
121 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Coroutine {
/// <summary>
/// A reference to a currently running coroutine.
/// This is returned by <see cref="CoroutineHandler.Start(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator{Coroutine.Wait},string,int)"/>.
/// </summary>
public class ActiveCoroutine : IComparable<ActiveCoroutine> {
private readonly IEnumerator<Wait> enumerator;
private readonly Stopwatch stopwatch;
private Wait current;
internal Event Event => this.current.Event;
internal bool IsWaitingForEvent => this.Event != null;
/// <summary>
/// This property stores whether or not this active coroutine is finished.
/// A coroutine is finished if all of its waits have passed, or if it <see cref="WasCanceled"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool IsFinished { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// This property stores whether or not this active coroutine was cancelled using <see cref="Cancel"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool WasCanceled { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The total amount of time that <see cref="MoveNext"/> took.
/// This is the amount of time that this active coroutine took for the entirety of its "steps", or yield statements.
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan TotalMoveNextTime { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The total amount of times that <see cref="MoveNext"/> was invoked.
/// This is the amount of "steps" in your coroutine, or the amount of yield statements.
/// </summary>
public int MoveNextCount { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The amount of time that the last <see cref="MoveNext"/> took.
/// This is the amount of time that this active coroutine took for the last "step", or yield statement.
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan LastMoveNextTime { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// An event that gets fired when this active coroutine finishes or gets cancelled.
/// When this event is called, <see cref="IsFinished"/> is always true.
/// </summary>
public event FinishCallback OnFinished;
/// <summary>
/// The name of this coroutine.
/// When not specified on startup of this coroutine, the name defaults to an empty string.
/// </summary>
public readonly string Name;
/// <summary>
/// The priority of this coroutine. The higher the priority, the earlier it is advanced compared to other coroutines that advance around the same time.
/// When not specified at startup of this coroutine, the priority defaults to 0.
/// </summary>
public readonly int Priority;
internal ActiveCoroutine(IEnumerator<Wait> enumerator, string name, int priority, Stopwatch stopwatch) {
this.enumerator = enumerator;
this.Name = name;
this.Priority = priority;
this.stopwatch = stopwatch;
/// <summary>
/// Cancels this coroutine, causing all subsequent <see cref="Wait"/>s and any code in between to be skipped.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Whether the cancellation was successful, or this coroutine was already cancelled or finished</returns>
public bool Cancel() {
if (this.IsFinished || this.WasCanceled)
return false;
this.WasCanceled = true;
this.IsFinished = true;
return true;
internal bool Tick(double deltaSeconds) {
if (!this.WasCanceled && this.current.Tick(deltaSeconds))
return this.IsFinished;
internal bool OnEvent(Event evt) {
if (!this.WasCanceled && Equals(this.current.Event, evt))
return this.IsFinished;
internal bool MoveNext() {
var result = this.enumerator.MoveNext();
this.LastMoveNextTime = this.stopwatch.Elapsed;
this.TotalMoveNextTime += this.stopwatch.Elapsed;
if (!result) {
this.IsFinished = true;
return false;
this.current = this.enumerator.Current;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// A delegate method used by <see cref="ActiveCoroutine.OnFinished"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coroutine">The coroutine that finished</param>
public delegate void FinishCallback(ActiveCoroutine coroutine);
/// <inheritdoc />
public int CompareTo(ActiveCoroutine other) {
return other.Priority.CompareTo(this.Priority);