### YamlMime:ManagedReference items: - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator commentId: T:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator id: CharacterCreator parent: TinyLife.Uis children: - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Household) - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxHouseholdSize - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxOutfitAmount - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open(TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean) langs: - csharp - vb name: CharacterCreator nameWithType: CharacterCreator fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator type: Class source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: CharacterCreator path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 25 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nThe character creator is displayed when a person (or household) is being edited in terms of their and s.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public class CharacterCreator content.vb: Public Class CharacterCreator inheritance: - System.Object inheritedMembers: - System.Object.Equals(System.Object) - System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) - System.Object.GetHashCode - System.Object.GetType - System.Object.MemberwiseClone - System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) - System.Object.ToString extensionMethods: - TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 modifiers.csharp: - public - class modifiers.vb: - Public - Class - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxHouseholdSize commentId: F:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxHouseholdSize id: MaxHouseholdSize parent: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator langs: - csharp - vb name: MaxHouseholdSize nameWithType: CharacterCreator.MaxHouseholdSize fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxHouseholdSize type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: MaxHouseholdSize path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 31 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nThe maximum amount of people allowed in one household at a time.\nThis is a constant that is set to 8.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public const int MaxHouseholdSize = 8 return: type: System.Int32 content.vb: Public Const MaxHouseholdSize As Integer = 8 modifiers.csharp: - public - const modifiers.vb: - Public - Const - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxOutfitAmount commentId: F:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxOutfitAmount id: MaxOutfitAmount parent: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator langs: - csharp - vb name: MaxOutfitAmount nameWithType: CharacterCreator.MaxOutfitAmount fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.MaxOutfitAmount type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: MaxOutfitAmount path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 36 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nThe maximum amount of outfits that any given person can have.\nThis is a constant that is set to 10.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public const int MaxOutfitAmount = 10 return: type: System.Int32 content.vb: Public Const MaxOutfitAmount As Integer = 10 modifiers.csharp: - public - const modifiers.vb: - Public - Const - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active commentId: P:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active id: Active parent: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator langs: - csharp - vb name: Active nameWithType: CharacterCreator.Active fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Active path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 40 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nThe currently displayed instance, or null if the character editor is closed\n" example: [] syntax: content: public static CharacterCreator Active { get; } parameters: [] return: type: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Property Active As CharacterCreator overload: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active* modifiers.csharp: - public - static - get modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople commentId: M:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople id: CanSwitchPeople parent: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator langs: - csharp - vb name: CanSwitchPeople() nameWithType: CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople() fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople() type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: CanSwitchPeople path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 230 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nReturns whether or not this character creator instance currently allows switching the selected character.\nThe return value is based on the selected person's and .\n" example: [] syntax: content: public bool CanSwitchPeople() return: type: System.Boolean description: Whether we can currently switch the active person content.vb: Public Function CanSwitchPeople As Boolean overload: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople* modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Household) commentId: M:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Household) id: CreatePerson(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Household) parent: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator langs: - csharp - vb name: CreatePerson(Map, Household) nameWithType: CharacterCreator.CreatePerson(Map, Household) fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson(TinyLife.World.Map, TinyLife.World.Household) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: CreatePerson path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 567 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nCreates a new instance on the given map with the given lot.\nThe person is placed at the top left corner of the lot.\nA few settings, like their animation and portrait, are additionally set up.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public static Person CreatePerson(Map map, Household household) parameters: - id: map type: TinyLife.World.Map description: The map to place the person on - id: household type: TinyLife.World.Household description: The household to add the person to return: type: TinyLife.Objects.Person description: The created person instance content.vb: Public Shared Function CreatePerson(map As Map, household As Household) As Person overload: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson* modifiers.csharp: - public - static modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open(TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean) commentId: M:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open(TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean) id: Open(TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Boolean) parent: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator langs: - csharp - vb name: Open(Person, Boolean) nameWithType: CharacterCreator.Open(Person, Boolean) fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open(TinyLife.Objects.Person, System.Boolean) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/Uis/CharacterCreator.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git id: Open path: Uis/CharacterCreator.cs startLine: 586 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife.Uis summary: "\nOpens a new for the given person (and their household).\n" example: [] syntax: content: public static void Open(Person person, bool full) parameters: - id: person type: TinyLife.Objects.Person description: The person to open in the character creator - id: full type: System.Boolean description: If this value is true, editing the person's name, skin and eye color and personality is possible content.vb: Public Shared Sub Open(person As Person, full As Boolean) overload: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open* modifiers.csharp: - public - static modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared references: - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Clothes commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.Clothes parent: TinyLife.Objects name: Clothes nameWithType: Clothes fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Clothes - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType commentId: T:TinyLife.PersonalityType parent: TinyLife name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType - uid: TinyLife.Uis commentId: N:TinyLife.Uis name: TinyLife.Uis nameWithType: TinyLife.Uis fullName: TinyLife.Uis - uid: System.Object commentId: T:System.Object parent: System isExternal: true name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: Equals(Object) nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object) fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: Equals(Object, Object) nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object) fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode commentId: M:System.Object.GetHashCode parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: GetHashCode() nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode() fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode name: GetHashCode nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode name: GetHashCode nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.GetType commentId: M:System.Object.GetType parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: GetType() nameWithType: Object.GetType() fullName: System.Object.GetType() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.GetType name: GetType nameWithType: Object.GetType fullName: System.Object.GetType isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.GetType name: GetType nameWithType: Object.GetType fullName: System.Object.GetType isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone commentId: M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: MemberwiseClone() nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone() fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone name: MemberwiseClone nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone name: MemberwiseClone nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) name: ReferenceEquals nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) name: ReferenceEquals nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.ToString commentId: M:System.Object.ToString parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: ToString() nameWithType: Object.ToString() fullName: System.Object.ToString() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.ToString name: ToString nameWithType: Object.ToString fullName: System.Object.ToString isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.ToString name: ToString nameWithType: Object.ToString fullName: System.Object.ToString isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) parent: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions definition: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy() nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy() fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy() nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of CharacterCreator)() fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator)() name.vb: JsonCopy(Of CharacterCreator)() spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 name: JsonCopy nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 name: JsonCopy(Of CharacterCreator) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of CharacterCreator) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator) - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Objects commentId: N:TinyLife.Objects name: TinyLife.Objects nameWithType: TinyLife.Objects fullName: TinyLife.Objects - uid: TinyLife commentId: N:TinyLife name: TinyLife nameWithType: TinyLife fullName: TinyLife - uid: System commentId: N:System isExternal: true name: System nameWithType: System fullName: System - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy(T) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(T) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(T) nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T) fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T) name.vb: JsonCopy(Of T)(T) spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: T nameWithType: T fullName: T - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy(Of T) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T) - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: T nameWithType: T fullName: T - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions commentId: T:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions parent: TinyLife.Utilities name: Extensions nameWithType: Extensions fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions - uid: TinyLife.Utilities commentId: N:TinyLife.Utilities name: TinyLife.Utilities nameWithType: TinyLife.Utilities fullName: TinyLife.Utilities - uid: System.Int32 commentId: T:System.Int32 parent: System isExternal: true name: Int32 nameWithType: Int32 fullName: System.Int32 - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator commentId: T:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator parent: TinyLife.Uis name: CharacterCreator nameWithType: CharacterCreator fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active name: Active nameWithType: CharacterCreator.Active fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Active - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.FullName commentId: P:TinyLife.Objects.Person.FullName isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.PersonalityTypes commentId: F:TinyLife.Objects.Person.PersonalityTypes isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople name: CanSwitchPeople nameWithType: CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CanSwitchPeople - uid: System.Boolean commentId: T:System.Boolean parent: System isExternal: true name: Boolean nameWithType: Boolean fullName: System.Boolean - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.Person parent: TinyLife.Objects name: Person nameWithType: Person fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson name: CreatePerson nameWithType: CharacterCreator.CreatePerson fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.CreatePerson - uid: TinyLife.World.Map commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Map parent: TinyLife.World name: Map nameWithType: Map fullName: TinyLife.World.Map - uid: TinyLife.World.Household commentId: T:TinyLife.World.Household parent: TinyLife.World name: Household nameWithType: Household fullName: TinyLife.World.Household - uid: TinyLife.World commentId: N:TinyLife.World name: TinyLife.World nameWithType: TinyLife.World fullName: TinyLife.World - uid: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open name: Open nameWithType: CharacterCreator.Open fullName: TinyLife.Uis.CharacterCreator.Open