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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
namespace MLEM.Ui.Format {
public static class TextFormatting {
private static Regex formatRegex;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, FormattingCode> FormattingCodes = new Dictionary<string, FormattingCode>();
static TextFormatting() {
SetFormatIndicators('[', ']');
FormattingCodes["regular"] = new FormattingCode(TextStyle.Regular);
FormattingCodes["italic"] = new FormattingCode(TextStyle.Italic);
FormattingCodes["bold"] = new FormattingCode(TextStyle.Bold);
var colors = typeof(Color).GetProperties();
foreach (var color in colors) {
if (color.GetGetMethod().IsStatic)
FormattingCodes[color.Name.ToLowerInvariant()] = new FormattingCode((Color) color.GetValue(null));
public static void SetFormatIndicators(char opener, char closer) {
// escape the opener and closer so that any character can be used
var op = "\\" + opener;
var cl = "\\" + closer;
// find any text that is surrounded by the opener and closer
formatRegex = new Regex($"{op}[^{op}{cl}]*{cl}");
public static string RemoveFormatting(this string s) {
return formatRegex.Replace(s, string.Empty);
public static Dictionary<int, FormattingCode> GetFormattingCodes(this string s, bool indicesIgnoreCode = true) {
var codes = new Dictionary<int, FormattingCode>();
var codeLengths = 0;
foreach (Match match in formatRegex.Matches(s)) {
var rawCode = match.Value.Substring(1, match.Value.Length - 2).ToLowerInvariant();
codes[match.Index - codeLengths] = FormattingCodes[rawCode];
// if indices of formatting codes should ignore the codes themselves, then the lengths of all
// of the codes we have sound so far needs to be subtracted from the found code's index
if (indicesIgnoreCode)
codeLengths += match.Length;
return codes;