
3.9 KiB


Namespace: TinyLife > World

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IPricedObject


A tile is an object on a TinyLife.World.Map that represents the covering of the ground (or the ground itself)


Type Name Summary
String BaseName The name of this type of tile. Whereas TinyLife.World.Tile.Name has the index of its TinyLife.World.Tile.color appended to it, this one is just the type's name.
Boolean CanBuy A field that indicates whether this tile can be bought without the "ShowNonBuyable" cheat enabled
ColorScheme ColorScheme The color scheme that this tile can have
TextureRegion Icon The build mode icon for this object, which represents the category / theme / mod that it comes from. If this value is nonnull, the icon will be displayed in the corner of the build mode button for this object.
String Name The name of this specific tile. This is comprised of the TinyLife.World.Tile.BaseName with the TinyLife.World.Tile.color's index attached to it.
Boolean Natural A field that indicates whether this tile is considered natural. A natural tile is a tile that objects with the TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.NaturalGroundRequired category can be placed on.
Single PathCostModifier A field that indicates the "cost" for pathfinding of this tile. The default modifier is 1, and it should not be set to a value lower than that.
Int32 Price The price of this tile


Return Name Summary
void Draw ( SpriteBatch, Vector2, Single, Single ) Draws this tile at the given position in the world
void DrawUi ( Element, SpriteBatch, Single ) Draws this tile on the given ui element, in ui space
Single GetPrice ( )

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Int32 Height The height of each tile, in pixels
Int32 ReferencePrice The reference price for tiles. Since Grass is replaced by Concrete in a newly created room, the two tiles have to cost the same. This is that price. This value is set to 5.
IDictionary<String, Tile[]> Tiles A registry of all tiles that exist in the game and its mods
Int32 Width The width of each tile, in pixels

Static Methods

Return Name Summary
void Register ( String, Int32, TextureRegion, ColorScheme, Single, Boolean, Boolean, TextureRegion ) Registers a new tile with the given settings