2021-10-14 20:30:36 +02:00

115 lines
6.5 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ExtremelySimpleLogger;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using MLEM.Data;
using MLEM.Data.Content;
using MLEM.Textures;
using TinyLife;
using TinyLife.Actions;
using TinyLife.Emotions;
using TinyLife.Mods;
using TinyLife.Objects;
using TinyLife.Utilities;
namespace ExampleMod {
public class ExampleMod : Mod {
// the logger that we can use to log info about this mod
public static Logger Logger { get; private set; }
public static EmotionModifier GrassSittingModifier { get; private set; }
// visual data about this mod
public override string Name => "Example Mod";
public override string Description => "This is the example mod for Tiny Life!";
public override TextureRegion Icon => this.uiTextures[0, 0];
private UniformTextureAtlas customTops;
private UniformTextureAtlas customHairs;
private UniformTextureAtlas customBottoms;
private UniformTextureAtlas uiTextures;
public override void AddGameContent(GameImpl game) {
// adding a custom furniture item
FurnitureType.Register(new FurnitureType.TypeSettings("ExampleMod.CustomTable", new Point(1, 1), ObjectCategory.Table, 150, ColorScheme.SimpleWood) {
// specify the type that should be constructed when this furniture type is placed
// if this is not specified, the Furniture class is used, which is used for furniture without special animations or data
ConstructedType = typeof(CustomTable),
// specifying icons for custom clothes and furniture is optional, but using the mod's icon helps users recognize a mod's features
Icon = this.Icon,
// allow chairs and plates to be slotted into and onto the table
ObjectSpots = ObjectSpot.TableSpots(new Point(1, 1)).ToArray()
// adding custom clothing
var darkShirt = new Clothes("ExampleMod.DarkShirt", ClothesLayer.Shirt,
this.customTops[0, 0], // the top left in-world region (the rest will be auto-gathered from the atlas)
100, // the price
ClothesIntention.Everyday | ClothesIntention.Workout, // the clothes item's use cases
ColorScheme.WarmDark) {Icon = this.Icon};
// adding some more custom clothing
Clothes.Register(new Clothes("ExampleMod.PastelPants", ClothesLayer.Pants, this.customBottoms[4, 0], 100, ClothesIntention.Everyday, ColorScheme.Pastel) {Icon = this.Icon});
Clothes.Register(new Clothes("ExampleMod.PastelShoes", ClothesLayer.Shoes, this.customBottoms[0, 0], 100, ClothesIntention.Everyday, ColorScheme.Pastel) {Icon = this.Icon});
Clothes.Register(new Clothes("ExampleMod.WeirdHair", ClothesLayer.Hair, this.customHairs[0, 0], 0, ClothesIntention.None, ColorScheme.Modern) {Icon = this.Icon});
// adding an event subscription to people
MapObject.OnEventsAttachable += o => {
if (o is Person person) {
// changing the walk speed to be doubled if a person is wearing our dark shirt
person.OnGetWalkSpeed += (ref float s) => {
if (person.CurrentOutfit.TryGetValue(ClothesLayer.Shirt, out var shirt) && shirt.Type == darkShirt)
s *= 2;
// adding a simple action: sitting down in the grass, which also gives us a nice emotion modifier
ActionType.Register(new ActionType.TypeSettings("ExampleMod.SitOnGrass", ObjectCategory.Ground, typeof(SitDownOnGrassAction)) {
// we set this action to be executable only on grass tiles, not on other ground
CanExecute = (info, automatic) => {
if (!info.Map.IsInBounds(info.ActionLocation.ToPoint()))
return ActionType.CanExecuteResult.Hidden;
var tile = info.Map.GetTile(info.ActionLocation.ToPoint());
if (tile.Name.StartsWith("Grass"))
return ActionType.CanExecuteResult.Valid;
// hidden means the action won't be displayed in the ring menu
return ActionType.CanExecuteResult.Hidden;
Ai = {
// we allow the action to be done even if the solved needs aren't low enough on a person
CanDoRandomly = true,
SolvedNeeds = new[] {NeedType.Energy},
// make people more likely to sit down in the grass if they're uncomfortable
PassivePriority = p => p.Emotion == EmotionType.Uncomfortable ? 150 : 25
// since this action doesn't use objects (like chairs etc.), we set a texture to display instead
Texture = this.uiTextures[1, 0]
GrassSittingModifier = EmotionModifier.Register(
new EmotionModifier("ExampleMod.GrassSitting", this.uiTextures[1, 0], EmotionType.Happy));
public override void Initialize(Logger logger, RawContentManager content, RuntimeTexturePacker texturePacker) {
Logger = logger;
// loads a texture atlas with the given amount of separate texture regions in the x and y axes
// we submit it to the texture packer to increase rendering performance. The callback is invoked once packing is completed
texturePacker.Add(content.Load<Texture2D>("CustomTops"), r => this.customTops = new UniformTextureAtlas(r, 4, 8));
texturePacker.Add(content.Load<Texture2D>("CustomHairs"), r => this.customHairs = new UniformTextureAtlas(r, 4, 6));
texturePacker.Add(content.Load<Texture2D>("CustomBottomsShoes"), r => this.customBottoms = new UniformTextureAtlas(r, 8, 6));
texturePacker.Add(content.Load<Texture2D>("UiTextures"), r => this.uiTextures = new UniformTextureAtlas(r, 8, 8));
public override IEnumerable<string> GetCustomFurnitureTextures() {
// tell the game about our custom furniture texture
// this needs to be a path to a data texture atlas, relative to our "Content" directory
// the texture atlas combines the png texture and the .atlas information
// see https://mlem.ellpeck.de/api/MLEM.Data.DataTextureAtlas.html for more info
yield return "CustomFurniture";