Ell 37138b67f8
All checks were successful
Web/pipeline/head This commit looks good
fixed some issues with the new book styling
2021-04-01 00:45:26 +02:00

47 lines
1.6 KiB

const {
} = require("jsdom");
const showdown = require("showdown");
exports.showdown = function (headerLevel) {
return new showdown.Converter({
parseImgDimensions: true,
headerLevelStart: headerLevel,
extensions: ["prettify", "footnotes"]
exports.extractBookData = function (file, post) {
let html = new JSDOM(file);
let page = html.window.document.getElementById("page");
// remove header section
let header = page.getElementsByTagName("header");
while (header.length > 0)
// reduce all headings by 1
for (let h = 5; h >= 1; h--) {
let heading = page.getElementsByTagName(`h${h}`);
while (heading.length > 0)
this.changeTag(heading[0], `h${h+1}`);
return /*html*/ `
${post.prompt ? /*html*/ `<p><i>This story was inspired by a Reedsy Prompt and submitted to their competition. As such, it has also been published on <a href="${post.prompt}">their website</a>.</i></p>` : ""}
exports.replaceRelativeLinks = function (element, tag) {
if (element[tag] && element[tag].startsWith("./"))
element[tag] = `../${element[tag].substring(2)}`;
exports.changeTag = function (element, newTag) {
const newElement = element.ownerDocument.createElement(newTag);
newElement.innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
for (let a of element.attributes)
newElement.setAttribute(a.nodeName, a.nodeValue);
element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, element);