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Namespace: TinyLife > Skills

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll


A skill is an ability that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have which influences their behavior in some way. Skill instances are created from their corresponding TinyLife.Skills.SkillType.


Name Summary
Skill ( SkillType ) Creates a new skill instance from the given TinyLife.Skills.SkillType.


Type Name Summary
SkillType Type The underlying TinyLife.Skills.SkillType that this skill instance originates from


Type Name Summary
Int32 Level The current level of this skill. Note that this value never goes beyond TinyLife.Skills.SkillType.MaxLevel. To modify this value, use TinyLife.Skills.Skill.Gain(TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Single) or TinyLife.Objects.Person.GainSkill(TinyLife.Skills.SkillType,System.Single,TinyLife.GameSpeed).
Single PointPercentage The percentage of TinyLife.Skills.Skill.PointsToNextLevel out of the required TinyLife.Skills.Skill.GetRequiredPointsToNextLevel. Obviously, this value goes between 0 and 1.
Single PointsToNextLevel The amount of skill points that are required until the next TinyLife.Skills.Skill.Level is reached. To modify this value, use TinyLife.Skills.Skill.Gain(TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Single) or TinyLife.Objects.Person.GainSkill(TinyLife.Skills.SkillType,System.Single,TinyLife.GameSpeed).


Return Name Summary
void Gain ( Person, Single ) Causes the given person to gain a certain amount of points of this skill. Note that TinyLife.Objects.Person.GainSkill(TinyLife.Skills.SkillType,System.Single,TinyLife.GameSpeed) is preferred to this method.
Int32 GetRequiredPointsToNextLevel ( ) Returns the amount of skill points that is required to reach the next level. This value is depenedent on the current TinyLife.Skills.Skill.Level, meaning higher skill levels are harder to reach.