
There's a lot of stuff planned for the game! All of the stuff on this list will be part of free updates in the future, provided that you buy the game once it's purchaseable. Right now, the game is still in public beta, so everything is free!
This list is not exhaustive! There are a lot of planned and work-in-progress featuresd that we want to keep secret for now.

{% assign dir = "left" %} {% for item in %}

{{ }}

{% if item.important %}
{% endif %}

{{ item.desc }} {% if item.stage %}
{{ item.stage }} {% endif %}

{%- if item.important != true -%} {%- if dir == "right" -%} {%- assign dir = "left" -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign dir = "right" -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {% endfor %}