
2.3 KiB


Namespace: TinyLife

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll


A personality type is a trait that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have. Each personality type is meant to influence the person's behavior and abilities slightly in a certain way.


Name Summary
PersonalityType ( String, TextureRegion, PersonalityType[] ) Creates a new personality type with the given name


Type Name Summary
PersonalityType[] DisallowedOthers A set of personality types that cannot be applied together with this one
String Name The name of this personality type. As this is used for TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types, this name needs to be unique across all installed mods.
TextureRegion Texture The icon texture for this personality type

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
PersonalityType Ambitious
Int32 AmountPerPerson The amount of personality types that each TinyLife.Objects.Person can have
PersonalityType Creative
PersonalityType Energetic
PersonalityType Lazy
PersonalityType Likeable
PersonalityType Mean
IDictionary<String, PersonalityType> Types A registry of all of the personality types in the game. Use TinyLife.PersonalityType.Register(TinyLife.PersonalityType) to register custom personality types.

Static Methods

Return Name Summary
PersonalityType Register ( PersonalityType ) Registers this personality type to the TinyLife.PersonalityType.Types registry