### YamlMime:ManagedReference items: - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType commentId: T:TinyLife.PersonalityType id: PersonalityType parent: TinyLife children: - TinyLife.PersonalityType.#ctor(System.String,MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion,TinyLife.PersonalityType[]) - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Ambitious - TinyLife.PersonalityType.AmountPerPerson - TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills - TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Creative - TinyLife.PersonalityType.DisallowedOthers - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Energetic - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Extroverted - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Introverted - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Lazy - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Likeable - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Mean - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Name - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Texture - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Thinker - TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types langs: - csharp - vb name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType type: Class source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: PersonalityType path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 16 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nA personality type is a trait that a can have.\nEach personality type is meant to influence the person's behavior and abilities slightly in a certain way.\n" example: [] syntax: content: >- [JsonConverter(typeof(StaticJsonConverter), new object[]{typeof(PersonalityType), "PrivateTypes"})] public class PersonalityType content.vb: >- Public Class PersonalityType inheritance: - System.Object inheritedMembers: - System.Object.Equals(System.Object) - System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) - System.Object.GetHashCode - System.Object.GetType - System.Object.MemberwiseClone - System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) - System.Object.ToString extensionMethods: - TinyLife.PersonalityType.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 modifiers.csharp: - public - class modifiers.vb: - Public - Class - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types id: Types parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Types nameWithType: PersonalityType.Types fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Types path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 24 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nA registry of all of the personality types in the game.\nUse to register custom personality types.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public static readonly IDictionary Types return: type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,TinyLife.PersonalityType} content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Types As IDictionary(Of String, PersonalityType) modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.AmountPerPerson commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.AmountPerPerson id: AmountPerPerson parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: AmountPerPerson nameWithType: PersonalityType.AmountPerPerson fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.AmountPerPerson type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: AmountPerPerson path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 28 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nThe amount of personality types that each can have\n" example: [] syntax: content: public const int AmountPerPerson = 2 return: type: System.Int32 content.vb: Public Const AmountPerPerson As Integer = 2 modifiers.csharp: - public - const modifiers.vb: - Public - Const - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Lazy commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Lazy id: Lazy parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Lazy nameWithType: PersonalityType.Lazy fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Lazy type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Lazy path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 31 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Lazy return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Lazy As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Energetic commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Energetic id: Energetic parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Energetic nameWithType: PersonalityType.Energetic fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Energetic type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Energetic path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 35 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Energetic return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Energetic As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Creative commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Creative id: Creative parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Creative nameWithType: PersonalityType.Creative fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Creative type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Creative path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 39 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Creative return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Creative As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Likeable commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Likeable id: Likeable parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Likeable nameWithType: PersonalityType.Likeable fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Likeable type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Likeable path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 43 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Likeable return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Likeable As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Mean commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Mean id: Mean parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Mean nameWithType: PersonalityType.Mean fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Mean type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Mean path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 47 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Mean return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Mean As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Ambitious commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Ambitious id: Ambitious parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Ambitious nameWithType: PersonalityType.Ambitious fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Ambitious type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Ambitious path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 51 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Ambitious return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Ambitious As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Thinker commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Thinker id: Thinker parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Thinker nameWithType: PersonalityType.Thinker fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Thinker type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Thinker path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 52 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Thinker return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Thinker As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Introverted commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Introverted id: Introverted parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Introverted nameWithType: PersonalityType.Introverted fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Introverted type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Introverted path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 56 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Introverted return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Introverted As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Extroverted commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Extroverted id: Extroverted parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Extroverted nameWithType: PersonalityType.Extroverted fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Extroverted type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Extroverted path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 57 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife syntax: content: public static readonly PersonalityType Extroverted return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType content.vb: Public Shared ReadOnly Extroverted As PersonalityType modifiers.csharp: - public - static - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Name commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Name id: Name parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Name nameWithType: PersonalityType.Name fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Name type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Name path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 67 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nThe name of this personality type.\nAs this is used for , this name needs to be unique across all installed mods.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public readonly string Name return: type: System.String content.vb: Public ReadOnly Name As String modifiers.csharp: - public - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Texture commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Texture id: Texture parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Texture nameWithType: PersonalityType.Texture fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Texture type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Texture path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 71 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nThe icon texture for this personality type\n" example: [] syntax: content: public readonly TextureRegion Texture return: type: MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion content.vb: Public ReadOnly Texture As TextureRegion modifiers.csharp: - public - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.DisallowedOthers commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.DisallowedOthers id: DisallowedOthers parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: DisallowedOthers nameWithType: PersonalityType.DisallowedOthers fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.DisallowedOthers type: Field source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: DisallowedOthers path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 75 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nA set of personality types that cannot be applied together with this one\n" example: [] syntax: content: public readonly PersonalityType[] DisallowedOthers return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType[] content.vb: Public ReadOnly DisallowedOthers As PersonalityType() modifiers.csharp: - public - readonly modifiers.vb: - Public - ReadOnly - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills commentId: P:TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills id: BoostedSkills parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: BoostedSkills nameWithType: PersonalityType.BoostedSkills fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: BoostedSkills path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 80 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nA flag of values that represent the skills that are boosted by this personality type.\nThis value only has an effect if is set as well.\n" example: [] syntax: content: public SkillCategory BoostedSkills { get; set; } parameters: [] return: type: TinyLife.Skills.SkillCategory content.vb: Public Property BoostedSkills As SkillCategory overload: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills* modifiers.csharp: - public - get - set modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier commentId: P:TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier id: BoostedSkillsModifier parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: BoostedSkillsModifier nameWithType: PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier type: Property source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: BoostedSkillsModifier path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 85 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nThe amount that the are boosted by.\nIf this value is set to 0.1, for example, any skill gain will be multiplied by 1 + 0.1 (= 1.1).\n" example: [] syntax: content: public float BoostedSkillsModifier { get; set; } parameters: [] return: type: System.Single content.vb: Public Property BoostedSkillsModifier As Single overload: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier* modifiers.csharp: - public - get - set modifiers.vb: - Public - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.#ctor(System.String,MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion,TinyLife.PersonalityType[]) commentId: M:TinyLife.PersonalityType.#ctor(System.String,MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion,TinyLife.PersonalityType[]) id: '#ctor(System.String,MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion,TinyLife.PersonalityType[])' parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: PersonalityType(String, TextureRegion, PersonalityType[]) nameWithType: PersonalityType.PersonalityType(String, TextureRegion, PersonalityType[]) fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.PersonalityType(System.String, MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion, TinyLife.PersonalityType[]) type: Constructor source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: .ctor path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 93 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nCreates a new personality type with the given name\n" example: [] syntax: content: public PersonalityType(string name, TextureRegion texture, params PersonalityType[] disallowedOthers) parameters: - id: name type: System.String description: The name of this personality type - id: texture type: MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion description: The icon texture for this personality type - id: disallowedOthers type: TinyLife.PersonalityType[] description: A set of personality types that cannot be applied together with this one content.vb: Public Sub New(name As String, texture As TextureRegion, ParamArray disallowedOthers As PersonalityType()) overload: TinyLife.PersonalityType.#ctor* nameWithType.vb: PersonalityType.PersonalityType(String, TextureRegion, PersonalityType()) modifiers.csharp: - public modifiers.vb: - Public fullName.vb: TinyLife.PersonalityType.PersonalityType(System.String, MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion, TinyLife.PersonalityType()) name.vb: PersonalityType(String, TextureRegion, PersonalityType()) - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) commentId: M:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) id: Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) parent: TinyLife.PersonalityType langs: - csharp - vb name: Register(PersonalityType) nameWithType: PersonalityType.Register(PersonalityType) fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) type: Method source: remote: path: TinyLife/PersonalityType.cs branch: master repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife id: Register path: PersonalityType.cs startLine: 104 assemblies: - Tiny Life namespace: TinyLife summary: "\nRegisters this personality type to the registry\n" example: [] syntax: content: public static PersonalityType Register(PersonalityType type) parameters: - id: type type: TinyLife.PersonalityType description: The personality type to register return: type: TinyLife.PersonalityType description: The personality type, for chaining content.vb: Public Shared Function Register(type As PersonalityType) As PersonalityType overload: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register* modifiers.csharp: - public - static modifiers.vb: - Public - Shared references: - uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.Person parent: TinyLife.Objects name: Person nameWithType: Person fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person - uid: TinyLife commentId: N:TinyLife name: TinyLife nameWithType: TinyLife fullName: TinyLife - uid: System.Object commentId: T:System.Object parent: System isExternal: true name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: Equals(Object) nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object) fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: Equals(Object, Object) nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object) fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object) name: Equals nameWithType: Object.Equals fullName: System.Object.Equals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode commentId: M:System.Object.GetHashCode parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: GetHashCode() nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode() fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode name: GetHashCode nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.GetHashCode name: GetHashCode nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.GetType commentId: M:System.Object.GetType parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: GetType() nameWithType: Object.GetType() fullName: System.Object.GetType() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.GetType name: GetType nameWithType: Object.GetType fullName: System.Object.GetType isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.GetType name: GetType nameWithType: Object.GetType fullName: System.Object.GetType isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone commentId: M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: MemberwiseClone() nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone() fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone name: MemberwiseClone nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone name: MemberwiseClone nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) name: ReferenceEquals nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) name: ReferenceEquals nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: System.Object name: Object nameWithType: Object fullName: System.Object isExternal: true - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Object.ToString commentId: M:System.Object.ToString parent: System.Object isExternal: true name: ToString() nameWithType: Object.ToString() fullName: System.Object.ToString() spec.csharp: - uid: System.Object.ToString name: ToString nameWithType: Object.ToString fullName: System.Object.ToString isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: System.Object.ToString name: ToString nameWithType: Object.ToString fullName: System.Object.ToString isExternal: true - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) parent: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions definition: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy() nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy() fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy() nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of PersonalityType)() fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.PersonalityType)() name.vb: JsonCopy(Of PersonalityType)() spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 name: JsonCopy nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1 name: JsonCopy(Of PersonalityType) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of PersonalityType) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.PersonalityType) - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Objects commentId: N:TinyLife.Objects name: TinyLife.Objects nameWithType: TinyLife.Objects fullName: TinyLife.Objects - uid: System commentId: N:System isExternal: true name: System nameWithType: System fullName: System - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy(T) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(T) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(T) nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T) fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T) name.vb: JsonCopy(Of T)(T) spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: T nameWithType: T fullName: T - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0) name: JsonCopy(Of T) nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T) fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T) - name: ( nameWithType: ( fullName: ( - name: T nameWithType: T fullName: T - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions commentId: T:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions parent: TinyLife.Utilities name: Extensions nameWithType: Extensions fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions - uid: TinyLife.Utilities commentId: N:TinyLife.Utilities name: TinyLife.Utilities nameWithType: TinyLife.Utilities fullName: TinyLife.Utilities - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) commentId: M:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) isExternal: true - uid: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,TinyLife.PersonalityType} commentId: T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,TinyLife.PersonalityType} parent: System.Collections.Generic definition: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 name: IDictionary nameWithType: IDictionary fullName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary nameWithType.vb: IDictionary(Of String, PersonalityType) fullName.vb: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of System.String, TinyLife.PersonalityType) name.vb: IDictionary(Of String, PersonalityType) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 name: IDictionary nameWithType: IDictionary fullName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary isExternal: true - name: < nameWithType: < fullName: < - uid: System.String name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType - name: '>' nameWithType: '>' fullName: '>' spec.vb: - uid: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 name: IDictionary nameWithType: IDictionary fullName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary isExternal: true - name: '(Of ' nameWithType: '(Of ' fullName: '(Of ' - uid: System.String name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String isExternal: true - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 commentId: T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 isExternal: true name: IDictionary nameWithType: IDictionary fullName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary nameWithType.vb: IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) fullName.vb: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) name.vb: IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) spec.csharp: - uid: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 name: IDictionary nameWithType: IDictionary fullName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary isExternal: true - name: < nameWithType: < fullName: < - name: TKey nameWithType: TKey fullName: TKey - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - name: TValue nameWithType: TValue fullName: TValue - name: '>' nameWithType: '>' fullName: '>' spec.vb: - uid: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 name: IDictionary nameWithType: IDictionary fullName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary isExternal: true - name: '(Of ' nameWithType: '(Of ' fullName: '(Of ' - name: TKey nameWithType: TKey fullName: TKey - name: ', ' nameWithType: ', ' fullName: ', ' - name: TValue nameWithType: TValue fullName: TValue - name: ) nameWithType: ) fullName: ) - uid: System.Collections.Generic commentId: N:System.Collections.Generic isExternal: true name: System.Collections.Generic nameWithType: System.Collections.Generic fullName: System.Collections.Generic - uid: System.Int32 commentId: T:System.Int32 parent: System isExternal: true name: Int32 nameWithType: Int32 fullName: System.Int32 - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType commentId: T:TinyLife.PersonalityType parent: TinyLife name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types commentId: F:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types isExternal: true - uid: System.String commentId: T:System.String parent: System isExternal: true name: String nameWithType: String fullName: System.String - uid: MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion commentId: T:MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion parent: MLEM.Textures isExternal: true name: TextureRegion nameWithType: TextureRegion fullName: MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion - uid: MLEM.Textures commentId: N:MLEM.Textures isExternal: true name: MLEM.Textures nameWithType: MLEM.Textures fullName: MLEM.Textures - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType[] isExternal: true name: PersonalityType[] nameWithType: PersonalityType[] fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType[] nameWithType.vb: PersonalityType() fullName.vb: TinyLife.PersonalityType() name.vb: PersonalityType() spec.csharp: - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType - name: '[]' nameWithType: '[]' fullName: '[]' spec.vb: - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType - name: () nameWithType: () fullName: () - uid: TinyLife.Skills.SkillCategory commentId: T:TinyLife.Skills.SkillCategory parent: TinyLife.Skills name: SkillCategory nameWithType: SkillCategory fullName: TinyLife.Skills.SkillCategory - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier commentId: P:TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills name: BoostedSkills nameWithType: PersonalityType.BoostedSkills fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills - uid: TinyLife.Skills commentId: N:TinyLife.Skills name: TinyLife.Skills nameWithType: TinyLife.Skills fullName: TinyLife.Skills - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills commentId: P:TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkills isExternal: true - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier name: BoostedSkillsModifier nameWithType: PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.BoostedSkillsModifier - uid: System.Single commentId: T:System.Single parent: System isExternal: true name: Single nameWithType: Single fullName: System.Single - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.#ctor* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.PersonalityType.#ctor name: PersonalityType nameWithType: PersonalityType.PersonalityType fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.PersonalityType - uid: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register* commentId: Overload:TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register name: Register nameWithType: PersonalityType.Register fullName: TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register