package; import; import; import; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.PrettyPipes; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.Registry; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.Utility; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.misc.ItemEquality; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.packets.PacketHandler; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.packets.PacketItemEnterPipe; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pipe.IPipeItem; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pipe.PipeBlock; import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.pipe.PipeBlockEntity; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.core.Direction; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag; import net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtUtils; import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag; import; import; import; import net.neoforged.neoforge.common.capabilities.Capability; import net.neoforged.neoforge.common.capabilities.ICapabilitySerializable; import net.neoforged.neoforge.common.util.LazyOptional; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.jgrapht.ListenableGraph; import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.DijkstraShortestPath; import org.jgrapht.event.GraphEdgeChangeEvent; import org.jgrapht.event.GraphListener; import org.jgrapht.event.GraphVertexChangeEvent; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultListenableGraph; import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleWeightedGraph; import org.jgrapht.traverse.BreadthFirstIterator; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; public class PipeNetwork implements ICapabilitySerializable, GraphListener { public final ListenableGraph graph; private final DijkstraShortestPath dijkstra; private final Map> nodeToConnectedNodes = new HashMap<>(); private final Map tileCache = new HashMap<>(); private final ListMultimap pipeItems = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private final ListMultimap networkLocks = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private final Level world; private final LazyOptional lazyThis = LazyOptional.of(() -> this); public PipeNetwork(Level world) { = world; this.graph = new DefaultListenableGraph<>(new SimpleWeightedGraph<>(NetworkEdge.class)); this.graph.addGraphListener(this); this.dijkstra = new DijkstraShortestPath<>(this.graph); } @Nonnull @Override public LazyOptional getCapability(@Nonnull Capability cap, @Nullable Direction side) { return cap == Registry.pipeNetworkCapability ? this.lazyThis.cast() : LazyOptional.empty(); } @Override public CompoundTag serializeNBT() { var nbt = new CompoundTag(); var nodes = new ListTag(); for (var node : this.graph.vertexSet()) nodes.add(NbtUtils.writeBlockPos(node)); nbt.put("nodes", nodes); var edges = new ListTag(); for (var edge : this.graph.edgeSet()) edges.add(edge.serializeNBT()); nbt.put("edges", edges); nbt.put("items", Utility.serializeAll(this.pipeItems.values())); nbt.put("locks", Utility.serializeAll(this.networkLocks.values())); return nbt; } @Override public void deserializeNBT(CompoundTag nbt) { this.graph.removeAllVertices(new ArrayList<>(this.graph.vertexSet())); this.pipeItems.clear(); this.networkLocks.clear(); var nodes = nbt.getList("nodes", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) this.graph.addVertex(NbtUtils.readBlockPos(nodes.getCompound(i))); var edges = nbt.getList("edges", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND); for (var i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) this.addEdge(new NetworkEdge(edges.getCompound(i))); for (var item : Utility.deserializeAll(nbt.getList("items", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND), IPipeItem::load)) this.pipeItems.put(item.getCurrentPipe(), item); for (var lock : Utility.deserializeAll(nbt.getList("locks", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND), NetworkLock::new)) this.createNetworkLock(lock); } public void addNode(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { if (!this.isNode(pos)) { this.graph.addVertex(pos); this.refreshNode(pos, state); } } public void removeNode(BlockPos pos) { if (this.isNode(pos)) this.graph.removeVertex(pos); } public boolean isNode(BlockPos pos) { return this.graph.containsVertex(pos); } public void onPipeChanged(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { var neighbors = this.createAllEdges(pos, state, true); // if we only have one neighbor, then there can't be any new connections if (neighbors.size() <= 1 && !this.isNode(pos)) return; for (var edge : neighbors) { var end = edge.getEndPipe(); this.refreshNode(end,; } } public ItemStack routeItem(BlockPos startPipePos, BlockPos startInventory, ItemStack stack, boolean preventOversending) { return this.routeItem(startPipePos, startInventory, stack, PipeItem::new, preventOversending); } public ItemStack routeItem(BlockPos startPipePos, BlockPos startInventory, ItemStack stack, BiFunction itemSupplier, boolean preventOversending) { if (!this.isNode(startPipePos)) return stack; if (! return stack; var startPipe = this.getPipe(startPipePos); if (startPipe == null) return stack; this.startProfile("find_destination"); var nodes = this.getOrderedNetworkNodes(startPipePos); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { var pipePos = nodes.get(startPipe.getNextNode(nodes, i)); if (! continue; var pipe = this.getPipe(pipePos); var dest = pipe.getAvailableDestination(Direction.values(), stack, false, preventOversending); if (dest == null || dest.getLeft().equals(startInventory)) continue; var sup = (Function) speed -> itemSupplier.apply(dest.getRight(), speed); if (this.routeItemToLocation(startPipePos, startInventory, pipe.getBlockPos(), dest.getLeft(), dest.getRight(), sup)) { var remain = stack.copy(); remain.shrink(dest.getRight().getCount()); this.endProfile(); return remain; } } this.endProfile(); return stack; } public boolean routeItemToLocation(BlockPos startPipePos, BlockPos startInventory, BlockPos destPipePos, BlockPos destInventory, ItemStack stack, Function itemSupplier) { if (!this.isNode(startPipePos) || !this.isNode(destPipePos)) return false; if (! || ! return false; var startPipe = this.getPipe(startPipePos); if (startPipe == null) return false; this.startProfile("get_path"); var path = this.dijkstra.getPath(startPipePos, destPipePos); this.endProfile(); if (path == null) return false; var item = itemSupplier.apply(startPipe.getItemSpeed(stack)); item.setDestination(startInventory, destInventory, path); startPipe.addNewItem(item); PacketHandler.sendToAllLoaded(, startPipePos, new PacketItemEnterPipe(startPipePos, item)); return true; } public ItemStack requestItem(BlockPos destPipe, BlockPos destInventory, ItemStack stack, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { var remain = stack.copy(); // check existing items for (var location : this.getOrderedNetworkItems(destPipe)) { remain = this.requestExistingItem(location, destPipe, destInventory, null, remain, equalityTypes); if (remain.isEmpty()) return remain; } // check craftable items return this.requestCraftedItem(destPipe, null, remain, new Stack<>(), equalityTypes); } public ItemStack requestCraftedItem(BlockPos destPipe, Consumer unavailableConsumer, ItemStack stack, Stack dependencyChain, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { for (var craftable : this.getAllCraftables(destPipe)) { if (!ItemEquality.compareItems(stack, craftable.getRight(), equalityTypes)) continue; var pipe = this.getPipe(craftable.getLeft()); if (pipe == null) continue; stack = pipe.craft(destPipe, unavailableConsumer, stack, dependencyChain); if (stack.isEmpty()) break; } return stack; } public ItemStack requestExistingItem(NetworkLocation location, BlockPos destPipe, BlockPos destInventory, NetworkLock ignoredLock, ItemStack stack, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { return this.requestExistingItem(location, destPipe, destInventory, ignoredLock, PipeItem::new, stack, equalityTypes); } public ItemStack requestExistingItem(NetworkLocation location, BlockPos destPipe, BlockPos destInventory, NetworkLock ignoredLock, BiFunction itemSupplier, ItemStack stack, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { if (location.getPos().equals(destInventory)) return stack; // make sure we don't pull any locked items var amount = location.getItemAmount(, stack, equalityTypes); if (amount <= 0) return stack; amount -= this.getLockedAmount(location.getPos(), stack, ignoredLock, equalityTypes); if (amount <= 0) return stack; var remain = stack.copy(); // make sure we only extract less than or equal to the requested amount if (remain.getCount() < amount) amount = remain.getCount(); remain.shrink(amount); for (int slot : location.getStackSlots(, stack, equalityTypes)) { // try to extract from that location's inventory and send the item var handler = location.getItemHandler(; var extracted = handler.extractItem(slot, amount, true); if (this.routeItemToLocation(location.pipePos, location.getPos(), destPipe, destInventory, extracted, speed -> itemSupplier.apply(extracted, speed))) { handler.extractItem(slot, extracted.getCount(), false); amount -= extracted.getCount(); if (amount <= 0) break; } } return remain; } public PipeBlockEntity getPipe(BlockPos pos) { var tile = this.tileCache.get(pos); if (tile == null || tile.isRemoved()) { tile = Utility.getBlockEntity(PipeBlockEntity.class,, pos); if (tile != null) this.tileCache.put(pos, tile); } return tile; } public void uncachePipe(BlockPos pos) { this.tileCache.remove(pos); } public List> getCurrentlyCrafting(BlockPos node, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { this.startProfile("get_currently_crafting"); List> items = new ArrayList<>(); var craftingPipes = this.getAllCraftables(node).stream().map(c -> this.getPipe(c.getLeft())).distinct().iterator(); while (craftingPipes.hasNext()) { var pipe =; for (var request : pipe.craftResultRequests) { var dest = request.getLeft(); var stack = request.getRight(); // add up all the items that should go to the same location var existing = .filter(s -> s.getLeft().equals(dest) && ItemEquality.compareItems(s.getRight(), stack, equalityTypes)) .findFirst(); if (existing.isPresent()) { existing.get().getRight().grow(stack.getCount()); } else { items.add(Pair.of(dest, stack.copy())); } } } this.endProfile(); return items; } public int getCurrentlyCraftingAmount(BlockPos destNode, ItemStack stack, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { return this.getCurrentlyCrafting(destNode).stream() .filter(p -> p.getLeft().equals(destNode) && ItemEquality.compareItems(p.getRight(), stack, equalityTypes)) .mapToInt(p -> p.getRight().getCount()).sum(); } public List> getAllCraftables(BlockPos node) { if (!this.isNode(node)) return Collections.emptyList(); this.startProfile("get_all_craftables"); List> craftables = new ArrayList<>(); for (var dest : this.getOrderedNetworkNodes(node)) { if (! continue; var pipe = this.getPipe(dest); for (var stack : pipe.getAllCraftables()) craftables.add(Pair.of(pipe.getBlockPos(), stack)); } this.endProfile(); return craftables; } public int getCraftableAmount(BlockPos node, Consumer unavailableConsumer, ItemStack stack, Stack dependencyChain, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { var total = 0; for (var pair : this.getAllCraftables(node)) { if (!ItemEquality.compareItems(pair.getRight(), stack, equalityTypes)) continue; if (! continue; var pipe = this.getPipe(pair.getLeft()); if (pipe != null) total += pipe.getCraftableAmount(unavailableConsumer, stack, dependencyChain); } return total; } public List getOrderedNetworkItems(BlockPos node) { if (!this.isNode(node)) return Collections.emptyList(); this.startProfile("get_network_items"); List info = new ArrayList<>(); for (var dest : this.getOrderedNetworkNodes(node)) { if (! continue; var pipe = this.getPipe(dest); for (var dir : Direction.values()) { var handler = pipe.getItemHandler(dir); if (handler == null || !pipe.canNetworkSee(dir, handler)) continue; // check if this handler already exists (double-connected pipes, double chests etc.) if ( -> handler.equals(l.getItemHandler( continue; var location = new NetworkLocation(dest, dir); if (!location.isEmpty( info.add(location); } } this.endProfile(); return info; } public void createNetworkLock(NetworkLock lock) { this.networkLocks.put(lock.location.getPos(), lock); } public void resolveNetworkLock(NetworkLock lock) { this.networkLocks.remove(lock.location.getPos(), lock); } public List getNetworkLocks(BlockPos pos) { return this.networkLocks.get(pos); } public int getLockedAmount(BlockPos pos, ItemStack stack, NetworkLock ignoredLock, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { return this.getNetworkLocks(pos).stream() .filter(l -> !l.equals(ignoredLock) && ItemEquality.compareItems(l.stack, stack, equalityTypes)) .mapToInt(l -> l.stack.getCount()).sum(); } private void refreshNode(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { this.startProfile("refresh_node"); this.graph.removeAllEdges(new ArrayList<>(this.graph.edgesOf(pos))); for (var edge : this.createAllEdges(pos, state, false)) this.addEdge(edge); this.endProfile(); } private void addEdge(NetworkEdge edge) { this.graph.addEdge(edge.getStartPipe(), edge.getEndPipe(), edge); // only use size - 1 so that nodes aren't counted twice for multi-edge paths this.graph.setEdgeWeight(edge, edge.pipes.size() - 1); } public BlockPos getNodeFromPipe(BlockPos pos) { if (this.isNode(pos)) return pos; var state =; if (!(state.getBlock() instanceof PipeBlock)) return null; for (var dir : Direction.values()) { var edge = this.createEdge(pos, state, dir, false); if (edge != null) return edge.getEndPipe(); } return null; } public void clearCaches() { this.nodeToConnectedNodes.clear(); this.tileCache.clear(); } public void unlock() { this.networkLocks.clear(); } private List createAllEdges(BlockPos pos, BlockState state, boolean ignoreCurrBlocked) { this.startProfile("create_all_edges"); List edges = new ArrayList<>(); for (var dir : Direction.values()) { var edge = this.createEdge(pos, state, dir, ignoreCurrBlocked); if (edge != null) edges.add(edge); } this.endProfile(); return edges; } private NetworkEdge createEdge(BlockPos pos, BlockState state, Direction dir, boolean ignoreCurrBlocked) { if (!ignoreCurrBlocked && !state.getValue(PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.get(dir)).isConnected()) return null; var currPos = pos.relative(dir); var currState =; if (!(currState.getBlock() instanceof PipeBlock)) return null; this.startProfile("create_edge"); var edge = new NetworkEdge(); edge.pipes.add(pos); edge.pipes.add(currPos); while (true) { // if we found a vertex, we can stop since that's the next node // we do this here since the first offset pipe also needs to check this if (this.isNode(currPos)) { this.endProfile(); return edge; } var found = false; for (var nextDir : Direction.values()) { if (!currState.getValue(PipeBlock.DIRECTIONS.get(nextDir)).isConnected()) continue; var offset = currPos.relative(nextDir); var offState =; if (!(offState.getBlock() instanceof PipeBlock)) continue; if (edge.pipes.contains(offset)) continue; edge.pipes.add(offset); currPos = offset; currState = offState; found = true; break; } if (!found) break; } this.endProfile(); return null; } public List getOrderedNetworkNodes(BlockPos node) { if (!this.isNode(node)) return Collections.emptyList(); var ret = this.nodeToConnectedNodes.get(node); if (ret == null) { this.startProfile("compile_connected_nodes"); var paths = this.dijkstra.getPaths(node); // sort destinations first by their priority (eg trash pipes should be last) // and then by their distance from the specified node ret = BreadthFirstIterator<>(this.graph, node)) .filter(p -> this.getPipe(p) != null) .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(p -> this.getPipe(p).getPriority()).reversed().thenComparing(paths::getWeight)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); this.nodeToConnectedNodes.put(node, ret); this.endProfile(); } return ret; } public void clearDestinationCache(List nodes) { this.startProfile("clear_node_cache"); // remove caches for the nodes for (var node : nodes) this.nodeToConnectedNodes.keySet().remove(node); // remove caches that contain the nodes as a destination this.nodeToConnectedNodes.values().removeIf(cached ->; this.endProfile(); } public List getItemsInPipe(BlockPos pos) { return this.pipeItems.get(pos); } public Stream getPipeItemsOnTheWay(BlockPos goalInv) { this.startProfile("get_pipe_items_on_the_way"); var ret = this.pipeItems.values().stream().filter(i -> i.getDestInventory().equals(goalInv)); this.endProfile(); return ret; } public int getItemsOnTheWay(BlockPos goalInv, ItemStack type, ItemEquality... equalityTypes) { return this.getPipeItemsOnTheWay(goalInv) .filter(i -> type == null || ItemEquality.compareItems(i.getContent(), type, equalityTypes)) .mapToInt(i -> i.getItemsOnTheWay(goalInv)).sum(); } @Override public void edgeAdded(GraphEdgeChangeEvent e) { this.clearDestinationCache(e.getEdge().pipes); } @Override public void edgeRemoved(GraphEdgeChangeEvent e) { this.clearDestinationCache(e.getEdge().pipes); } @Override public void vertexAdded(GraphVertexChangeEvent e) { } @Override public void vertexRemoved(GraphVertexChangeEvent e) { } @Override public String toString() { return "PipeNetwork{" + "\ngraph=" + this.graph + ",\nnodeToConnectedNodes=" + this.nodeToConnectedNodes + ",\ntileCache=" + this.tileCache.keySet() + ",\npipeItems=" + this.pipeItems + ",\nnetworkLocks=" + this.networkLocks + '}'; } public void startProfile(String name) { -> PrettyPipes.ID + ":pipe_network_" + name); } public void endProfile() {; } public static PipeNetwork get(Level world) { return world.getCapability(Registry.pipeNetworkCapability).orElse(null); } }