Ell 8a14c03989
All checks were successful
Web/pipeline/head This commit looks good
some code style improvements
2021-03-19 12:02:31 +01:00

67 lines
2.2 KiB

const replacements = new Map();
replacements.set(/<imp>([^<]*)<r>/g, function (content) {
return `<span class="imp">${content}</span>`;
replacements.set(/<item>([^<]*)<r>/g, function (content) {
return `<span class="item">${content}</span>`;
replacements.set(/<n>/g, function (_content) {
return "<br>";
replacements.set(/<i>([^<]*)<r>/g, function (content) {
return `<em>${content}</em>`;
replacements.set(/<tifisgrin>([^<]*)<r>/g, function (content) {
return `<span class="tifisgrin">${content}</span>`;
url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions/src/main/resources/assets/actuallyadditions/lang/en_US.lang",
cache: false,
success: populateManual
function populateManual(lang) {
let startIndex = lang.indexOf("#Booklet Chapters");
let data = lang.substring(startIndex + 18);
let entries = $("#entries");
let sidebar = $("#sidebar");
for (let topic of data.split("\n\n")) {
let lines = topic.split("\n");
let t = '<div class="entry rounded">';
// first line is name
let name = lines[0].substring(lines[0].indexOf("=") + 1);
let id = lines[0].match(/chapter\.([^\.]*)\.name/)[1];
sidebar.append(`<a href=#${id}>${name}</a>`);
t += `<a class="anchor" id="${id}"></a>`;
t += `<h1>${name}</h1>`;
// following lines are content
for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
let text = lines[i].substring(lines[i].indexOf("=") + 1);
t += `<p>${replaceFormatting(text)}</p>`;
t += "</div>";
sidebar.append(`<a href="https://ellpeck.de">Main Site</a>`);
sidebar.append(`<a href="https://ellpeck.de/impressum">Impressum</a>`);
sidebar.append(`<a href="https://ellpeck.de/privacy">Privacy</a>`);
sidebar.append(`<a href="https://git.ellpeck.de/Ellpeck/Web">&copy; Ellpeck</a>`);
function replaceFormatting(text) {
for (let [k, v] of replacements.entries()) {
const finalV = v;
text = text.replace(k, function (_substring, group) {
return finalV(group);
return text;