--- title: "0.2.3: Personality Types!" tags: [Devlogs] image: "https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzQ3Mjc2MzIucG5n/original/gAcYXF.png" itch: "https://ellpeck.itch.io/tiny-life/devlog/201694/023-personality-types" --- Among some other stuff, the 0.2.3 update released today adds personality types! Currently, there are only a few in the game, but they already influence your people's actions. ![](https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzQ3Mjc2MzIucG5n/original/gAcYXF.png) ![](https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzQ3Mjc2MzgucG5n/original/klGGJv.png) To add personality types to your existing save files, you can press F1 and type "EditPerson". This will bring up a character editor with full editing abilities, so you can add some personality types to your people. Here's the full changelog for this version: - Added painting and selling paintings - Added personality types. To add personality types to your existing people, press F1 and type "EditPerson" - Added a visual effect for money gain/loss - Increased the starting funds - Improved the map by adding a park - Various action bugfixes - [API] More documentation