using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Misc; using MLEM.Startup; using MLEM.Textures; using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionFlags; using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionType; namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions { [DataContract] public class Attraction { [DataMember] public readonly List Modifiers = new List(); [DataMember] public readonly AttractionType Type; [DataMember] private double ticketPercentage; private float animationSizeModifier; public Attraction(AttractionType type) { this.Type = type; } public double Update(TimeSpan passed, ParkMap map, Point position) { var genRate = this.GetGenerationRate(map, position); // apply generation rate to ticket amount this.ticketPercentage += genRate * passed.TotalSeconds; var total = (BigInteger) this.ticketPercentage; if (total > 0) { GameImpl.Instance.Tickets += total; this.ticketPercentage -= (double) total; } // animation stuff if (this.animationSizeModifier > 0) this.animationSizeModifier = Math.Max(this.animationSizeModifier - 0.2F, 0); // return the generation rate per second return genRate; } public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 position, float alpha, float scale) { var drawScale = scale; if (this.animationSizeModifier > 0) drawScale += (float) Math.Sin(this.animationSizeModifier) * 0.05F; var tex = Assets.AttractionTexture[this.Type.TextureRegion]; var center = tex.Size.ToVector2() / 2; batch.Draw(tex, position + center * scale, Color.White * alpha, 0, center, drawScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } public double GetGenerationRate(ParkMap map, Point position) { var genRate = this.Type.GetGenerationRate(); // apply attraction modifiers var mod = 1D; foreach (var modifier in this.Modifiers) mod += Math.Pow(modifier.Modifier.Multiplier, modifier.Amount) - 1; genRate *= mod; // apply star upgrades if (Upgrade.FerrisWheelModifier.IsActive() && this.GetSurrounding(map, position, FerrisWheel).Any()) genRate *= 2; if (Upgrade.FoodCourtModifier.IsActive() && this.GetSurrounding(map, position, FoodCourt).Any()) genRate *= 2; if (Upgrade.SpiralSlideModifier.IsActive() && this.GetSurrounding(map, position, SpiralSlide).Any()) genRate *= 2; if (Upgrade.HauntedHouseModifier.IsActive() && this.Type.Flags.HasFlag(Relaxed) && this.GetSurrounding(map, position, HauntedHouse).Any()) genRate *= 3; return genRate; } public void ApplyModifier(AttractionModifier modifier) { // increase the amount of existing modifiers foreach (var mod in this.Modifiers) { if (mod.Modifier == modifier) { mod.Amount++; return; } } // or add a new modifier this.Modifiers.Add(new ActiveModifier(modifier, 1)); } public int GetModifierAmount(AttractionModifier modifier) { return this.Modifiers.Where(m => modifier == null || m.Modifier == modifier).Sum(m => m.Amount); } public BigInteger GetModifierPrice(AttractionModifier modifier) { var amount = this.GetModifierAmount(modifier); return (BigInteger) Math.Ceiling(modifier.InitialPrice * Math.Pow(1 + 0.45F, amount)); } public void Wobble() { this.animationSizeModifier = MathHelper.Pi; } private IEnumerable GetSurrounding(ParkMap map, Point position, AttractionType type) { foreach (var tile in this.Type.GetCoveredTiles()) { foreach (var dir in Direction2Helper.Adjacent) { var other = map.GetAttractionAt(position + tile + dir.Offset()); if (other != null && other != this && other.Type == type) yield return other; } } } } }