
908 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
### YamlMime:ManagedReference
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.BillsMail
id: BillsMail
parent: TinyLife.World
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.BillsMail.#ctor(TinyLife.World.Map,System.Guid,System.Single)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.BillsMail.Amount
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- csharp
- vb
name: BillsMail
nameWithType: BillsMail
fullName: TinyLife.World.BillsMail
type: Class
path: TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-29 11:47:44 +02:00
branch: 0.20.2-dev
2021-11-26 23:42:22 +01:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: BillsMail
2022-03-09 16:13:05 +01:00
path: ../TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
startLine: 113
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nA <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Mail\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> type that represents bills for a <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Household\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> to pay\n"
example: []
content: 'public class BillsMail : Mail, IGenericDataHolder'
content.vb: >-
Public Class BillsMail
Inherits Mail
Implements IGenericDataHolder
- System.Object
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.Mail
- MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder
- TinyLife.World.Mail.Id
- TinyLife.World.Mail.SentTime
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.Mail.Map
- TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
- TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
- TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate(TinyLife.World.Map)
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object)
- MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String)
- MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.GetHashCode
- System.Object.GetType
- System.Object.MemberwiseClone
- System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.ToString
- TinyLife.World.BillsMail.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
- public
- class
- Public
- Class
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.Amount
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.BillsMail.Amount
id: Amount
parent: TinyLife.World.BillsMail
- csharp
- vb
name: Amount
nameWithType: BillsMail.Amount
fullName: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.Amount
type: Field
path: TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-29 11:47:44 +02:00
branch: 0.20.2-dev
2021-11-26 23:42:22 +01:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: Amount
2022-03-09 16:13:05 +01:00
path: ../TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
startLine: 119
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nThe amount of tiny bucks that needs to be paid by the receiving household\n"
example: []
content: >-
public readonly float Amount
type: System.Single
content.vb: >-
Public ReadOnly Amount As Single
- type: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute
ctor: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute.#ctor
arguments: []
- public
- readonly
- Public
- ReadOnly
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.#ctor(TinyLife.World.Map,System.Guid,System.Single)
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.BillsMail.#ctor(TinyLife.World.Map,System.Guid,System.Single)
id: '#ctor(TinyLife.World.Map,System.Guid,System.Single)'
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
parent: TinyLife.World.BillsMail
- csharp
- vb
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
name: BillsMail(Map, Guid, Single)
nameWithType: BillsMail.BillsMail(Map, Guid, Single)
fullName: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.BillsMail(TinyLife.World.Map, System.Guid, System.Single)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
type: Constructor
path: TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-29 11:47:44 +02:00
branch: 0.20.2-dev
2021-11-26 23:42:22 +01:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: .ctor
2022-03-09 16:13:05 +01:00
path: ../TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
startLine: 127
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nCreates a new bills mail with the given settings\n"
example: []
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
content: public BillsMail(Map map, Guid receivingLot, float amount)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- id: map
type: TinyLife.World.Map
description: The <xref href="TinyLife.World.Map" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> that this mail should be received on.
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- id: receivingLot
type: System.Guid
description: The <xref href="TinyLife.World.Lot.Id" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> of the lot that should receive this mail
- id: amount
type: System.Single
description: The amount of tiny bucks that needs to be paid by the receiving household
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
content.vb: Public Sub New(map As Map, receivingLot As Guid, amount As Single)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
overload: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.#ctor*
- public
- Public
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived
id: OnReceived
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
parent: TinyLife.World.BillsMail
- csharp
- vb
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
name: OnReceived()
nameWithType: BillsMail.OnReceived()
fullName: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived()
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
type: Method
path: TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-29 11:47:44 +02:00
branch: 0.20.2-dev
2021-11-26 23:42:22 +01:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: OnReceived
2022-03-09 16:13:05 +01:00
path: ../TinyLife/World/Mail.cs
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
startLine: 132
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
2022-01-08 12:41:09 +01:00
summary: "\nThis method is called automatically when this mail item is received by the receiving lot.\nA custom mail instance can execute its custom action in this method.\n"
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
example: []
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
content: public override void OnReceived()
content.vb: Public Overrides Sub OnReceived
overridden: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
overload: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived*
- public
- override
- Public
- Overrides
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Mail
parent: TinyLife.World
name: Mail
nameWithType: Mail
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail
- uid: TinyLife.World.Household
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Household
parent: TinyLife.World
name: Household
nameWithType: Household
fullName: TinyLife.World.Household
- uid: TinyLife.World
commentId: N:TinyLife.World
name: TinyLife.World
nameWithType: TinyLife.World
fullName: TinyLife.World
- uid: System.Object
commentId: T:System.Object
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
commentId: T:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
parent: MLEM.Data.Json
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
name: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- uid: MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder
commentId: T:MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder
parent: MLEM.Misc
isExternal: true
name: IGenericDataHolder
nameWithType: IGenericDataHolder
fullName: MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.Id
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.Mail.Id
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
name: Id
nameWithType: Mail.Id
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.Id
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.SentTime
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.Mail.SentTime
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
name: SentTime
nameWithType: Mail.SentTime
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.SentTime
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.Map
commentId: P:TinyLife.World.Mail.Map
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
name: Map
nameWithType: Mail.Map
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.Map
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
name: GetReceivingLot()
nameWithType: Mail.GetReceivingLot()
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot()
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetReceivingLot
nameWithType: Mail.GetReceivingLot
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetReceivingLot
nameWithType: Mail.GetReceivingLot
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingLot
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
name: GetReceivingMailbox()
nameWithType: Mail.GetReceivingMailbox()
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox()
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
name: GetReceivingMailbox
nameWithType: Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetReceivingMailbox
nameWithType: Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.GetReceivingMailbox
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate(TinyLife.World.Map)
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate(TinyLife.World.Map)
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
name: Validate(Map)
nameWithType: Mail.Validate(Map)
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate(TinyLife.World.Map)
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate(TinyLife.World.Map)
name: Validate
nameWithType: Mail.Validate
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Map
name: Map
nameWithType: Map
fullName: TinyLife.World.Map
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate(TinyLife.World.Map)
name: Validate
nameWithType: Mail.Validate
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.Validate
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: TinyLife.World.Map
name: Map
nameWithType: Map
fullName: TinyLife.World.Map
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object)
commentId: M:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object)
parent: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
name: SetData(String, Object)
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(String, Object)
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String, System.Object)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: SetData
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.String
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: SetData
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.String
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String)
commentId: M:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String)
parent: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
name: GetData<T>(String)
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData<T>(String)
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData<T>(System.String)
nameWithType.vb: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T)(String)
fullName.vb: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T)(System.String)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name.vb: GetData(Of T)(String)
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetData<T>
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData<T>
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData<T>
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.String
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetData(Of T)
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T)
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.String
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
commentId: M:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
parent: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
name: GetDataKeys()
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys()
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys()
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetDataKeys
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: GetDataKeys
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
commentId: M:System.Object.GetHashCode
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetHashCode()
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode()
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode()
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
commentId: M:System.Object.GetType
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetType()
nameWithType: Object.GetType()
fullName: System.Object.GetType()
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
commentId: M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: MemberwiseClone()
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone()
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
name: MemberwiseClone
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
name: MemberwiseClone
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ToString
commentId: M:System.Object.ToString
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ToString()
nameWithType: Object.ToString()
fullName: System.Object.ToString()
- uid: System.Object.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: Object.ToString
fullName: System.Object.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: Object.ToString
fullName: System.Object.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
parent: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
definition: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<BillsMail>()
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<BillsMail>()
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<TinyLife.World.BillsMail>()
nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of BillsMail)()
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.World.BillsMail)()
name.vb: JsonCopy(Of BillsMail)()
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
name: JsonCopy<BillsMail>
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<BillsMail>
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<TinyLife.World.BillsMail>
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
name: JsonCopy(Of BillsMail)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of BillsMail)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.World.BillsMail)
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System
commentId: N:System
isExternal: true
name: System
nameWithType: System
fullName: System
2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00
- uid: MLEM.Data.Json
commentId: N:MLEM.Data.Json
isExternal: true
name: MLEM.Data.Json
nameWithType: MLEM.Data.Json
fullName: MLEM.Data.Json
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- uid: MLEM.Misc
commentId: N:MLEM.Misc
isExternal: true
name: MLEM.Misc
nameWithType: MLEM.Misc
fullName: MLEM.Misc
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<T>(T)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<T>(T)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<T>(T)
nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
name.vb: JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<T>
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<T>
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<T>
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy(Of T)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
commentId: T:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
parent: TinyLife.Utilities
name: Extensions
nameWithType: Extensions
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities
commentId: N:TinyLife.Utilities
name: TinyLife.Utilities
nameWithType: TinyLife.Utilities
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities
- uid: System.Single
commentId: T:System.Single
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Single
nameWithType: Single
fullName: System.Single
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Map
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Map
parent: TinyLife.World
name: Map
nameWithType: Map
fullName: TinyLife.World.Map
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Lot.Id
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.Lot.Id
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.#ctor*
commentId: Overload:TinyLife.World.BillsMail.#ctor
name: BillsMail
nameWithType: BillsMail.BillsMail
fullName: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.BillsMail
- uid: System.Guid
commentId: T:System.Guid
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Guid
nameWithType: Guid
fullName: System.Guid
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
parent: TinyLife.World.Mail
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
name: OnReceived()
nameWithType: Mail.OnReceived()
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived()
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: OnReceived
nameWithType: Mail.OnReceived
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
2022-03-28 18:01:39 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
name: OnReceived
nameWithType: Mail.OnReceived
fullName: TinyLife.World.Mail.OnReceived
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived*
commentId: Overload:TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived
name: OnReceived
nameWithType: BillsMail.OnReceived
fullName: TinyLife.World.BillsMail.OnReceived