[{ "name": "☕ Buy me a Coffee", "text": "Ko-fi is a great site that allows you to send me just enough money to buy a coffee. And I love those. You can also use it to send monthly payments, but the other sites in this list are usually better for that.", "links": [{ "name": "Take me there", "link": "https://ko-fi.com/ellpeck" }] }, { "name": "⭐ Become a Patron", "text": "Patreon allows you to support me on a monthly basis with an amount of money of your choosing. You can also get fun rewards, like player accessories to impress your friends when using my Minecraft mods!", "links": [{ "name": "Take me there", "link": "https://patreon.com/Ellpeck" }] }, { "name": "💻 Sponsor on GitHub", "text": "GitHub Sponsors is basically Patreon for programmers, and it provides a monthly support option, but it also allows you to make one-time payments. Here, you can get the same rewards as you get on Patreon.", "links": [{ "name": "Sponsor monthly", "link": "https://github.com/sponsors/Ellpeck?frequency=recurring" }, { "name": "Sponsor once", "link": "https://github.com/sponsors/Ellpeck?frequency=one-time" }] }]