
1139 lines
34 KiB
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2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
### YamlMime:ManagedReference
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
id: LotEmployment
parent: TinyLife.World
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.#ctor(System.String,MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32},TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[])
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Actions
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot)
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Name
2021-10-14 20:30:40 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot,TinyLife.Objects.Person)
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours
- csharp
- vb
name: LotEmployment
nameWithType: LotEmployment
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
type: Class
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: LotEmployment
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 23
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nA lot employment is a job that a <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Person\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> executes somewhat perpetually. \nA person with a <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Person.LotEmployment\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> does not live on a <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Lot\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> or in a <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Household\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>, but instead either works at their lot employment or &quot;leaves the city&quot; through an <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.BeAwayFromLotEmploymentAction\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\nLot employments can be added to lots using <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.LotType.Employments\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> or to a map using <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\n"
example: []
content: public class LotEmployment
content.vb: Public Class LotEmployment
- System.Object
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.GetHashCode
- System.Object.GetType
- System.Object.MemberwiseClone
- System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.ToString
- TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
- public
- class
- Public
- Class
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
id: MapWideEmployments
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: MapWideEmployments
nameWithType: LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
type: Field
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: MapWideEmployments
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 29
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nA list of lot employments that are map-wide, that is, that aren&apos;t bound to a <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Lot\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\nTo add more map-wide lot employments, just add additional entries to this list.\n"
example: []
content: public static readonly List<LotEmployment> MapWideEmployments
type: System.Collections.Generic.List{TinyLife.World.LotEmployment}
content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly MapWideEmployments As List(Of LotEmployment)
- public
- static
- readonly
- Public
- Shared
- ReadOnly
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Name
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Name
id: Name
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: Name
nameWithType: LotEmployment.Name
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Name
type: Field
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: Name
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 41
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nThe name of this lot employment\n"
example: []
content: public readonly string Name
type: System.String
content.vb: Public ReadOnly Name As String
- public
- readonly
- Public
- ReadOnly
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Actions
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Actions
id: Actions
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: Actions
nameWithType: LotEmployment.Actions
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.Actions
type: Field
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: Actions
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 46
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nA set of <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> instances that a person working in this employment should execute.\nUsing actions with the <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Nothing\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> category will cause any instances of the action to act as if they had the <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Self\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> category instead.\n"
example: []
content: public readonly ActionType[] Actions
type: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[]
content.vb: Public ReadOnly Actions As ActionType()
- public
- readonly
- Public
- ReadOnly
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours
id: WorkHours
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: WorkHours
nameWithType: LotEmployment.WorkHours
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours
type: Field
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: WorkHours
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 51
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nThe range of hours that this lot employment is active in.\nDuring times outside of these hours, people with this employment will automatically enqueue and execute a <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.BeAwayFromLotEmploymentAction\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\n"
example: []
content: public readonly Range<int> WorkHours
type: MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32}
content.vb: Public ReadOnly WorkHours As Range(Of Integer)
- public
- readonly
- Public
- ReadOnly
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished
commentId: P:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished
id: IsFinished
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: IsFinished
nameWithType: LotEmployment.IsFinished
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished
type: Property
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: IsFinished
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 56
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nA function that can be used to finish the lot employment&apos;s work hours before the current time is outside of <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\nThis is used by the mail carrier to make them stop working once all mail is delivered.\n"
example: []
content: public Func<Person, bool> IsFinished { get; set; }
parameters: []
type: System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean}
content.vb: Public Property IsFinished As Func(Of Person, Boolean)
overload: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished*
- public
- get
- set
- Public
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.#ctor(System.String,MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32},TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[])
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.#ctor(System.String,MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32},TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[])
id: '#ctor(System.String,MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32},TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[])'
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: LotEmployment(String, Range<Int32>, ActionType[])
nameWithType: LotEmployment.LotEmployment(String, Range<Int32>, ActionType[])
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.LotEmployment(System.String, MonoGame.Extended.Range<System.Int32>, TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[])
type: Constructor
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: .ctor
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 64
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nCreates a new lot employment with the given settings\n"
example: []
content: public LotEmployment(string name, Range<int> workHours, params ActionType[] actions)
- id: name
type: System.String
description: The lot employment&apos;s name
- id: workHours
type: MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32}
description: The lot employment&apos;s work hours
- id: actions
type: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[]
description: The actions that lot employees should execute
content.vb: Public Sub New(name As String, workHours As Range(Of Integer), ParamArray actions As ActionType())
overload: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.#ctor*
nameWithType.vb: LotEmployment.LotEmployment(String, Range(Of Int32), ActionType())
- public
- Public
fullName.vb: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.LotEmployment(System.String, MonoGame.Extended.Range(Of System.Int32), TinyLife.Actions.ActionType())
name.vb: LotEmployment(String, Range(Of Int32), ActionType())
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot)
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot)
id: GetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot)
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: GetCurrentPerson(Map, Lot)
nameWithType: LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson(Map, Lot)
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map, TinyLife.World.Lot)
type: Method
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
id: GetCurrentPerson
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
2021-08-30 20:44:32 +02:00
startLine: 78
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nReturns the <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Person\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> that is currently in charge of this lot employment\nTo check for <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>, a null lot can be passed.\n"
example: []
content: public Person GetCurrentPerson(Map map, Lot lot)
- id: map
type: TinyLife.World.Map
description: The map
- id: lot
type: TinyLife.World.Lot
description: The lot, or null for a <xref href="TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> entry
type: TinyLife.Objects.Person
description: The person that currently works in this lot employment, or null if there is none
content.vb: Public Function GetCurrentPerson(map As Map, lot As Lot) As Person
overload: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson*
- public
- Public
2021-10-14 20:30:40 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot,TinyLife.Objects.Person)
commentId: M:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot,TinyLife.Objects.Person)
id: SetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Lot,TinyLife.Objects.Person)
parent: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- csharp
- vb
name: SetCurrentPerson(Map, Lot, Person)
nameWithType: LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson(Map, Lot, Person)
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson(TinyLife.World.Map, TinyLife.World.Lot, TinyLife.Objects.Person)
type: Method
path: TinyLife/World/LotEmployment.cs
branch: master
2021-10-18 18:49:09 +02:00
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife
2021-10-14 20:30:40 +02:00
id: SetCurrentPerson
path: World/LotEmployment.cs
startLine: 89
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.World
summary: "\nSets the current person for this lot employment on the given <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Map\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> and <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.Lot\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\nIf this employment is a <xref href=\"TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> entry, the <code data-dev-comment-type=\"paramref\" class=\"paramref\">lot</code> should be null.\n"
example: []
content: public void SetCurrentPerson(Map map, Lot lot, Person person)
- id: map
type: TinyLife.World.Map
description: The map
- id: lot
type: TinyLife.World.Lot
description: The lot, or null if this is a map wide employment
- id: person
type: TinyLife.Objects.Person
description: The person to set
content.vb: Public Sub SetCurrentPerson(map As Map, lot As Lot, person As Person)
overload: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson*
- public
- Public
2021-08-04 06:51:12 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person
commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.Person
parent: TinyLife.Objects
name: Person
nameWithType: Person
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.LotEmployment
commentId: F:TinyLife.Objects.Person.LotEmployment
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.World.Lot
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Lot
parent: TinyLife.World
name: Lot
nameWithType: Lot
fullName: TinyLife.World.Lot
- uid: TinyLife.World.Household
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Household
parent: TinyLife.World
name: Household
nameWithType: Household
fullName: TinyLife.World.Household
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.BeAwayFromLotEmploymentAction
commentId: T:TinyLife.Actions.BeAwayFromLotEmploymentAction
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotType.Employments
commentId: P:TinyLife.World.LotType.Employments
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.MapWideEmployments
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.World
commentId: N:TinyLife.World
name: TinyLife.World
nameWithType: TinyLife.World
fullName: TinyLife.World
- uid: System.Object
commentId: T:System.Object
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
commentId: M:System.Object.GetHashCode
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetHashCode()
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode()
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode()
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
commentId: M:System.Object.GetType
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetType()
nameWithType: Object.GetType()
fullName: System.Object.GetType()
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
commentId: M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: MemberwiseClone()
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone()
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
name: MemberwiseClone
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
name: MemberwiseClone
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ToString
commentId: M:System.Object.ToString
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ToString()
nameWithType: Object.ToString()
fullName: System.Object.ToString()
- uid: System.Object.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: Object.ToString
fullName: System.Object.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: Object.ToString
fullName: System.Object.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
parent: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
definition: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<LotEmployment>()
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<LotEmployment>()
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<TinyLife.World.LotEmployment>()
nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of LotEmployment)()
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.World.LotEmployment)()
name.vb: JsonCopy(Of LotEmployment)()
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
name: JsonCopy<LotEmployment>
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<LotEmployment>
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<TinyLife.World.LotEmployment>
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
name: JsonCopy(Of LotEmployment)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of LotEmployment)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.World.LotEmployment)
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Objects
commentId: N:TinyLife.Objects
name: TinyLife.Objects
nameWithType: TinyLife.Objects
fullName: TinyLife.Objects
- uid: System
commentId: N:System
isExternal: true
name: System
nameWithType: System
fullName: System
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<T>(T)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<T>(T)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<T>(T)
nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
name.vb: JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<T>
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<T>
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<T>
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy(Of T)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
commentId: T:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
parent: TinyLife.Utilities
name: Extensions
nameWithType: Extensions
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities
commentId: N:TinyLife.Utilities
name: TinyLife.Utilities
nameWithType: TinyLife.Utilities
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List{TinyLife.World.LotEmployment}
commentId: T:System.Collections.Generic.List{TinyLife.World.LotEmployment}
parent: System.Collections.Generic
definition: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
name: List<LotEmployment>
nameWithType: List<LotEmployment>
fullName: System.Collections.Generic.List<TinyLife.World.LotEmployment>
nameWithType.vb: List(Of LotEmployment)
fullName.vb: System.Collections.Generic.List(Of TinyLife.World.LotEmployment)
name.vb: List(Of LotEmployment)
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
name: List
nameWithType: List
fullName: System.Collections.Generic.List
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
name: LotEmployment
nameWithType: LotEmployment
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
name: List
nameWithType: List
fullName: System.Collections.Generic.List
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
name: LotEmployment
nameWithType: LotEmployment
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
commentId: T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1
isExternal: true
name: List<T>
nameWithType: List<T>
fullName: System.Collections.Generic.List<T>
nameWithType.vb: List(Of T)
fullName.vb: System.Collections.Generic.List(Of T)
name.vb: List(Of T)
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
name: List
nameWithType: List
fullName: System.Collections.Generic.List
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
name: List
nameWithType: List
fullName: System.Collections.Generic.List
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Collections.Generic
commentId: N:System.Collections.Generic
isExternal: true
name: System.Collections.Generic
nameWithType: System.Collections.Generic
fullName: System.Collections.Generic
- uid: System.String
commentId: T:System.String
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
commentId: T:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
parent: TinyLife.Actions
name: ActionType
nameWithType: ActionType
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Nothing
commentId: F:TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Nothing
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Self
commentId: F:TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Self
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[]
isExternal: true
name: ActionType[]
nameWithType: ActionType[]
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType[]
nameWithType.vb: ActionType()
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType()
name.vb: ActionType()
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
name: ActionType
nameWithType: ActionType
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
- name: '[]'
nameWithType: '[]'
fullName: '[]'
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
name: ActionType
nameWithType: ActionType
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
- name: ()
nameWithType: ()
fullName: ()
- uid: TinyLife.Actions
commentId: N:TinyLife.Actions
name: TinyLife.Actions
nameWithType: TinyLife.Actions
fullName: TinyLife.Actions
- uid: MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32}
commentId: T:MonoGame.Extended.Range{System.Int32}
parent: MonoGame.Extended
definition: MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
name: Range<Int32>
nameWithType: Range<Int32>
fullName: MonoGame.Extended.Range<System.Int32>
nameWithType.vb: Range(Of Int32)
fullName.vb: MonoGame.Extended.Range(Of System.Int32)
name.vb: Range(Of Int32)
- uid: MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
name: Range
nameWithType: Range
fullName: MonoGame.Extended.Range
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- uid: System.Int32
name: Int32
nameWithType: Int32
fullName: System.Int32
isExternal: true
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
name: Range
nameWithType: Range
fullName: MonoGame.Extended.Range
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- uid: System.Int32
name: Int32
nameWithType: Int32
fullName: System.Int32
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
commentId: T:MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
isExternal: true
name: Range<T>
nameWithType: Range<T>
fullName: MonoGame.Extended.Range<T>
nameWithType.vb: Range(Of T)
fullName.vb: MonoGame.Extended.Range(Of T)
name.vb: Range(Of T)
- uid: MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
name: Range
nameWithType: Range
fullName: MonoGame.Extended.Range
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: MonoGame.Extended.Range`1
name: Range
nameWithType: Range
fullName: MonoGame.Extended.Range
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MonoGame.Extended
commentId: N:MonoGame.Extended
isExternal: true
name: MonoGame.Extended
nameWithType: MonoGame.Extended
fullName: MonoGame.Extended
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours
commentId: F:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.WorkHours
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished*
commentId: Overload:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished
name: IsFinished
nameWithType: LotEmployment.IsFinished
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.IsFinished
- uid: System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean}
commentId: T:System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean}
parent: System
definition: System.Func`2
name: Func<Person, Boolean>
nameWithType: Func<Person, Boolean>
fullName: System.Func<TinyLife.Objects.Person, System.Boolean>
nameWithType.vb: Func(Of Person, Boolean)
fullName.vb: System.Func(Of TinyLife.Objects.Person, System.Boolean)
name.vb: Func(Of Person, Boolean)
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person
name: Person
nameWithType: Person
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Boolean
name: Boolean
nameWithType: Boolean
fullName: System.Boolean
isExternal: true
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person
name: Person
nameWithType: Person
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Boolean
name: Boolean
nameWithType: Boolean
fullName: System.Boolean
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Func`2
commentId: T:System.Func`2
isExternal: true
name: Func<T, TResult>
nameWithType: Func<T, TResult>
fullName: System.Func<T, TResult>
nameWithType.vb: Func(Of T, TResult)
fullName.vb: System.Func(Of T, TResult)
name.vb: Func(Of T, TResult)
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- name: TResult
nameWithType: TResult
fullName: TResult
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- name: TResult
nameWithType: TResult
fullName: TResult
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.#ctor*
commentId: Overload:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.#ctor
name: LotEmployment
nameWithType: LotEmployment.LotEmployment
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.LotEmployment
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson*
commentId: Overload:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson
name: GetCurrentPerson
nameWithType: LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.GetCurrentPerson
- uid: TinyLife.World.Map
commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Map
parent: TinyLife.World
name: Map
nameWithType: Map
fullName: TinyLife.World.Map
2021-10-14 20:30:40 +02:00
- uid: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson*
commentId: Overload:TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson
name: SetCurrentPerson
nameWithType: LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson
fullName: TinyLife.World.LotEmployment.SetCurrentPerson