Of course, please take care when using these resources, as their content may be incorrect or outdated. That being said, as far as we're aware, all of these resources abide by the [Tiny Life Content and Community Policy](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/content_policy.html).
**If you're interested in having your content added to this page, please let us know on [the Discord server](https://link.tinylifegame.com/discordweb) or [submit a pull request](https://github.com/Ellpeck/TinyLifeWeb/blob/main/docs/articles/community_tutorials.md).**
McChicky's tutorials have easy-to-follow descriptions and lots of screenshots, so they're especially recommended for people just starting out with Tiny Life modding.
- [Creating a Basic Hair Mod from Scratch](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vShsxqDFy4TqvOG_eq5kpD5gnMvCJ4to0CdC_PnFHjfPTdVJIDMPbdsqVqI-hPHuMeYXMQitesvSbQ7/pub)
- [Understanding the Tiny Life Docs through Clothing Accessories](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTQRMeR2eNb74xLGVZk_2JkFC_WhhchmopujRBUVHrU8GZCGYUltfML9-neQVnmaKuv4Co_souSH6Ve/pub)
- Yirggzmb's guide for [creating custom maps](https://yirggzmb.github.io/tinylife/mapcreation.html), which goes much more in-depth than [ours](custom_maps.md)