using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Numerics; using Coroutine; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using MLEM.Cameras; using MLEM.Startup; using TouchyTickets.Upgrades; using Vector2 = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2; namespace TouchyTickets; public class GameImpl : MlemGame { public static GameImpl Instance { get; private set; } public readonly ISet AppliedUpgrades = new HashSet(); public readonly Platform Platform; public BigInteger Tickets; public int TimesRestarted; public int Stars; public ParkMap Map; public Tutorial Tutorial { get; private set; } public Camera Camera { get; private set; } public Ui Ui { get; private set; } public bool DrawMap; public DateTime LastUpdate; public TimeSpan PlayTime; private double saveCounter; public GameImpl(Platform platform) { this.Platform = platform; GameImpl.Instance = this; } protected override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); Assets.Load(); Options.Load(); // start the load sequence Ui.SetupUiSystem(this.UiSystem); CoroutineHandler.Start(Ui.DisplaySplash(this.LoadGame)); } private void LoadGame() { this.Tutorial = new Tutorial(); if (!SaveHandler.Load(this)) this.Map = new ParkMap(20, 20); // load other stuff this.Ui = new Ui(this.UiSystem); this.Camera = new Camera(this.GraphicsDevice) { Scale = 4, AutoScaleWithScreen = true, AutoScaleReferenceSize = new Point(720, 1280), MaxScale = 24, MinScale = 2 }; // update the map once to make sure that catching up happens during loading this.UpdateMapOnce(); } protected override void DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) { base.DoUpdate(gameTime); if (this.Map != null) { // update the map this.UpdateMapOnce(); // save every 3 seconds this.saveCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (this.saveCounter >= 3) { this.saveCounter = 0; SaveHandler.Save(this); } } // play time stuff var lastTime = this.PlayTime; this.PlayTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime; if (lastTime.TotalHours >= 1 != this.PlayTime.TotalHours >= 1) Ui.DisplayRatePlease(); this.Ui?.Update(gameTime); this.Tutorial?.Update(this); } protected override void DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) { this.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); if (this.DrawMap) { this.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, transformMatrix: this.Camera.ViewMatrix); this.Map.Draw(gameTime, this.SpriteBatch, Vector2.Zero, 1, 1, true, this.Camera.GetVisibleRectangle()); this.SpriteBatch.End(); } base.DoDraw(gameTime); } public BigInteger GetStarPrice() { return 1000000000 * BigInteger.Pow(100, this.TimesRestarted); } public int GetBuyableStars() { #if DEBUG return 3; #else return (int) BigInteger.Min(3, this.Tickets / this.GetStarPrice()); #endif } private void UpdateMapOnce() { var now = DateTime.Now; if (this.LastUpdate != default) { var lastTickets = this.Tickets; var lastTps = this.Map.TicketsPerSecond; var passed = now - this.LastUpdate; this.Map.Update(passed, passed.TotalSeconds >= 1); // if 10 or more seconds passed, we display a message if (Options.Instance.WhileYouWereAwayMessage && passed.TotalSeconds >= 10) Ui.DisplayWhileYouWereAway(passed, this.Tickets - lastTickets, this.Map.TicketsPerSecond - lastTps); } this.LastUpdate = now; } }