/// A scissor group is a <see cref="Group"/> that sets the <see cref="GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle"/> before drawing its content (and thus, its <see cref="Element.Children"/>), preventing them from being drawn outside of this group's <see cref="Element.DisplayArea"/>'s bounds.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The rasterizer state that this scissor group should use when drawing.
/// By default, <see cref="CullMode"/> is set to <see cref="CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace"/> in accordance with <see cref="SpriteBatch"/>'s default behavior, and <see cref="RasterizerState.ScissorTestEnable"/> is set to <see langword="true"/>.
/// <param name="setHeightBasedOnChildren">Whether the group's height should be based on its children's height, see <see cref="Element.SetHeightBasedOnChildren"/>.</param>
/// <param name="setWidthBasedOnChildren">Whether the group's width should be based on its children's width, see <see cref="Element.SetWidthBasedOnChildren"/>.</param>
/// <param name="setHeightBasedOnChildren">Whether the group's height should be based on its children's height, see <see cref="Element.SetHeightBasedOnChildren"/>.</param>