2021-11-23 16:24:04 +01:00

757 lines
23 KiB

### YamlMime:ManagedReference
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
commentId: T:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
id: ActionType.AiSettings
parent: TinyLife.Actions
- TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoAtAnyPoint
- TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
- TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.NeedsFreeActionSpot
- TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
- TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
- csharp
- vb
name: ActionType.AiSettings
nameWithType: ActionType.AiSettings
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
type: Struct
path: TinyLife/Actions/ActionType.cs
branch: master
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git
id: AiSettings
path: Actions/ActionType.cs
startLine: 319
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.Actions
summary: "\nA set of settings that <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> uses to determine how <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.PersonAi\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> should deal with this <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>\n"
example: []
content: public struct AiSettings
content.vb: Public Structure AiSettings
- System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)
- System.ValueType.GetHashCode
- System.ValueType.ToString
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.GetType
- System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
- TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
- public
- struct
- Public
- Structure
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
id: SolvedNeeds
parent: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
- csharp
- vb
name: SolvedNeeds
nameWithType: ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
type: Field
path: TinyLife/Actions/ActionType.cs
branch: master
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git
id: SolvedNeeds
path: Actions/ActionType.cs
startLine: 326
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.Actions
summary: "\nThe need that this action solves when invoked.\nThe action doesn&apos;t need to actually solve this need in its implementation, but instead, this value is used to determine which actions to choose from if a person&apos;s needs are low.\nDefaults to null.\n"
example: []
content: public NeedType[] SolvedNeeds
type: TinyLife.NeedType[]
content.vb: Public SolvedNeeds As NeedType()
- public
- Public
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
id: PassivePriority
parent: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
- csharp
- vb
name: PassivePriority
nameWithType: ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
type: Field
path: TinyLife/Actions/ActionType.cs
branch: master
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git
id: PassivePriority
path: Actions/ActionType.cs
startLine: 333
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.Actions
summary: "\nA function that returns the passive priority of this action type.\nBy default, the passive priority is 0, meaning this action will never be executed randomly.\nThe higher the passive priority, the more likely it is that this action will be invoked randomly by a person.\nThis function is usually only queried through <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Person.GetPassiveActionPriority(TinyLife.Actions.ActionType)\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>, as personality modifiers and the like get applied there.\n"
example: []
content: public Func<Person, float> PassivePriority
type: System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Single}
content.vb: Public PassivePriority As Func(Of Person, Single)
- public
- Public
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
id: CanDoRandomly
parent: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
- csharp
- vb
name: CanDoRandomly
nameWithType: ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
type: Field
path: TinyLife/Actions/ActionType.cs
branch: master
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git
id: CanDoRandomly
path: Actions/ActionType.cs
startLine: 340
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.Actions
summary: "\nA value that determines whether or not this action can be started randomly by the AI.\nA random action will only be started if the corresponding person&apos;s <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> is empty.\nIf this value is false, but <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> is true, this action will still be started if the need set is low.\nNote that, for this value to have an effect, the <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> needs to be greater than 0.\n"
example: []
content: public bool CanDoRandomly
type: System.Boolean
content.vb: Public CanDoRandomly As Boolean
- public
- Public
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoAtAnyPoint
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoAtAnyPoint
id: CanDoAtAnyPoint
parent: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
- csharp
- vb
name: CanDoAtAnyPoint
nameWithType: ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoAtAnyPoint
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoAtAnyPoint
type: Field
path: TinyLife/Actions/ActionType.cs
branch: master
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git
id: CanDoAtAnyPoint
path: Actions/ActionType.cs
startLine: 347
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.Actions
summary: "\nA value that determines whether or not this action can be started randomly, at any point, by the AI.\nWhereas <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> actions can only be started when the <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> is empty, an action with this flag can always be started randomly.\nIf this value is false, but <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> is true, this action will still be started if the need set is low.\nNote that, for this value to have an effect, the <xref href=\"TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> needs to be greater than 0.\n"
example: []
content: public bool CanDoAtAnyPoint
type: System.Boolean
content.vb: Public CanDoAtAnyPoint As Boolean
- public
- Public
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.NeedsFreeActionSpot
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.NeedsFreeActionSpot
id: NeedsFreeActionSpot
parent: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings
- csharp
- vb
name: NeedsFreeActionSpot
nameWithType: ActionType.AiSettings.NeedsFreeActionSpot
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.NeedsFreeActionSpot
type: Field
path: TinyLife/Actions/ActionType.cs
branch: master
repo: https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/TinyLife.git
id: NeedsFreeActionSpot
path: Actions/ActionType.cs
startLine: 353
- Tiny Life
namespace: TinyLife.Actions
summary: "\nA value that determines whether this action needs to find a free <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref> on the object that it is invoked on.\nThis value only has an effect if this action can be executed on any <xref href=\"TinyLife.Objects.Furniture\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>.\nThis value defaults to true.\n"
example: []
content: public bool NeedsFreeActionSpot
type: System.Boolean
content.vb: Public NeedsFreeActionSpot As Boolean
- public
- Public
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings
commentId: T:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings
parent: TinyLife.Actions
name: ActionType.TypeSettings
nameWithType: ActionType.TypeSettings
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.PersonAi
commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.PersonAi
name: PersonAi
nameWithType: PersonAi
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.PersonAi
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
commentId: T:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
parent: TinyLife.Actions
name: ActionType
nameWithType: ActionType
fullName: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType
- uid: TinyLife.Actions
commentId: N:TinyLife.Actions
name: TinyLife.Actions
nameWithType: TinyLife.Actions
fullName: TinyLife.Actions
- uid: System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)
commentId: M:System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)
parent: System.ValueType
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object)
nameWithType: ValueType.Equals(Object)
fullName: System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)
- uid: System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: ValueType.Equals
fullName: System.ValueType.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: ValueType.Equals
fullName: System.ValueType.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.ValueType.GetHashCode
commentId: M:System.ValueType.GetHashCode
parent: System.ValueType
isExternal: true
name: GetHashCode()
nameWithType: ValueType.GetHashCode()
fullName: System.ValueType.GetHashCode()
- uid: System.ValueType.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: ValueType.GetHashCode
fullName: System.ValueType.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.ValueType.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: ValueType.GetHashCode
fullName: System.ValueType.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.ValueType.ToString
commentId: M:System.ValueType.ToString
parent: System.ValueType
isExternal: true
name: ToString()
nameWithType: ValueType.ToString()
fullName: System.ValueType.ToString()
- uid: System.ValueType.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: ValueType.ToString
fullName: System.ValueType.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.ValueType.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: ValueType.ToString
fullName: System.ValueType.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
commentId: M:System.Object.GetType
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetType()
nameWithType: Object.GetType()
fullName: System.Object.GetType()
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
parent: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
definition: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<ActionType.AiSettings>()
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<ActionType.AiSettings>()
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings>()
nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of ActionType.AiSettings)()
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings)()
name.vb: JsonCopy(Of ActionType.AiSettings)()
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
name: JsonCopy<ActionType.AiSettings>
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<ActionType.AiSettings>
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings>
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1
name: JsonCopy(Of ActionType.AiSettings)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of ActionType.AiSettings)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings)
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.ValueType
commentId: T:System.ValueType
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: ValueType
nameWithType: ValueType
fullName: System.ValueType
- uid: System.Object
commentId: T:System.Object
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
commentId: M:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<T>(T)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<T>(T)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<T>(T)
nameWithType.vb: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
fullName.vb: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
name.vb: JsonCopy(Of T)(T)
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy<T>
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy<T>
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy<T>
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy``1(``0)
name: JsonCopy(Of T)
nameWithType: Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions.JsonCopy(Of T)
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
commentId: T:TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
parent: TinyLife.Utilities
name: Extensions
nameWithType: Extensions
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities.Extensions
- uid: System
commentId: N:System
isExternal: true
name: System
nameWithType: System
fullName: System
- uid: TinyLife.Utilities
commentId: N:TinyLife.Utilities
name: TinyLife.Utilities
nameWithType: TinyLife.Utilities
fullName: TinyLife.Utilities
- uid: TinyLife.NeedType[]
isExternal: true
name: NeedType[]
nameWithType: NeedType[]
fullName: TinyLife.NeedType[]
nameWithType.vb: NeedType()
fullName.vb: TinyLife.NeedType()
name.vb: NeedType()
- uid: TinyLife.NeedType
name: NeedType
nameWithType: NeedType
fullName: TinyLife.NeedType
- name: '[]'
nameWithType: '[]'
fullName: '[]'
- uid: TinyLife.NeedType
name: NeedType
nameWithType: NeedType
fullName: TinyLife.NeedType
- name: ()
nameWithType: ()
fullName: ()
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.GetPassiveActionPriority(TinyLife.Actions.ActionType)
commentId: M:TinyLife.Objects.Person.GetPassiveActionPriority(TinyLife.Actions.ActionType)
isExternal: true
- uid: System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Single}
commentId: T:System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Single}
parent: System
definition: System.Func`2
name: Func<Person, Single>
nameWithType: Func<Person, Single>
fullName: System.Func<TinyLife.Objects.Person, System.Single>
nameWithType.vb: Func(Of Person, Single)
fullName.vb: System.Func(Of TinyLife.Objects.Person, System.Single)
name.vb: Func(Of Person, Single)
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person
name: Person
nameWithType: Person
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Single
name: Single
nameWithType: Single
fullName: System.Single
isExternal: true
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person
name: Person
nameWithType: Person
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Person
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Single
name: Single
nameWithType: Single
fullName: System.Single
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Func`2
commentId: T:System.Func`2
isExternal: true
name: Func<T, TResult>
nameWithType: Func<T, TResult>
fullName: System.Func<T, TResult>
nameWithType.vb: Func(Of T, TResult)
fullName.vb: System.Func(Of T, TResult)
name.vb: Func(Of T, TResult)
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: <
nameWithType: <
fullName: <
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- name: TResult
nameWithType: TResult
fullName: TResult
- name: '>'
nameWithType: '>'
fullName: '>'
- uid: System.Func`2
name: Func
nameWithType: Func
fullName: System.Func
isExternal: true
- name: '(Of '
nameWithType: '(Of '
fullName: '(Of '
- name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- name: TResult
nameWithType: TResult
fullName: TResult
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue
commentId: F:TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.SolvedNeeds
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.PassivePriority
isExternal: true
- uid: System.Boolean
commentId: T:System.Boolean
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Boolean
nameWithType: Boolean
fullName: System.Boolean
- uid: TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
commentId: F:TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.CanDoRandomly
isExternal: true
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot
commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot
parent: TinyLife.Objects
name: ActionSpot
nameWithType: ActionSpot
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot
- uid: TinyLife.Objects.Furniture
commentId: T:TinyLife.Objects.Furniture
parent: TinyLife.Objects
name: Furniture
nameWithType: Furniture
fullName: TinyLife.Objects.Furniture
- uid: TinyLife.Objects
commentId: N:TinyLife.Objects
name: TinyLife.Objects
nameWithType: TinyLife.Objects
fullName: TinyLife.Objects