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synced 2024-11-14 00:49:08 +01:00
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Namespace: TinyLife > Objects
Assembly: Tiny Life.dll
An object category is a way to tell the TinyLife.Actions.Action
and TinyLife.Objects.AbstractSpot
system what type an object is. An object can have any number of categories attached to it, since this is a System.FlagsAttribute
enumeration. Custom modded categories can be added and retrieved using TinyLife.Objects.MapObject.GetModCategory(System.String)
Value | Name | Summary |
0 | Nothing | An object category that reprsents an object without any properties |
1 | Ground | An object category that represents the ground |
2 | Chair | An object category that represents sittable surfaces |
4 | Toilet | An object category that represents objects where one can use the toilet |
8 | Bed | An object category that represents objects where one can sleep |
16 | Fridge | An object category that represents objects where one can get food ingredients |
32 | Shower | An object category that represents objects where one can shower |
64 | Counter | An object category that represents objects where one can prepare food and place TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.CounterObject objects |
128 | Stove | An object category that represents objects where one can cook food |
256 | SmallObject | An object category that represents objects that can sit on TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Counter and TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Table objects |
512 | NonBuyable | An object category that represents objects that cannot be bought in the TinyLife.Tools.FurnitureTool |
1024 | Table | An object category that represents objects where one can place TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.SmallObject objects |
2048 | Holdable | An object category that represents objects that can be held by a TinyLife.Objects.Person |
4096 | DeskObject | An object category that represents objects that can be placed on desk-like tables |
8192 | DisallowedOnGround | An object category that represents objects that cannot be placed on the ground, but only in object spots |
16384 | Computer | An object category that represents computers |
32768 | Sink | An object category that represents objects where one can clean dishes and wash hands |
65536 | CounterObject | An object category that represents objects that can be placed on TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Counter objects |
131072 | Cleanable | An object category that represents objects that can be cleaned in a TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Sink |
262144 | People | An object category that all TinyLife.Objects.Person instances hae |
524288 | Mailbox | An object category that represents mailboxes |
1048576 | Wardrobe | An object category that represents objects where a TinyLife.Objects.Person can change |
2097152 | NaturalGroundRequired | An object category that represents objects that can only be placed on natural ground, namely grass tiles |
4194304 | Self | An object category that represents the object that contains it |
8388608 | WallHanging | An object category that represents objects which need to be hung on TinyLife.World.Wall objects |
16777216 | ForceGridPlacement | An object category that represents objects which cannot be placed off the grid using the ALT key in the TinyLife.Tools.FurnitureTool |
33554432 | Easel | An object category that represents places where one can paint paintings |
67108864 | Mirror | An object category that represents mirrors |
134217728 | Bookshelf | An object category that represents things that books are stored in |
268435456 | NonColliding | An object category that represents things that a TinyLife.Objects.Person does not collide with |
536870912 | Gravestone | An object category that represents gravestones |
1073741824 | NonSellable | An object category that represents things that cannot be solved or removed using TinyLife.Tools.RemoveTool |
2147483648 | NonMovable | An object category that represents things that cannot be moved using TinyLife.Tools.MoveTool |
4294967296 | Tree | An object category that represents trees |
8589934592 | GentleCulling | An object category that represents objects that should be culled more gently (in a bigger radius). This property should be assigned to objects that are fairly large in display size. |
17179869184 | Television | An object category that represents televisions |