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752 lines
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### YamlMime:ManagedReference
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1
commentId: T:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1
id: RawContentReader`1
parent: MLEM.Content
- MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.CanRead(System.Type)
- MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,`0)
- MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
- csharp
- vb
name: RawContentReader<T>
nameWithType: RawContentReader<T>
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader<T>
type: Class
path: MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
branch: master
repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM
id: RawContentReader
path: ../MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
startLine: 36
namespace: MLEM.Content
summary: "\nRepresents a way for any kind of raw content file to be read using a <xref href=\"MLEM.Content.RawContentManager\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\"></xref>\n"
example: []
content: 'public abstract class RawContentReader<T> : RawContentReader'
- id: T
content.vb: >-
Public MustInherit Class RawContentReader(Of T)
Inherits RawContentReader
- System.Object
- MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
- MLEM.Content.SongReader
- MLEM.Content.SoundEffectReader
- MLEM.Content.Texture2DReader
- MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
- System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.GetHashCode
- System.Object.GetType
- System.Object.MemberwiseClone
- System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
- System.Object.ToString
nameWithType.vb: RawContentReader(Of T)
- public
- abstract
- class
- Public
- MustInherit
- Class
fullName.vb: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader(Of T)
name.vb: RawContentReader(Of T)
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.CanRead(System.Type)
commentId: M:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.CanRead(System.Type)
id: CanRead(System.Type)
parent: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1
- csharp
- vb
name: CanRead(Type)
nameWithType: RawContentReader<T>.CanRead(Type)
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader<T>.CanRead(System.Type)
type: Method
path: MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
branch: master
repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM
id: CanRead
path: ../MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
startLine: 39
namespace: MLEM.Content
summary: "\nReturns if the given type can be loaded by this content reader\n"
example: []
content: public override bool CanRead(Type t)
- id: t
type: System.Type
description: The type of asset
type: System.Boolean
description: If <see cref="!:t"></see> can be loaded by this content reader
content.vb: Public Overrides Function CanRead(t As Type) As Boolean
overridden: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead(System.Type)
overload: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.CanRead*
nameWithType.vb: RawContentReader(Of T).CanRead(Type)
- public
- override
- Public
- Overrides
fullName.vb: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader(Of T).CanRead(System.Type)
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
commentId: M:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
id: Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
parent: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1
- csharp
- vb
name: Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, Type, Object)
nameWithType: RawContentReader<T>.Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, Type, Object)
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader<T>.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager, System.String, System.IO.Stream, System.Type, System.Object)
type: Method
path: MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
branch: master
repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM
id: Read
path: ../MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
startLine: 44
namespace: MLEM.Content
summary: "\nReads the content file from disk and returns it.\n"
example: []
content: public override object Read(RawContentManager manager, string assetPath, Stream stream, Type t, object existing)
- id: manager
type: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
description: The <xref href="MLEM.Content.RawContentManager" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> that is loading the asset
- id: assetPath
type: System.String
description: The full path to the asset, starting from the <see cref="!:RawContentManager.RootDirectory"></see>
- id: stream
type: System.IO.Stream
description: A stream that leads to this asset
- id: t
type: System.Type
description: The type of asset to load
- id: existing
type: System.Object
description: If this asset is being reloaded, this value contains the previous version of the asset.
type: System.Object
description: The loaded asset
content.vb: Public Overrides Function Read(manager As RawContentManager, assetPath As String, stream As Stream, t As Type, existing As Object) As Object
overridden: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
overload: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read*
nameWithType.vb: RawContentReader(Of T).Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, Type, Object)
- public
- override
- Public
- Overrides
fullName.vb: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader(Of T).Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager, System.String, System.IO.Stream, System.Type, System.Object)
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,`0)
commentId: M:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,`0)
id: Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,`0)
parent: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1
- csharp
- vb
name: Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, T)
nameWithType: RawContentReader<T>.Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, T)
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader<T>.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager, System.String, System.IO.Stream, T)
type: Method
path: MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
branch: master
repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM
id: Read
path: ../MLEM/Content/RawContentReader.cs
startLine: 57
namespace: MLEM.Content
summary: "\nReads the content file that is represented by our generic type from disk.\n"
example: []
content: protected abstract T Read(RawContentManager manager, string assetPath, Stream stream, T existing)
- id: manager
type: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
description: The <xref href="MLEM.Content.RawContentManager" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> that is loading the asset
- id: assetPath
type: System.String
description: The full path to the asset, starting from the <see cref="!:RawContentManager.RootDirectory"></see>
- id: stream
type: System.IO.Stream
description: A stream that leads to this asset
- id: existing
type: '{T}'
description: If this asset is being reloaded, this value contains the previous version of the asset.
type: '{T}'
description: The loaded asset
content.vb: Protected MustOverride Function Read(manager As RawContentManager, assetPath As String, stream As Stream, existing As T) As T
overload: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read*
nameWithType.vb: RawContentReader(Of T).Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, T)
- protected
- abstract
- Protected
- MustOverride
fullName.vb: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader(Of T).Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager, System.String, System.IO.Stream, T)
- uid: MLEM.Content
commentId: N:MLEM.Content
name: MLEM.Content
nameWithType: MLEM.Content
fullName: MLEM.Content
- uid: System.Object
commentId: T:System.Object
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
commentId: T:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
parent: MLEM.Content
name: RawContentReader
nameWithType: RawContentReader
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
commentId: M:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
parent: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
name: GetFileExtensions()
nameWithType: RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions()
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions()
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
name: GetFileExtensions
nameWithType: RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
name: GetFileExtensions
nameWithType: RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.GetFileExtensions
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: Equals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.Equals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: Equals
nameWithType: Object.Equals
fullName: System.Object.Equals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
commentId: M:System.Object.GetHashCode
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetHashCode()
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode()
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode()
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode
name: GetHashCode
nameWithType: Object.GetHashCode
fullName: System.Object.GetHashCode
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
commentId: M:System.Object.GetType
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: GetType()
nameWithType: Object.GetType()
fullName: System.Object.GetType()
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.GetType
name: GetType
nameWithType: Object.GetType
fullName: System.Object.GetType
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
commentId: M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: MemberwiseClone()
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone()
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
name: MemberwiseClone
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
name: MemberwiseClone
nameWithType: Object.MemberwiseClone
fullName: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
commentId: M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)
name: ReferenceEquals
nameWithType: Object.ReferenceEquals
fullName: System.Object.ReferenceEquals
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ToString
commentId: M:System.Object.ToString
parent: System.Object
isExternal: true
name: ToString()
nameWithType: Object.ToString()
fullName: System.Object.ToString()
- uid: System.Object.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: Object.ToString
fullName: System.Object.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System.Object.ToString
name: ToString
nameWithType: Object.ToString
fullName: System.Object.ToString
isExternal: true
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: System
commentId: N:System
isExternal: true
name: System
nameWithType: System
fullName: System
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead(System.Type)
commentId: M:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead(System.Type)
parent: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
isExternal: true
name: CanRead(Type)
nameWithType: RawContentReader.CanRead(Type)
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead(System.Type)
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead(System.Type)
name: CanRead
nameWithType: RawContentReader.CanRead
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Type
name: Type
nameWithType: Type
fullName: System.Type
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead(System.Type)
name: CanRead
nameWithType: RawContentReader.CanRead
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.CanRead
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: System.Type
name: Type
nameWithType: Type
fullName: System.Type
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.CanRead*
commentId: Overload:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.CanRead
name: CanRead
nameWithType: RawContentReader<T>.CanRead
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader<T>.CanRead
nameWithType.vb: RawContentReader(Of T).CanRead
fullName.vb: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader(Of T).CanRead
- uid: System.Type
commentId: T:System.Type
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Type
nameWithType: Type
fullName: System.Type
- uid: System.Boolean
commentId: T:System.Boolean
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: Boolean
nameWithType: Boolean
fullName: System.Boolean
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
commentId: M:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
parent: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader
isExternal: true
name: Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, Type, Object)
nameWithType: RawContentReader.Read(RawContentManager, String, Stream, Type, Object)
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager, System.String, System.IO.Stream, System.Type, System.Object)
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
name: Read
nameWithType: RawContentReader.Read
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
name: RawContentManager
nameWithType: RawContentManager
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.String
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.IO.Stream
name: Stream
nameWithType: Stream
fullName: System.IO.Stream
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Type
name: Type
nameWithType: Type
fullName: System.Type
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read(MLEM.Content.RawContentManager,System.String,System.IO.Stream,System.Type,System.Object)
name: Read
nameWithType: RawContentReader.Read
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader.Read
- name: (
nameWithType: (
fullName: (
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
name: RawContentManager
nameWithType: RawContentManager
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.String
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.IO.Stream
name: Stream
nameWithType: Stream
fullName: System.IO.Stream
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Type
name: Type
nameWithType: Type
fullName: System.Type
isExternal: true
- name: ', '
nameWithType: ', '
fullName: ', '
- uid: System.Object
name: Object
nameWithType: Object
fullName: System.Object
isExternal: true
- name: )
nameWithType: )
fullName: )
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read*
commentId: Overload:MLEM.Content.RawContentReader`1.Read
name: Read
nameWithType: RawContentReader<T>.Read
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader<T>.Read
nameWithType.vb: RawContentReader(Of T).Read
fullName.vb: MLEM.Content.RawContentReader(Of T).Read
- uid: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
commentId: T:MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
parent: MLEM.Content
name: RawContentManager
nameWithType: RawContentManager
fullName: MLEM.Content.RawContentManager
- uid: System.String
commentId: T:System.String
parent: System
isExternal: true
name: String
nameWithType: String
fullName: System.String
- uid: System.IO.Stream
commentId: T:System.IO.Stream
parent: System.IO
isExternal: true
name: Stream
nameWithType: Stream
fullName: System.IO.Stream
- uid: System.IO
commentId: N:System.IO
isExternal: true
name: System.IO
nameWithType: System.IO
fullName: System.IO
- uid: '{T}'
commentId: '!:T'
definition: T
name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T
- uid: T
name: T
nameWithType: T
fullName: T