const questions = [{ 'q': 'How old are you?', 'a': "I'm " + getAge() + " years old. This automatically updates now, too, so I won't ever forget to update it again!" }, { 'q': 'Where are you from?', 'a': "I am from Neuss, Germany and I'm currently living and going to university in Aachen, Germany." }, { 'q': 'Why are you called Ellpeck?', 'a': "Well, it actually isn't as interesting of a story as some of you might hope. Long story short, when I was little (and was, apparently, very bad at English), I decided to make a YouTube channel called \"LetsPlayEveryGames.\" Shortly after, I also made a Minecraft account that I was going to call the same thing. At the time, though, there was a limit for how many characters your name could have, and so I opted for calling myself \"LPEG\" instead. When a friend of mine came along and started trying to pronounce that name, instead of saying each individual letter on its own, he started pronouncing it like a word: Ell-Peg. ...Ellpeck. I liked that pronounciation and so I stuck with the name." }, { 'q': "What are your pronouns?", 'a': "I'm cis male, so I go by he/him." }, { 'q': "What's your sexual orientation?", 'a': 'I like cute guys.' }, { 'q': 'What languages do you speak?', 'a': 'German, English, Java, JavaScript, C# and a bit of C, HTML and CSS.' }, { 'q': 'What\'s your favorite programming language?', 'a': 'It varies between C# and Java, based on the language that I currently use more.' }, { 'q': "What's your job/occupation?", 'a': "I'm currently studying Computer Science at the RWTH Aachen. I don't have a job on the side or anything, though." }, { 'q': 'Are you for hire?', 'a': 'Technically yes. If you\'re serious about an offer, you can send me an email. There\'s a link above.' }, { 'q': 'What do you use to code?', 'a': "For Java, I use IntelliJ IDEA. For C#, I use JetBrains Rider. For most of my other projects, which are usually rather small, I use Visual Studio Code, which is awesome, by the way." }, { 'q': 'How did you make this site?', 'a': 'I made this page using Bootstrap. The content is dynamically generated using JavaScript based on a bunch of JSON data. If you\'re curious about the (probably pretty messy) code, then you can check out the GitHub repository.' }, { 'q': 'What\'s the deal with life?', 'a': 'Man, if I knew.' } ]; let a = ''; for (question of questions) { a += '

'; a += 'Q: ' + question['q'] + '
'; a += 'A: ' + question['a']; a += '

'; } $('#about-list').html(a); function getAge() { let birthdayMillis = Date.UTC(1999, 05, 21); let todayMillis =; let ageSinceStart = new Date(todayMillis - birthdayMillis); return ageSinceStart.getUTCFullYear() - 1970; }