2020-04-14 17:14:24 +02:00

158 lines
5.8 KiB

import de.ellpeck.prettypipes.blocks.pipe.PipeTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
import net.minecraft.nbt.ListNBT;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTUtil;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.INBTSerializable;
import org.jgrapht.GraphPath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class PipeItem implements INBTSerializable<CompoundNBT> {
public static final int PIPE_TIME = 40;
public ItemStack stack;
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
private final List<NetworkEdge> pathEdges;
private BlockPos startPipe;
private BlockPos destPipe;
private BlockPos destInventory;
private int pipeTimer;
private int currentEdge;
private int currentTile;
public PipeItem(ItemStack stack, BlockPos startPipe, BlockPos startInventory, BlockPos destPipe, BlockPos destInventory, GraphPath<BlockPos, NetworkEdge> path) {
this.stack = stack;
this.startPipe = startPipe;
this.destPipe = destPipe;
this.destInventory = destInventory;
this.pathEdges = path.getEdgeList();
this.x = MathHelper.lerp(0.5F, startInventory.getX(), startPipe.getX()) + 0.5F;
this.y = MathHelper.lerp(0.5F, startInventory.getY(), startPipe.getY()) + 0.5F;
this.z = MathHelper.lerp(0.5F, startInventory.getZ(), startPipe.getZ()) + 0.5F;
public PipeItem(CompoundNBT nbt) {
this.pathEdges = new ArrayList<>();
public void updateInPipe(PipeTileEntity currPipe) {
BlockPos goalPos;
if (this.pipeTimer >= PIPE_TIME) {
// we're done with the current pipe, so switch to the next one
PipeTileEntity next = this.getNextTile(currPipe, true);
if (next == null) {
// ..or store in our destination container if there is no next one;
} else {
this.pipeTimer = 0;
goalPos = next.getPos();
} else if (this.pipeTimer >= PIPE_TIME / 2) {
// we're past the start of the pipe, so move to the center of the next pipe
PipeTileEntity next = this.getNextTile(currPipe, false);
if (next == null) {
goalPos = this.destInventory;
} else {
goalPos = next.getPos();
} else {
// we're at the start of the pipe, so just move towards its center
goalPos = currPipe.getPos();
float speed = 1 / (float) PIPE_TIME;
Vec3d dist = new Vec3d(goalPos.getX() + 0.5F - this.x, goalPos.getY() + 0.5F - this.y, goalPos.getZ() + 0.5F - this.z);
dist = dist.normalize();
this.x += dist.x * speed;
this.y += dist.y * speed;
this.z += dist.z * speed;
private void store(PipeTileEntity currPipe) {
if (currPipe.getWorld().isRemote)
// TODO store in destination
private PipeTileEntity getNextTile(PipeTileEntity currPipe, boolean progress) {
NetworkEdge edge = this.pathEdges.get(this.currentEdge);
int currTile = this.currentTile;
if (edge.pipes.size() > currTile + 1) {
} else {
// are we at the end of our path?
if (this.pathEdges.size() <= this.currentEdge + 1)
return null;
edge = this.pathEdges.get(this.currentEdge + 1);
// we're setting the current tile to 1 since the 0th index of
// the next edge is also the last index of the current edge
currTile = 1;
if (progress)
if (progress)
this.currentTile = currTile;
// TODO invert the current tile index if the current edge is the other way around
return edge.getPipe(currPipe.getWorld(), currTile);
public CompoundNBT serializeNBT() {
CompoundNBT nbt = new CompoundNBT();
nbt.put("stack", this.stack.serializeNBT());
nbt.put("start_pipe", NBTUtil.writeBlockPos(this.startPipe));
nbt.put("dest_pipe", NBTUtil.writeBlockPos(this.destPipe));
nbt.put("dest_inv", NBTUtil.writeBlockPos(this.destInventory));
nbt.putInt("timer", this.pipeTimer);
nbt.putInt("edge", this.currentEdge);
nbt.putInt("tile", this.currentTile);
nbt.putFloat("x", this.x);
nbt.putFloat("y", this.y);
nbt.putFloat("z", this.z);
ListNBT list = new ListNBT();
for (NetworkEdge edge : this.pathEdges)
nbt.put("path", list);
return nbt;
public void deserializeNBT(CompoundNBT nbt) {
this.stack ="stack"));
this.startPipe = NBTUtil.readBlockPos(nbt.getCompound("start_pipe"));
this.destPipe = NBTUtil.readBlockPos(nbt.getCompound("dest_pipe"));
this.destInventory = NBTUtil.readBlockPos(nbt.getCompound("dest_inv"));
this.pipeTimer = nbt.getInt("timer");
this.currentEdge = nbt.getInt("edge");
this.currentTile = nbt.getInt("tile");
this.x = nbt.getFloat("x");
this.y = nbt.getFloat("y");
this.z = nbt.getFloat("z");
ListNBT list = nbt.getList("path", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
this.pathEdges.add(new NetworkEdge(list.getCompound(i)));