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Namespace: TinyLife > Actions

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll


An emote is a graphic that can be displayed in a bubble over a TinyLife.Objects.Person, usually as part of a conversation.


Name Summary
Emote ( TextureRegion, EmoteCategory ) Initializes a new emote with the given settings


Type Name Summary
EmoteCategory Categories A combined TinyLife.Actions.EmoteCategory flag that determines the categories that this emote belongs to
TextureRegion Texture The texture that is displayed for this emote

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
EmoteCategory[] AllCategories A set of all valid TinyLife.Actions.EmoteCategory values

Static Methods

Return Name Summary
IEnumerable<Emote> GetEmotes ( EmoteCategory ) Returns a set of all of the emotes in the given combined category flag
Emote GetRandomEmote ( EmoteCategory ) Returns a random emote from a combined flag of possible categories
void Register ( Emote ) Registers a new TinyLife.Actions.Emote with the given settings