The **MLEM** base package features several additional font manipulation methods, including line splitting and text truncating. These abilities can be accessed through generic fonts.
MLEM features the `GenericFont` class along with a `GenericSpriteFont` implementation. This is used by the **MLEM.Ui** package, but it can also be used separately to have more control over font rendering.
Using generic fonts, a long line of text can be split into multiple lines based on a maximum width in pixels. The split text that is returned is delimited by `\n` (newline characters).
var split = spriteFont.SplitString("This is a really long line of text [...]", width: 100, scale: 1);
spriteFont.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, split, new Vector2(10, 10), Color.White);
Using generic fonts, a long line of text can also be truncated to fit a certain width in pixels. The remaining text that doesn't fit will simply be chopped off of the end (or start) of the string.
// Truncate from the front
var truncFront = spriteFont.TruncateString("This is a really long line of text [...]", width: 100, fromBack: false, scale: 1);
// Truncate from the back
var truncBack = spriteFont.TruncateString("This is a really long line of text [...]", width: 100, fromBack: true, scale: 1);