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Namespace: TinyLife > Objects

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

An object category is a way to tell the TinyLife.Actions.Action and TinyLife.Objects.AbstractSpot system what type an object is. An object can have any number of categories attached to it, since this is a System.FlagsAttribute enumeration. Custom modded categories can be added and retrieved using TinyLife.Objects.MapObject.GetModCategory(System.String).


Value Name Summary
0 Nothing An object category that reprsents an object without any properties
1 Ground An object category that represents the ground
2 Chair An object category that represents sittable surfaces
4 Toilet An object category that represents objects where one can use the toilet
8 Bed An object category that represents objects where one can sleep
16 Fridge An object category that represents objects where one can get food ingredients
32 Shower An object category that represents objects where one can shower
64 Counter An object category that represents objects where one can prepare food and place TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.CounterObject objects
128 Stove An object category that represents objects where one can cook food
256 SmallObject An object category that represents objects that can sit on TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Counter and TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Table objects
512 NonBuyable An object category that represents objects that cannot be bought in the TinyLife.Tools.FurnitureTool
1024 Table An object category that represents objects where one can place TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.SmallObject objects
2048 Holdable An object category that represents objects that can be held by a TinyLife.Objects.Person
4096 DeskObject An object category that represents objects that can be placed on desk-like tables
8192 DisallowedOnGround An object category that represents objects that cannot be placed on the ground, but only in object spots
16384 Computer An object category that represents computers
32768 Sink An object category that represents objects where one can clean dishes and wash hands
65536 CounterObject An object category that represents objects that can be placed on TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Counter objects
131072 Cleanable An object category that represents objects that can be cleaned in a TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Sink
262144 People An object category that all TinyLife.Objects.Person instances hae
524288 Mailbox An object category that represents mailboxes
1048576 Wardrobe An object category that represents objects where a TinyLife.Objects.Person can change
2097152 NaturalGroundRequired An object category that represents objects that can only be placed on natural ground, namely grass tiles
4194304 Self An object category that represents the object that contains it
8388608 WallHanging An object category that represents objects which need to be hung on TinyLife.World.Wall objects
16777216 ForceGridPlacement An object category that represents objects which cannot be placed off the grid using the ALT key in the TinyLife.Tools.FurnitureTool
33554432 Easel An object category that represents places where one can paint paintings
67108864 Mirror An object category that represents mirrors
134217728 Bookshelf An object category that represents things that books are stored in
268435456 NonColliding An object category that represents things that a TinyLife.Objects.Person does not collide with
536870912 Gravestone An object category that represents gravestones
1073741824 NonSellable An object category that represents things that cannot be solved or removed using TinyLife.Tools.RemoveTool
2147483648 NonMovable An object category that represents things that cannot be moved using TinyLife.Tools.MoveTool
4294967296 Tree An object category that represents trees
8589934592 GentleCulling An object category that represents objects that should be culled more gently (in a bigger radius). This property should be assigned to objects that are fairly large in display size.
17179869184 Television An object category that represents televisions