# TinyLifeExampleMod An example mod for my game Tiny Life. Fork this repository if you make a mod so people can easily find it! # Installing Mods Installing a mod is pretty simple: - Find the `Tiny Life` folder in your local app data (On Windows, just type `%localappdata%` into your search) - Find the `Mods` folder in there - If you received the mod you want to install as a `zip` (or any other kind of) archive, extract it first - Put the mod's `dll` as well as its `Content` folder into the `Mods` folder. Done! Now just start the game and the mod should automatically load. If there are any errors, they'll be logged in the `Log.txt` file in the `Tiny Life` folder. # Creating Mods To create a mod, all you have to do is fork this repository and open the project contained in it using Visual Studio, Rider or any other kind of C# IDE. The code that is already there contains some examples. Once you're done checking them out, you can just delete them and start fresh. This repository also contains a little script called `Run.sh` that you can use to automatically build your mod, copy it into the `Mods` directory of your Tiny Life instance and run the game. Just be sure to modify all of the paths first. **Note that there is no proper modding API right now**, so you can pretty much do anything you want. You can look around in the reference code to see what there is to add and change. ## Distributing mods To distribute your mod to other people, all you have to do is go into the `bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0` folder after building and copy your mod's `dll` and the `Content` directory. You can either send them to your friends directly or pack them into an archive first. ## Where's the source code? The NuGet package for the Tiny Life API just contains a [reference assembly](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/assembly/reference-assemblies) so that people can't just download the game from NuGet and play it. If you want to see the game's *full* source code, all you have to do is open the `Tiny Life.dll` that you downloaded [on itch](https://ellpeck.itch.io/tiny-life) in your IDE.