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Namespace: TinyLife > Objects

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IPricedObject


A set of information and a registry for clothing items (and hair) that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can wear. Custom clothes can be registered using TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.Register(TinyLife.Objects.Clothes).


Name Summary
Clothes ( String, ClothesLayer, TextureRegion, Single, TextureRegion, Boolean, ColorScheme[] )


Type Name Summary
ColorScheme[] Colors The set of TinyLife.Utilities.ColorSchemes that this clothes item can have its colors selected from. The color scheme at index i will be mapped to the TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.TextureRegions entry at index i.
TextureRegion Icon The character creator icon for this object, which represents the category / theme / mod that it comes from. If this value is nonnull, the icon will be displayed in the corner of the character creator button for this object.
ClothesLayer Layer The TinyLife.Objects.ClothesLayer that this clothes item should render on
String Name The name of this clothes item. Since this is used for the TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.Types registry, the name must be unique across mods.
Boolean NonBuyable This value determines whether this clothes item can be bought in the character creator. If this value is false, the only way for this clothes item to be visible in the character creator is by adding it to the TinyLife.World.Household.ClothesStorage.
Single Price The price of this piece of clothing. Use TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.GetPrice to retrieve this value for consistency.
TextureRegion[] TextureRegions The MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion that this clothes item uses in the world. The texture region specified in the constructor only needs to cover the top left animation frame of the TinyLife.Objects.Person, any remaining frames will automatically be gathered. Multiple layers will be gathered if TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.Colors has multiple entries. Each new layer will be gathered to the right of the passed region's area.


Return Name Summary
Single GetPrice ( )

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
ClothesLayer[] Layers A set of all valid TinyLife.Objects.ClothesLayer values
Int32 ReferencePrice The reference price for a piece of clothing. When clothes items are randomly chosen for a new TinyLife.Objects.Person, the items chosen will be guaranteed to have a price equal to or below this value.
IDictionary<String, Clothes> Types A registry that contains all TinyLife.Objects.Clothes in the game and all mods

Static Methods

Return Name Summary
void Register ( Clothes ) Register the given clothes instance to the TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.Types registry