair.of(offset, toInsert); } return null; } public int getPriority() { return this.priority; } public float getItemSpeed(ItemStack stack) { float moduleSpeed = (float) this.streamModules().mapToDouble(m -> m.getRight().getItemSpeedIncrease(m.getLeft(), this)).sum(); float pressureSpeed = this.pressurizer != null && this.pressurizer.pressurizeItem(stack, true) ? 0.45F : 0; return 0.05F + moduleSpeed + pressureSpeed; } public boolean canWork() { return this.streamModules().allMatch(m -> m.getRight().canPipeWork(m.getLeft(), this)); } public List getAllCraftables() { return this.streamModules() .flatMap(m -> m.getRight().getAllCraftables(m.getLeft(), this).stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public int getCraftableAmount(Consumer unavailableConsumer, ItemStack stack) { return this.streamModules() .mapToInt(m -> m.getRight().getCraftableAmount(m.getLeft(), this, unavailableConsumer, stack)) .sum(); } public ItemStack craft(BlockPos destPipe, Consumer unavailableConsumer, ItemStack stack) { Iterator> modules = this.streamModules().iterator(); while (modules.hasNext()) { Pair module =; stack = module.getRight().craft(module.getLeft(), this, destPipe, unavailableConsumer, stack); if (stack.isEmpty()) break; } return stack; } public IItemHandler getItemHandler(Direction dir) { return this.getNeighborCap(dir, CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY); } public T getNeighborCap(Direction dir, Capability cap) { if (!this.isConnected(dir)) return null; BlockPos pos = this.pos.offset(dir); TileEntity tile =; if (tile != null) return tile.getCapability(cap, dir.getOpposite()).orElse(null); return null; } public IPipeConnectable getPipeConnectable(Direction dir) { TileEntity tile =; if (tile != null) return tile.getCapability(Registry.pipeConnectableCapability, dir.getOpposite()).orElse(null); return null; } public boolean isConnectedInventory(Direction dir) { return this.getItemHandler(dir) != null; } public boolean canHaveModules() { for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) { if (this.isConnectedInventory(dir)) return true; IPipeConnectable connectable = this.getPipeConnectable(dir); if (connectable != null && connectable.allowsModules(this.pos, dir)) return true; } return false; } public boolean canNetworkSee() { return this.streamModules().allMatch(m -> m.getRight().canNetworkSee(m.getLeft(), this)); } public Stream> streamModules() { Stream.Builder> builder = Stream.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < this.modules.getSlots(); i++) { ItemStack stack = this.modules.getStackInSlot(i); if (stack.isEmpty()) continue; builder.accept(Pair.of(stack, (IModule) stack.getItem())); } return; } @Override public void remove() { super.remove(); this.getItems().clear(); PipeNetwork network = PipeNetwork.get(; for (NetworkLock lock : this.craftIngredientRequests) network.resolveNetworkLock(lock); this.lazyThis.invalidate(); } @Override public ITextComponent getDisplayName() { return new TranslationTextComponent("container." + PrettyPipes.ID + ".pipe"); } @Nullable @Override public Container createMenu(int window, PlayerInventory inv, PlayerEntity player) { return new MainPipeContainer(Registry.pipeContainer, window, player, PipeTileEntity.this.pos); } @Override @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() { // our render bounding box should always be the full block in case we're covered return new AxisAlignedBB(this.pos); } @Override public LazyOptional getCapability(Capability cap, Direction side) { if (cap == Registry.pipeConnectableCapability) return this.lazyThis.cast(); return LazyOptional.empty(); } @Override public ConnectionType getConnectionType(BlockPos pipePos, Direction direction) { BlockState state =; if (state.get(PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.get(direction.getOpposite())) == ConnectionType.BLOCKED) return ConnectionType.BLOCKED; return ConnectionType.CONNECTED; } }