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mirror of https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM.git synced 2024-06-28 15:29:10 +02:00

312 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch;
using MLEM.Extensions;
using MLEM.Misc;
namespace MLEM.Input {
public class InputHandler : GameComponent {
public KeyboardState LastKeyboardState { get; private set; }
public KeyboardState KeyboardState { get; private set; }
public Keys[] PressedKeys { get; private set; }
public bool HandleKeyboard;
public MouseState LastMouseState { get; private set; }
public MouseState MouseState { get; private set; }
public Point MousePosition => this.MouseState.Position;
public Point LastMousePosition => this.LastMouseState.Position;
public int ScrollWheel => this.MouseState.ScrollWheelValue;
public int LastScrollWheel => this.LastMouseState.ScrollWheelValue;
public bool HandleMouse;
private readonly GamePadState[] lastGamepads = new GamePadState[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount];
private readonly GamePadState[] gamepads = new GamePadState[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount];
public int ConnectedGamepads { get; private set; }
public bool HandleGamepads;
public TouchCollection LastTouchState { get; private set; }
public TouchCollection TouchState { get; private set; }
public readonly ReadOnlyCollection<GestureSample> Gestures;
private readonly List<GestureSample> gestures = new List<GestureSample>();
public bool HandleTouch;
public TimeSpan KeyRepeatDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.65);
public TimeSpan KeyRepeatRate = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.05);
public bool HandleKeyboardRepeats = true;
private DateTime heldKeyStart;
private DateTime lastKeyRepeat;
private bool triggerKeyRepeat;
private Keys heldKey;
public bool HandleGamepadRepeats = true;
private readonly DateTime[] heldGamepadButtonStarts = new DateTime[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount];
private readonly DateTime[] lastGamepadButtonRepeats = new DateTime[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount];
private readonly bool[] triggerGamepadButtonRepeat = new bool[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount];
private readonly Buttons?[] heldGamepadButtons = new Buttons?[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount];
public InputHandler(bool handleKeyboard = true, bool handleMouse = true, bool handleGamepads = true, bool handleTouch = true) : base(null) {
this.HandleKeyboard = handleKeyboard;
this.HandleMouse = handleMouse;
this.HandleGamepads = handleGamepads;
this.HandleTouch = handleTouch;
this.Gestures = this.gestures.AsReadOnly();
public void Update() {
if (this.HandleKeyboard) {
this.LastKeyboardState = this.KeyboardState;
this.KeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
this.PressedKeys = this.KeyboardState.GetPressedKeys();
if (this.HandleKeyboardRepeats) {
this.triggerKeyRepeat = false;
if (this.heldKey == Keys.None) {
// if we're not repeating a key, set the first key being held to the repeat key
// note that modifier keys don't count as that wouldn't really make sense
var key = this.PressedKeys.FirstOrDefault(k => !k.IsModifier());
if (key != Keys.None) {
this.heldKey = key;
this.heldKeyStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
} else {
// if the repeating key isn't being held anymore, reset
if (!this.IsKeyDown(this.heldKey)) {
this.heldKey = Keys.None;
} else {
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var holdTime = now - this.heldKeyStart;
// if we've been holding the key longer than the initial delay...
if (holdTime >= this.KeyRepeatDelay) {
var diff = now - this.lastKeyRepeat;
// and we've been holding it for longer than a repeat...
if (diff >= this.KeyRepeatRate) {
this.lastKeyRepeat = now;
// then trigger a repeat, causing IsKeyPressed to be true once
this.triggerKeyRepeat = true;
if (this.HandleMouse) {
this.LastMouseState = this.MouseState;
this.MouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (this.HandleGamepads) {
this.ConnectedGamepads = GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount;
for (var i = 0; i < GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount; i++) {
this.lastGamepads[i] = this.gamepads[i];
this.gamepads[i] = GamePad.GetState(i);
if (this.ConnectedGamepads > i && !this.gamepads[i].IsConnected)
this.ConnectedGamepads = i;
if (this.HandleGamepadRepeats) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ConnectedGamepads; i++) {
this.triggerGamepadButtonRepeat[i] = false;
if (!this.heldGamepadButtons[i].HasValue) {
foreach (var b in EnumHelper.Buttons) {
if (this.IsGamepadButtonDown(b, i)) {
this.heldGamepadButtons[i] = b;
this.heldGamepadButtonStarts[i] = DateTime.UtcNow;
} else {
if (!this.IsGamepadButtonDown(this.heldGamepadButtons[i].Value, i)) {
this.heldGamepadButtons[i] = null;
} else {
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var holdTime = now - this.heldGamepadButtonStarts[i];
if (holdTime >= this.KeyRepeatDelay) {
var diff = now - this.lastGamepadButtonRepeats[i];
if (diff >= this.KeyRepeatRate) {
this.lastGamepadButtonRepeats[i] = now;
this.triggerGamepadButtonRepeat[i] = true;
if (this.HandleTouch) {
this.LastTouchState = this.TouchState;
this.TouchState = TouchPanel.GetState();
while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable)
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) {
public GamePadState GetLastGamepadState(int index) {
return this.lastGamepads[index];
public GamePadState GetGamepadState(int index) {
return this.gamepads[index];
public bool IsKeyDown(Keys key) {
return this.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(key);
public bool IsKeyUp(Keys key) {
return this.KeyboardState.IsKeyUp(key);
public bool WasKeyDown(Keys key) {
return this.LastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(key);
public bool WasKeyUp(Keys key) {
return this.LastKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(key);
public bool IsKeyPressed(Keys key) {
// if the queried key is the held key and a repeat should be triggered, return true
if (this.HandleKeyboardRepeats && key == this.heldKey && this.triggerKeyRepeat)
return true;
return this.WasKeyUp(key) && this.IsKeyDown(key);
public bool IsModifierKeyDown(ModifierKey modifier) {
return modifier.GetKeys().Any(this.IsKeyDown);
public bool IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton button) {
return this.MouseState.GetState(button) == ButtonState.Pressed;
public bool IsMouseButtonUp(MouseButton button) {
return this.MouseState.GetState(button) == ButtonState.Released;
public bool WasMouseButtonDown(MouseButton button) {
return this.LastMouseState.GetState(button) == ButtonState.Pressed;
public bool WasMouseButtonUp(MouseButton button) {
return this.LastMouseState.GetState(button) == ButtonState.Released;
public bool IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton button) {
return this.WasMouseButtonUp(button) && this.IsMouseButtonDown(button);
public bool IsGamepadButtonDown(Buttons button, int index = -1) {
if (index < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ConnectedGamepads; i++)
if (this.GetGamepadState(i).IsButtonDown(button))
return true;
return false;
return this.GetGamepadState(index).IsButtonDown(button);
public bool IsGamepadButtonUp(Buttons button, int index = -1) {
if (index < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ConnectedGamepads; i++)
if (this.GetGamepadState(i).IsButtonUp(button))
return true;
return false;
return this.GetGamepadState(index).IsButtonUp(button);
public bool WasGamepadButtonDown(Buttons button, int index = -1) {
if (index < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ConnectedGamepads; i++)
if (this.GetLastGamepadState(i).IsButtonDown(button))
return true;
return false;
return this.GetLastGamepadState(index).IsButtonDown(button);
public bool WasGamepadButtonUp(Buttons button, int index = -1) {
if (index < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ConnectedGamepads; i++)
if (this.GetLastGamepadState(i).IsButtonUp(button))
return true;
return false;
return this.GetLastGamepadState(index).IsButtonUp(button);
public bool IsGamepadButtonPressed(Buttons button, int index = -1) {
if (this.HandleGamepadRepeats) {
if (index < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ConnectedGamepads; i++)
if (this.heldGamepadButtons[i] == button && this.triggerGamepadButtonRepeat[i])
return true;
} else if (this.heldGamepadButtons[index] == button && this.triggerGamepadButtonRepeat[index]) {
return true;
return this.WasGamepadButtonUp(button, index) && this.IsGamepadButtonDown(button, index);
public bool GetGesture(GestureType type, out GestureSample sample) {
foreach (var gesture in this.Gestures) {
if (gesture.GestureType == type) {
sample = gesture;
return true;
return false;
public bool IsDown(object control, int index = -1) {
if (control is Keys key)
return this.IsKeyDown(key);
if (control is Buttons button)
return this.IsGamepadButtonDown(button, index);
if (control is MouseButton mouse)
return this.IsMouseButtonDown(mouse);
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(control));
public bool IsUp(object control, int index = -1) {
if (control is Keys key)
return this.IsKeyUp(key);
if (control is Buttons button)
return this.IsGamepadButtonUp(button, index);
if (control is MouseButton mouse)
return this.IsMouseButtonUp(mouse);
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(control));
public bool IsPressed(object control, int index = -1) {
if (control is Keys key)
return this.IsKeyPressed(key);
if (control is Buttons button)
return this.IsGamepadButtonPressed(button, index);
if (control is MouseButton mouse)
return this.IsMouseButtonPressed(mouse);
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(control));
public static void EnableGestures(params GestureType[] gestures) {
foreach (var gesture in gestures)
TouchPanel.EnabledGestures |= gesture;