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Namespace: TinyLife

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IDisposable


The main class for Tiny Life, which houses a set of important game-wide properties.


Type Name Summary
TimeSpan CurrentTime The current in-game total time since the start of the game.
Person FollowingPerson The TinyLife.Objects.Person that the camera is currently locked onto


Type Name Summary
Camera Camera The game's in-world camera, created in TinyLife.GameImpl.LoadContent
Household CurrentHousehold The household that is currently being played, or null if in the main menu, editing a lot or on the map select screen
Lot CurrentLot The lot that is currently being played on or edited, or null if in the main menu or on the map select screen
Tool CurrentTool The TinyLife.Tools.Tool that is currently selected. Should always be set to either TinyLife.Tools.Tool.PlayModeTool or any of TinyLife.Tools.Tool.BuildTools.
GraphicsMetrics GraphicsMetrics The game's graphics metrics, gathered at the end of every TinyLife.GameImpl.DoDraw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime) call
AudioListener Listener The game's Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.AudioListener that is automatically moved to the TinyLife.GameImpl.Camera's position
Map Map The map that the game is currently on, or null if in the main menu
GameMode Mode The TinyLife.GameImpl.GameMode that is currently active
Single Money The money that the TinyLife.GameImpl.CurrentHousehold has, or System.Single.MaxValue if there is no active household
String SaveName The name of the save file that is currently being played, or null if in the main menu
GameSpeed Speed The current TinyLife.GameSpeed. Note that, if the current speed is TinyLife.GameSpeed.VeryFast and the game TinyLife.GameImpl.CanBeExtremelyFast, TinyLife.GameSpeed.ExtremelyFast is returned.
DayOfWeek Weekday The current in-game weekday, based on TinyLife.GameImpl.CurrentTime


Return Name Summary
Boolean CanBeExtremelyFast ( ) Returns whether the game allows changing the speed to TinyLife.GameSpeed.ExtremelyFast at the current time. If this returns true, and TinyLife.GameImpl.Speed is set to TinyLife.GameSpeed.VeryFast, the TinyLife.GameSpeed.ExtremelyFast speed is automatically engaged.
Boolean CanSaveOrSwitchModes ( ) Returns whether the game can currently save or if TinyLife.GameImpl.SwitchGameMode(TinyLife.GameImpl.GameMode) is allowed to be used right now. The return value is influenced by TinyLife.Tools.Tool.CanSaveOrSwitchModes and TinyLife.World.Lot.AreRequirementsMet.
Boolean IsMouseOnUi ( ) Returns true if the mouse is currently on top of any ui element in the MLEM.Ui.UiSystem
void SwitchGameMode ( GameMode )

Static Properties

Type Name Summary
GameImpl Instance The game's singleton instance