2021-07-06 17:42:11 +02:00

55 lines
2.3 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using TinyLife;
using TinyLife.Actions;
using TinyLife.Emotions;
using TinyLife.Objects;
using Action = TinyLife.Actions.Action;
namespace ExampleMod {
// we use a multi action because we want to walk to the location, and then execute the main sitting part
// see CustomTable for information on how to store custom action-specific information to disk as well
public class SitDownOnGrassAction : MultiAction {
public SitDownOnGrassAction(ActionType type, ActionInfo info) : base(type, info) {
protected override IEnumerable<Action> CreateFirstActions() {
// we want to walk to the location clicked, so we use the current action info
yield return ActionType.GoHere.Construct(this.Info);
protected override void AndThenInitialize() {
// this is called when the main action starts (after going to the location, in our case)
// but we don't need to do anything here for our action
protected override void AndThenUpdate(GameTime time, TimeSpan passedInGame, GameSpeed speed) {
base.AndThenUpdate(time, passedInGame, speed);
// this method gets called every update frame while the action is active
// set our person to look like they're sitting on the ground
this.Person.CurrentPose = Person.Pose.SittingLegsClose;
// restore need and lower emotions
this.Person.RestoreNeed(NeedType.Energy, 0.5F, speed);
this.Person.LowerEmotion(EmotionType.Uncomfortable, 0.0001F, speed);
protected override CompletionType AndThenIsCompleted() {
// we want to complete our action once 10 minutes of sitting time have passed
return this.CompleteInTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
protected override void AndThenOnCompleted(CompletionType type) {
// this method is called when the action completes in any way, even if it fails
if (type == CompletionType.Completed) {
// once we're finished sitting, we want to get a nice emotion modifier for it
this.Person.AddEmotion(ExampleMod.GrassSittingModifier, 2, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));