### YamlMime:ManagedReference items: - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job commentId: T:TinyLife.Goals.Job id: Job parent: TinyLife.Goals children: - TinyLife.Goals.Job.#ctor(TinyLife.Goals.JobType,TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Int32) - TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel(System.Int32) - TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance(System.Single) - TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay - TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks - TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills - TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level - TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance - TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person - TinyLife.Goals.Job.Type - TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update(System.TimeSpan) - TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate(TinyLife.Objects.Person) langs: - csharp - vb name: Job nameWithType: Job fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job type: Class source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Job path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 16 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nA job is a kind of work that a can have.\nThe person's current job is accessible using .\nA job instance is constructed from its underlying .\n" example: [] syntax: content: >- [DataContract] public class Job : JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder, IGenericDataHolder content.vb: >- Public Class Job Inherits JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder Implements IGenericDataHolder inheritance: - System.Object - MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder implements: - MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder inheritedMembers: - MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object) - MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String) - MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys - System.Object.Equals(System.Object) - System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) - System.Object.GetHashCode - System.Object.GetType - System.Object.MemberwiseClone - System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) - System.Object.ToString extensionMethods: - TinyLife.Goals.Job.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 attributes: - type: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute ctor: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute.#ctor arguments: [] modifiers.csharp: - public - class modifiers.vb: - Public - Class - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Type commentId: F:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Type id: Type parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Type nameWithType: Job.Type fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Type type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Type path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 23 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nThe underlying that this job results from\n" example: [] syntax: content: >- [DataMember] public readonly JobType Type return: type: TinyLife.Goals.JobType content.vb: >- Public ReadOnly Type As JobType attributes: - type: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute ctor: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute.#ctor arguments: [] modifiers.csharp: - public - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person id: Person parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Person nameWithType: Job.Person fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Person path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 27 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nThe that currently has this job\n" example: [] syntax: content: public Person Person { get; } parameters: [] return: type: TinyLife.Objects.Person content.vb: Public ReadOnly Property Person As Person overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person* modifiers.csharp: - public - get modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance id: Performance parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Performance nameWithType: Job.Performance fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Performance path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 32 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nThis job's current performance, ranging from 0 to 1, representing the percentage of work performance.\nThe default value is 0.5.\n" example: [] syntax: content: >- [DataMember] public float Performance { get; } parameters: [] return: type: System.Single content.vb: >- Public ReadOnly Property Performance As Single overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance* attributes: - type: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute ctor: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute.#ctor arguments: [] modifiers.csharp: - public - get modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level id: Level parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Level nameWithType: Job.Level fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Level path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 38 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nThe current level that this job is at.\nNote that the default level is 0, and the level goes up to a maximum of .\n" example: [] syntax: content: >- [DataMember] public int Level { get; } parameters: [] return: type: System.Int32 content.vb: >- Public ReadOnly Property Level As Integer overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level* attributes: - type: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute ctor: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute.#ctor arguments: [] modifiers.csharp: - public - get modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks id: DailyTasks parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: DailyTasks nameWithType: Job.DailyTasks fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: DailyTasks path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 43 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nA goal set that represents the daily tasks for this job\n" example: [] syntax: content: >- [DataMember] public GoalSet DailyTasks { get; } parameters: [] return: type: TinyLife.Goals.GoalSet content.vb: >- Public ReadOnly Property DailyTasks As GoalSet overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks* attributes: - type: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute ctor: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute.#ctor arguments: [] modifiers.csharp: - public - get modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay id: CurrentHourlyPay parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: CurrentHourlyPay nameWithType: Job.CurrentHourlyPay fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: CurrentHourlyPay path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 48 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nThe amount of tiny bucks that this job pays per hour. This is based on and the current .\n" example: [] syntax: content: public float CurrentHourlyPay { get; } parameters: [] return: type: System.Single content.vb: Public ReadOnly Property CurrentHourlyPay As Single overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay* modifiers.csharp: - public - get modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.#ctor(TinyLife.Goals.JobType,TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Int32) commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.#ctor(TinyLife.Goals.JobType,TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Int32) id: '#ctor(TinyLife.Goals.JobType,TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Int32)' parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Job(JobType, Person, Int32) nameWithType: Job.Job(JobType, Person, Int32) fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Job(TinyLife.Goals.JobType, TinyLife.Objects.Person, System.Int32) type: Constructor source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: .ctor path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 56 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nCreates a new job from the given settings\n" example: [] syntax: content: public Job(JobType type, Person person, int level) parameters: - id: type type: TinyLife.Goals.JobType description: The underlying job type - id: person type: TinyLife.Objects.Person description: The person that should have this job - id: level type: System.Int32 description: The level to start out with this job at content.vb: Public Sub New(type As JobType, person As Person, level As Integer) overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.#ctor* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update(System.TimeSpan) commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update(System.TimeSpan) id: Update(System.TimeSpan) parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Update(TimeSpan) nameWithType: Job.Update(TimeSpan) fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update(System.TimeSpan) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Update path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 69 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nUpdates this job, changing the and according to this job's person's current actions.\nThis is called in .\n" example: [] syntax: content: public void Update(TimeSpan passedInGame) parameters: - id: passedInGame type: System.TimeSpan description: The amount of time that has passed in game since the last update content.vb: Public Sub Update(passedInGame As TimeSpan) overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance(System.Single) commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance(System.Single) id: AddPerformance(System.Single) parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: AddPerformance(Single) nameWithType: Job.AddPerformance(Single) fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance(System.Single) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: AddPerformance path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 100 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nAdds (or removes) the given amount of performance to this job's .\nIf the total rolls over (below 0 or above 1), is called and the performace is reset accordingly.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public void AddPerformance(float performance) parameters: - id: performance type: System.Single description: The amount to add or remove to the current performance content.vb: Public Sub AddPerformance(performance As Single) overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel(System.Int32) commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel(System.Int32) id: AddLevel(System.Int32) parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: AddLevel(Int32) nameWithType: Job.AddLevel(Int32) fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel(System.Int32) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: AddLevel path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 119 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nAdds (or removes) the given amount of levels to this job's .\n" example: [] syntax: content: public void AddLevel(int level) parameters: - id: level type: System.Int32 description: The level to add to this job's current level content.vb: Public Sub AddLevel(level As Integer) overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills id: HasRequiredPromotionSkills parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: HasRequiredPromotionSkills() nameWithType: Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills() fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills() type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: HasRequiredPromotionSkills path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 158 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nChecks whether this job's has all of the \n" example: [] syntax: content: public bool HasRequiredPromotionSkills() return: type: System.Boolean description: Whether the skills required for promotion are present content.vb: Public Function HasRequiredPromotionSkills As Boolean overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate(TinyLife.Objects.Person) commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate(TinyLife.Objects.Person) id: Validate(TinyLife.Objects.Person) parent: TinyLife.Goals.Job langs: - csharp - vb name: Validate(Person) nameWithType: Job.Validate(Person) fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate(TinyLife.Objects.Person) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Goals/Job.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Validate path: Goals/Job.cs startLine: 170 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Goals summary: "\nThis method is called when this object is loaded from disk.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public bool Validate(Person person) parameters: - id: person type: TinyLife.Objects.Person return: type: System.Boolean description: false if the object is not valid, true otherwise content.vb: Public Function Validate(person As Person) As Boolean overload: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public references: - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.Job commentId: P:TinyLife.Objects.Person.Job isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Goals.JobType commentId: T:TinyLife.Goals.JobType parent: TinyLife.Goals name: JobType nameWithType: JobType fullName: TinyLife.Goals.JobType - uid: TinyLife.Goals commentId: N:TinyLife.Goals name: TinyLife.Goals nameWithType: TinyLife.Goals fullName: TinyLife.Goals - uid: System.Object commentId: T:System.Object parent: System isExternal: true name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder commentId: T:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder parent: MLEM.Data.Json isExternal: true name: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder - uid: MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder commentId: T:MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder parent: MLEM.Misc isExternal: true name: IGenericDataHolder nameWithType: IGenericDataHolder fullName: MLEM.Misc.IGenericDataHolder - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object) commentId: M:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object) parent: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder isExternal: true name: SetData(String, Object) nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(String, Object) fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object) name: SetData nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.String name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData(System.String,System.Object) name: SetData nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.SetData isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.String name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String) commentId: M:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String) parent: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder isExternal: true name: GetData(String) nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(String) fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(System.String) nameWithType.vb: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T)(String) fullName.vb: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T)(System.String) name.vb: GetData(Of T)(String) spec.csharp: - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String) name: GetData nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.String name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData``1(System.String) name: GetData(Of T) nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T) fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetData(Of T) isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.String name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys commentId: M:MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys parent: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder isExternal: true name: GetDataKeys() nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys() fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys() spec.csharp: - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys name: GetDataKeys nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys name: GetDataKeys nameWithType: JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys fullName: MLEM.Data.Json.JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder.GetDataKeys isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: Equals(Object) nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object) fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: Equals(Object, Object) nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object) fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode commentId: M:System.Object.GetHashCode parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: GetHashCode() nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode() fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode name: GetHashCode nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode name: GetHashCode nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.GetType commentId: M:System.Object.GetType parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: GetType() nameWithType: Object.GetType() fullName: System.Object.GetType() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.GetType name: GetType nameWithType: Object.GetType fullName: System.Object.GetType isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.GetType name: GetType nameWithType: Object.GetType fullName: System.Object.GetType isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone commentId: M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: MemberwiseClone() nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone() fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone name: MemberwiseClone nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone name: MemberwiseClone nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) name: ReferenceEquals nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) name: ReferenceEquals nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.ToString commentId: M:System.Object.ToString parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: ToString() nameWithType: Object.ToString() fullName: System.Object.ToString() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.ToString name: ToString nameWithType: Object.ToString fullName: System.Object.ToString isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.ToString name: ToString nameWithType: Object.ToString fullName: System.Object.ToString isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) parent: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions definition: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy() nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy() fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy() nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of Job)() fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.Goals.Job)() name.vb: JsonCopy(Of Job)() spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 name: JsonCopy nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 name: JsonCopy(Of Job) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of Job) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.Goals.Job) - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System commentId: N:System isExternal: true name: System nameWithType: System fullName: System - uid: MLEM.Data.Json commentId: N:MLEM.Data.Json isExternal: true name: MLEM.Data.Json nameWithType: MLEM.Data.Json fullName: MLEM.Data.Json - uid: MLEM.Misc commentId: N:MLEM.Misc isExternal: true name: MLEM.Misc nameWithType: MLEM.Misc fullName: MLEM.Misc - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy(T) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(T) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(T) nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T) fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T) name.vb: JsonCopy(Of T)(T) spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: T nameWithType: T fullName: T - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy(Of T) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T) - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: T nameWithType: T fullName: T - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions commentId: T:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions parent: TinyLife.Utilities name: Extensions nameWithType: Extensions fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions - uid: TinyLife.Utilities commentId: N:TinyLife.Utilities name: TinyLife.Utilities nameWithType: TinyLife.Utilities fullName: TinyLife.Utilities - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person name: Person nameWithType: Job.Person fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.Person parent: TinyLife.Objects name: Person nameWithType: Person fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person - uid: TinyLife.Objects commentId: N:TinyLife.Objects name: TinyLife.Objects nameWithType: TinyLife.Objects fullName: TinyLife.Objects - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance name: Performance nameWithType: Job.Performance fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance - uid: System.Single commentId: T:System.Single parent: System isExternal: true name: Single nameWithType: Single fullName: System.Single - uid: TinyLife.Goals.JobType.MaxLevel commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.JobType.MaxLevel parent: TinyLife.Goals.JobType name: MaxLevel nameWithType: JobType.MaxLevel fullName: TinyLife.Goals.JobType.MaxLevel - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level name: Level nameWithType: Job.Level fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level - uid: System.Int32 commentId: T:System.Int32 parent: System isExternal: true name: Int32 nameWithType: Int32 fullName: System.Int32 - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks name: DailyTasks nameWithType: Job.DailyTasks fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.DailyTasks - uid: TinyLife.Goals.GoalSet commentId: T:TinyLife.Goals.GoalSet parent: TinyLife.Goals name: GoalSet nameWithType: GoalSet fullName: TinyLife.Goals.GoalSet - uid: TinyLife.Goals.JobType.HourlyPay commentId: F:TinyLife.Goals.JobType.HourlyPay parent: TinyLife.Goals.JobType name: HourlyPay nameWithType: JobType.HourlyPay fullName: TinyLife.Goals.JobType.HourlyPay - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Level isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay name: CurrentHourlyPay nameWithType: Job.CurrentHourlyPay fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.CurrentHourlyPay - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.#ctor* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.#ctor name: Job nameWithType: Job.Job fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Job - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Performance isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime,System.TimeSpan,TinyLife.GameSpeed) commentId: M:TinyLife.Objects.Person.Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime,System.TimeSpan,TinyLife.GameSpeed) isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update name: Update nameWithType: Job.Update fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Update - uid: System.TimeSpan commentId: T:System.TimeSpan parent: System isExternal: true name: TimeSpan nameWithType: TimeSpan fullName: System.TimeSpan - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel(System.Int32) commentId: M:TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel(System.Int32) isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance name: AddPerformance nameWithType: Job.AddPerformance fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddPerformance - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel name: AddLevel nameWithType: Job.AddLevel fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.AddLevel - uid: TinyLife.Goals.JobType.RequiredPromotionSkills commentId: P:TinyLife.Goals.JobType.RequiredPromotionSkills parent: TinyLife.Goals.JobType name: RequiredPromotionSkills nameWithType: JobType.RequiredPromotionSkills fullName: TinyLife.Goals.JobType.RequiredPromotionSkills - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills name: HasRequiredPromotionSkills nameWithType: Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.HasRequiredPromotionSkills - uid: System.Boolean commentId: T:System.Boolean parent: System isExternal: true name: Boolean nameWithType: Boolean fullName: System.Boolean - uid: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate name: Validate nameWithType: Job.Validate fullName: TinyLife.Goals.Job.Validate